| Originally written by musky3 on 2003-01-29 11:35 AM
Anybody running this motor...Thinking of buying this motor for my new 618vs
Yes I am looking at the Suzuki 140 4 stroke to replace my blown out Johnson 115 hp. Suzuki makes all of the 4 strokes for Johnson. More money same motor. Check it out on the web at (suzuki marine.com).they have all the info you need. I have talked to guides that have run the 140 for 2 years and they all like them. If you are comeing to the milwaukee expo or the milw. sport fishing expo look me up at ( KENTUKY MOUNTAIN MUSKIE- CAVE RUN MUSKIE GUIDE SERVICE) ask for Marv. (muskieduster@hotmail. com), they have a 6 year warenty. |