| I have heard that rusy crawfish have established themselves in LOTW.
What has been the effect on weedbeds, especially on the NW Arm? I hope I got bad info, but you regulars will know the situation.
Mudpuppy |
Posts: 1767
Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin | There was a very good post going on this last fall. No, you did not get bad info. Good cabbage weed beds have really suffered in a lot of areas of the lake ( the Angle being one of them). There can be certain sections of the lake where you have to travel miles to find good weeds. Fortunately a lake like LOTW has just a ton of different types of structures to focus on, so I can't say it really has a huge negative impact on fishing success. The key is to not overly fall in love with a spot that has cabbage on it, because in some cases it will get knocked out and the spot won't be the same. The real concern going forward is what it will do to the very bottom of the food chain as those weeds are important for minnows and small fish to hide in and not fall prey to these little bastards... |
Posts: 906
Location: Warroad, Mn | As Brian states, there are very few cabbage weedbeds left on the LOTWs. Here's the link to the Ruty Crayfish discussion from late summer. http://muskie.outdoorsfirst.com/board/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=77397&start=1&highlight=Rusty+Crayfish&highlightmode=1 Doug Johnson |
| No joke, literally one of the biggest cabbage beds on the lake is of the Figure 8 Baits dock. The creek dumps out from laurenson lake 50 feet away from docks and the entire lake flows out turning into the winnipeg river 500yards from the dock. Figure 8 Baits has Thousands of 1 inch crappies that sit under the dock for a couple of weeks in september every year.
Largest fish landed so far of Figure 8 Baits docks is a 48'' caught by Mark Peters |