Great day on Tonka!
musky nut
Posted 6/26/2014 12:40 AM (#717890)
Subject: Great day on Tonka!

Location: Fridley MN
<p>Had one of my best days on the water on Sat.</p><p>Lake Minnetonka. </p><p>Fishing solo put 3 in the net. 49", 44.5" and 43". </p><p>Deep weed edges with a double dawg for all 3. Found weeds growing as deep as 26'! Zebra mussels really doing a job. Water is super clear. </p><p>Lots of things in my favor. No wake. Might not have fished the spot I got the 49" if regular boat traffic was coming thru.  Overcast with very little wind. Hardly anybody on the lake.  Front came thru and it was game on. 3 fish 5 hours. Plus raised a giant. </p><p>GoPro action on Youtube.

Edited by musky nut 7/4/2014 12:46 AM

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Whopper Stopper
Posted 6/26/2014 3:43 AM (#717895 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: RE: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 38

Location: Forest Lake, Mn
Congratulations on an excellent Job Mr Nut!

Posted 6/26/2014 5:12 AM (#717896 - in reply to #717895)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 403

Location: Lakeville, MN
Looks like a good time for sure
Posted 6/26/2014 6:48 AM (#717900 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
Nice job Brian. Wondering if you decided to use the same Dawg that you had to cut the hooks on for that last fish? Looks like the same bait and don't know what I'd have done unless I'd have had another bait.

Like your method for solo. I do that a lot too. Just please be careful for those hooks in the first vid. with your hands so close to a hooked critter for a long time.

Nice job all around. Thanks for sharing your trip and taking those vids. You had a fine, fine day out!!


Edited by Jeremy 6/26/2014 7:08 AM
Posted 6/26/2014 7:23 AM (#717901 - in reply to #717900)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 1828

Awesome! And you got to keep that rod (3rd video), to boot!
Posted 6/26/2014 7:44 AM (#717905 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 205

How was traffic out there im more curious about the pleasure boaters thinking about going out this weekend
Posted 6/26/2014 12:53 PM (#717968 - in reply to #717905)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 315

Nice Job Mr. Nutt!!!

I wouldnt worry about traffic out there as they cant make any wake!

Posted 6/26/2014 1:02 PM (#717970 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: RE: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 620

Location: Seymour, WI
Nice Job!
Posted 6/26/2014 1:30 PM (#717974 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: RE: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 447

Location: Waconia, MN
Posted 6/26/2014 4:38 PM (#718015 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 56

Congrats on the nice fish! That's awesome
5th lake Brad
Posted 6/26/2014 7:26 PM (#718043 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 537

Location: Gilberts IL/Rhinelander WI
Cut the freakin hooks man, you're luck is gonna run out. Awesome videos, and some great fish!
Posted 6/26/2014 10:43 PM (#718069 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 1000

Love that spot. Saw a mid-40's on that same spot last November. Never bit, but I think we got our answer on the size

That water is super clear....
Posted 6/27/2014 12:11 AM (#718074 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
Great day indeed.
Never seen or heard of keeping fish in the net for that long though.
Try that when the surface temps are up and yewl be lucky to have one live I bet.
Storm Strike
Posted 6/27/2014 9:56 AM (#718105 - in reply to #718074)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 159

Great fishing for any lake...but right in the middle of the city---with all that traffic and pressure---congrats.....

So Im guessing your post/videos will inspire another 10 or more Rangers/Tuffy's at the boat landing this weekend ---LOL

Seriously that lake is amazing the way it is pounded and pressured every day yet still produces fish casting---truly amazes me........
Mtn Hunter
Posted 6/27/2014 2:36 PM (#718143 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 148

Nice fish but get em in the water faster no need for the multiple still photos and the go pro back and forth!!! those fish are fragile
Posted 6/27/2014 10:27 PM (#718179 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 781

Location: Ames, Iowa
Educational videos.
Musky Face
Posted 6/28/2014 4:59 PM (#718243 - in reply to #718179)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 558

djwilliams - 6/27/2014 10:27 PM

Educational videos.

Spot on. Lol
Posted 6/30/2014 8:21 AM (#718430 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: Re: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 200

Location: Twin Cities
Wow very nice, ever want a partner out there let me know. I could use some tips on Tonka, I am blind out there.
Posted 6/30/2014 9:24 PM (#718597 - in reply to #717890)
Subject: RE: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 51

Location: chisago city,mn.
Never seen a fish in net that long fin damage,vertical hold back and forth to camera
warm water dead fish no doubt,stress
Posted 6/30/2014 11:16 PM (#718615 - in reply to #718597)
Subject: RE: Great day on Tonka!

Posts: 1901

Location: MN
greenejeans - 6/30/2014 9:24 PM

Never seen a fish in net that long fin damage,vertical hold back and forth to camera
warm water dead fish no doubt,stress :-(

We don't know that for a fact, though I also question the extreme length of time that fish was not swimming, plus the vertical holds. Shorten that up and support them a bit better and your videos might truly be educational - in the good sense of the word. Congrats on a great outing