Northern vs Muskie Fishing
Minnows 2 Muskies
Posted 6/10/2014 4:53 PM (#714970)
Subject: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 65

Location: Garrison, Mn
I was fishing Mille Lacs with a couple of friends last wedsnesday for northern...3 days before Mn muskie opener. A couple DNR officers pulled up and the one says hows the muskie fishing. I said, "We're fishing the Jacks". He said, "Correct answer". My question is I don't fish the 2 any different. We were tossing Muskie baits, I think I had on a Rad Dog. My question is how do they know what I'm fishing, I wouldn't lie but Yeah, it looked just like muskie fishing. My friend said if we would have been figure 8'ing then we'd be muskie fishing. I've caught a lot of pike on the L turn. Should a person refrain from northern fishing until muskie is open to avoid issues. Thanks
Posted 6/10/2014 5:00 PM (#714971 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 1283

Unless you admitted to it I think they would have to catch you keeping a muskie to prove it.
Posted 6/10/2014 5:50 PM (#714977 - in reply to #714971)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
I was up there three weeks ago fishing pike Put a 37 inch musky in the net took a pic let it go no big deal
Posted 6/10/2014 6:03 PM (#714978 - in reply to #714977)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 742

Location: Grand Rapids MN
I may be wrong but a fish caught out season has to be immediately released and handling it for pictures or measuring could be ticketed. I'll have to ask the dnr guy in our group if he's at our next meeting.

muskyhunter47 - 6/10/2014 5:50 PM

I was up there three weeks ago fishing pike Put a 37 inch musky in the net took a pic let it go no big deal
Posted 6/10/2014 6:20 PM (#714980 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 897

You're wrong in MN, Targa. The definition of "immediate release" allows time to identify, measure, and photograph.

Edited by whynot 6/10/2014 6:21 PM
Posted 6/10/2014 8:04 PM (#714993 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 1760

Location: new richmond, wi. & isle, mn
Minnows 2 Muskies
Posted 6/10/2014 8:35 PM (#715000 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 65

Location: Garrison, Mn
That's exactly what I don't like about it....guilty until proven innocent. I 100% was fishing northern pike. A big spinner bait works for both species quite well. I could have caught a muskie, just like I could have caught a muskie with a jig and minnow. One of my favorite big walleye techniques is big spinner baits in the cabbage. I can tell you The guys were nice and polite, and I would have fought the ticket if I got one. It reminded me of one time in Mn hunting pheasants with my pointer wearing orange and the dnr asks me how many ducks I shot. "I'm hunting pheasants." "You can't have lead shot whirl hunting ducks." "I know, I'm hunting pheasants." Like I said guilty until proven innocent.
Posted 6/10/2014 8:50 PM (#715005 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 1000

lol I think we've all considered it. Then I think about how much my gear costs and grab the ultralight for panfish action....
Posted 6/10/2014 8:51 PM (#715006 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: RE: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 246

Location: Grand Marais, MN
I'd say youre at least asking for a bit of trouble. If I was a CO and saw guys throwing musky lures, especially if they were using musky rods, I'd check it out. Not that you were doing anything wrong necessarily.

I think if you were using maybe a heavy bass rod and big spinners then there would be no issue with most any CO that knows his stuff.
Posted 6/11/2014 12:13 AM (#715022 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 122

We fish pike with Muskie lures on pike lakes.... catch bigger pike! Opening we avoided pike day prior while camp do to this predicament!
Posted 6/11/2014 7:58 AM (#715038 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 4343

Location: Smith Creek
Guilty until proven innocent?
Were you searched? Fined? Arrested? Have your boat or gear confiscated?
How exactly could the wardens have handled it any better? Just left you alone entirely?
Posted 6/11/2014 9:14 AM (#715047 - in reply to #715038)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 762

The DNR Officers were doing there job!!!!! Kdawg
Posted 6/11/2014 8:32 PM (#715158 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 164

I think just like the last two guys stated. The DNR officers were simply doing their job and they had a right to come investigate what could of been a potential musky hunter out of season. From what you stated they asked you how the musky fishing was going and you stated that you were "fishing the Jacks" and he stated "correct answer." Again, like the other two guys stated. You were left alone and got to continue fishing. The DNR guys basically said you were innocent and you didn't have to prove this much at all except answer a question to me. It doesn't sound much like harrasement or any type of guilty until proven innocent case to me. It seems as if you took their question a little to personal.
Posted 6/11/2014 8:44 PM (#715161 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Location: Oswego, IL
Id actually think think it would be worse if they saw you shrugged and drove off... protect the fishery.... Im glad someone still is.
Posted 6/11/2014 10:00 PM (#715172 - in reply to #714970)
Subject: Re: Northern vs Muskie Fishing

Posts: 572

Location: Maplewood, MN
Wow, fishing must be slow with all these comments…

A group we used to fish in canada with got ticketed for catching walleyes on accident on a jig and minnow while fishing for northerns the day before walleye opener. No walleyes were being kept and all were immediately released. A lot of pike were being caught with a walleye every couple of pike. The CO was taken to court and walked out with his tail between his legs… Apparently the judge made it clear that as long as no walleyes were being kept, there was no problem as they were casting jig and minnow in a bay that clearly was full with northerns.