Posts: 12
| This is the first winter I've been experimenting with making gliders, and now the ice is finally off I've had a chance to test them out, only to find the action is less then desirable. I've been trying to find the center of gravity of each bait then eyeballing the center of the bait and drilling and adding weight until it's enough to sink the bait slowly. All baits I've tested either seem to "glide" only to one side or seem to flip on its side. Do I need to pay more attention to weight placement and hook placement or am I not getting the body of the bait perfectly round with sanding? Any tips are appreciated thanks | |
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Posts: 360
| To find the balance point. Put you hook hangers in bait then put it on the edge of a table with the nose of bait hanging off. Move the bait til it just barley stays on table.take a marker and draw a line on the side of bait right against the table. Now spin the bait and do the same with the tail hanging off the table. You will get 2 different line about 1/8" apart. Split the difference and that is the balance point of your bait. You will place all your weight in the bait keeping it balanced on the point. For the bait turning on the side. Draw a line from you line tie to your rear hook hanger. You don't want to put weight above that line. And the closer you put the weight to that line the more side roll you will get on the glide. Now for how much weight u want in the glider. I like to take the bait and put the hooks on and then take egg sinkers and hang from the hooks. Fill the bath tube or use the toilet bowl tank which ever you get to first. I like the bait to just sit neutral to very slow sinking when I hang the egg sinkers off the hooks. Then after you put the paint clear coats on the bait has perfect sink rate for me but if you want faster sink rate just add more weight. Add the weight to the bait around the balance point and you should be good to go. | |
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Posts: 4266
| I tank test my glider bodies, and I weight them differently that most people. But my lures are done well when I weight them and the center of the lure sits a little out of the water. By the time I add 4/0 or 5/0 hooks, the lure will sink slowly. Add two coats of sealer/ paint/ Envirotex and they sink just fast enough to shimmy on the drop. I agree completely with Landon, that the closer you get to the center line from nose to tail, the more life it will have. Gliders with all off the weight low in the body will move side to side, but you won't get the wobble or the shimmy on the drop. | |