Had to put down my friend yesterday
Posted 2/18/2013 12:10 AM (#618217)
Subject: Had to put down my friend yesterday

The time came and passed yesterday, I had to put down my childhood friend, hunting partner, and sweetheart of a dog yesterday. Cancer sucks. I'm having a really tough time with this one.. Anyone have any happy or favorite stories about their dog? My favorite is when she did a quarter mile retrieve on a wounded pheasant when she was one year old.
Posted 2/18/2013 12:33 AM (#618219 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Sorry to hear. I hate seeing posts like these as my black lab, Sierra, is my best friend and hunting buddy. She is just barely two years old so I should have plenty of seasons yet with her but you never know.

Already have lots of memories with her. Her first snow goose was pretty awesome. Goose had a busted wing but wasn't going out without a fight. It had its one wing spread and the other sort of spread. She ran in there like a linebacker on a blitz and tackled the snow goose and ran out with it. She wasn't even 1 yet. This year for duck opener she retrieved 21 ducks and brought them all back perfectly.

Sorry again for your loss. Feel free to head over to the whitetailfirst to the waterfowl forum and share some pictures and memories if you'd like.
Posted 2/18/2013 12:34 AM (#618220 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 572

Location: Maplewood, MN
That sucks man I'm sorry to hear that. My pup is coming on 13 in a few months now. It sucks watching her age, only dog in our family. It's crazy how much they become apart of your life. Stay strong man.
Posted 2/18/2013 1:21 AM (#618223 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 78

Very sorry to hear that! I currently have two of them and they do everything with me! They certainly become part of the family and are no doubt, mans best friend. Mine are 2 and 3 and hopefully have many years ahead of them. Just like any other friend, keep them in ur heart and enjoy the memories you had with them. Take everything you learned with your last pup and apply it to the next one. I'm sure she would appreciate that. Good luck!
Posted 2/18/2013 6:59 AM (#618232 - in reply to #618223)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 556

Thats a tough deal--had to put 2 of my 3 labs down last year----Cancer took 1 of them and the other guy just couldn't even get to his feet anymore so it was time. Tons of great memories and I still think of them often. It's hard and I know what your going through. I have 1 left and I love her to death--she's only 5 so we will make some more good times for sure--but she also misses her buddies. Remember your good times and you will move ahead--but never forget. JIM
Posted 2/18/2013 8:35 AM (#618242 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1087

Location: Hayward, WI
Always tough when this happens. They really become part of your family. Remember the good times and know they are in a better place.
Mikes Extreme
Posted 2/18/2013 8:38 AM (#618244 - in reply to #618232)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 2691

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Very very hard to deal with as they get to that time where we have to make that heart wrenching decision to put them down or give them a few more days/weeks.

My lab was 12 before cancer set in and ate her up in a matter of 6 weeks. The days before she died in my arms were very tuff. We both new it was down to days because she wouldn't even eat steak, cheese or any other food she dreamed about. The last few days my heart was breaking while trying to make the decision as to when I had to put her down. The day she died I had her in the boat for the last ride. She passed that afternoon in my arms on my front porch listening to the birds and outdoor noises she loved so much.

Love them while you can. 12.5 years went by very fast. My first dog died in her prime. Sandy had a full life and enjoyed it to the fullest. Her cancer came fast and took her quickly so I didn't have to make the decision of putting her down. Thank god because she hated the vet. Just didn't want her to have that experience as her last hour alive.

Watching your best friend dying is like having a human friend dying. I lost one of my good friends to cancer also this past year. Both Billy "The Kid" Kaatz and my dog "Sandy" will be missed. If you have not owned a dog or raised one from a puppy to death it's hard to believe it can be that hard to let them go. I still miss my yellow lab Sandy. She was a great dog and went everywhere with me.

Abby my new dog is 16 weeks old now and I'm starting another chapter in my life with a new companion.

We never forget the memories and comrodery of our past dogs. Just keep them alive in story's and hope the next dog can live a long happy life.

Hang in there. Time heals. Always remember them in your heart. When you can get another and start the next chapter in your life.
Posted 2/18/2013 8:41 AM (#618245 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

After cleaning geese she would play with the feathers all day.. Haha goofy dog

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Posted 2/18/2013 8:48 AM (#618246 - in reply to #618245)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 96

Sorry to hear that. I am a cat person but my two cats are 13 and 14 years old and I am dreading the day one of them goes.
Posted 2/18/2013 9:25 AM (#618254 - in reply to #618246)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 5874

Sorry to hear about your pup passing. It's never easy to lose a dog, but that first one is so very hard. 

My first pup I got when I was on my own was Max. She was a prcocious 7 weeks and to me, the pick of the litter. Very smart, a great retriever, and very independant. She made the Derby list, and was WI State Runnerup as a 2 yr old. When stiting at home, or at a cabin, she'd stake out a spot for herself to lay down, away from us, but not too far. Every once in a while, she'd get up and come over and nudge my knee, look up for a pat on the head, and then go back and lay down again. I'm sure she did this just to reassure me she was still there, and still mine.

It was a Saturday 12 years later, when she died. I had come outside to a sunny spring morning. When she did not come out of the inside kennel to greet me, I felt something was wrong. I found her still, curled up as though still sleeping. I put her in the front seat of the truck, and drove an hour north to Ashford, and the site of some of our most memorable field duck hunts together. We sat together for several hours, on the hill over looking the newly planted corn, and with the farmers permission, that is where I buried her. I've had a few more dogs since, all Black Labs, but Max was my first, and my favorite.

My best advice is to fill that void, and start looking for a new pup. It's the right time of year to get started on the training, and you'll be ready to hunt some this fall.

Posted 2/18/2013 11:15 AM (#618287 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 244

Location: Mallard Island Lake Vermilion MN
Sad dayz Nolan!
Totaly blows having to help them move on..... but it is all part of the deal when we sign on an invite them to be part of our familys an life. The good the bad the ugly an the end.
Sorry for your loss of a life friend for sure.
Be happy for the times you shared that will never EVER leave you. Easy to say...HARD to do. Shed a tear as it is good to do an kind a healps you feel better for a bit.
Good memorys an fun things come in minds eye to make you smile a life time in sad times or when you just need a boost on a tuff day.
Peace my friend.....we feel for you.

December 8th around 12:30 PM our sweet Barney Toonder passed.

Leader of the Mallaed Island Marauders.
He was our best good hound friend for 15 1/2 years.
Many of you long time board members may have met Barney at one time in person an for sure got KISSED!
He was a good boy....a big boy....in the boat, on the island or our docks in my truck or here at home on musky acres.

Everyone knows the Marauders.
He taught our Homer J, who passed in April 2011 ...Moe & Bear all the tricks to kept us smiling an them all living very very well. In truth, he was a real nut an one heck of a good hound. He will be missed but lived a great long life an enjoyed it all being the leader of the Mallard Island Marauders.

Barney Tooner was our life friend an we miss him a bunch.
Moe & Bear are now 6 years and just now two months later getting back to normal hound duties an back to having simple fun lifes and also helping us find them a couple brothers come spring time.

Sad when they go....but oh how fun it is while they are here...........an live on in our hearts an minds until we meet again.

Keep on rocken!

Musky Tommy Wehler

Add some fun junk!
Barney was a nut...he knocked himself out of few times running blind into woods for balls he did not get on first try...his nose hit ball knocking it further into front of him into woods..he go flying in an whack...dead on into a tree...out cold. Wake up minutes later an shake head...grab ball ready to go again.
He loved to wrastle with Homer J n Moe n Bear. I would start things going rolling round on ground or on casting deck of my boat or dock an one by one they all pile on me getting more serious longer we got it on. Spit flying every where an Barney pin down everyone but Homer J who was a brute an never ever gvave in until we all tumble into water. fun junk.
one time in Canada Barney missed a tossed ball..it hit a tree an zoomed off left....he tore off after it an ended up flying off a 12 foot high clif onto a chow table below.
Got ball an was looking at us when we hit edge of drop as to say...hey..how do I get back up their an whers my cookies.
He was also the best hackey goalie I ever saw. Soccer to..he loved me to challenge him an loved winning.
Loved to swim even when his dam lips were blue late October.
He was also hooked on FROSTY PAW treats......loved them.
Yup Barney Toonder was a hoot........miss him.

Edited by KidDerringer 2/18/2013 11:25 AM
Posted 2/18/2013 11:15 AM (#618288 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Sorry about your loss.......seems like you had some great adventures with him. Yeah, my dog's getting older and slowly going blind. Real tough to see him like this especially when I recall the countless times I played and threw his favorite Santa toy. Lately, the begging at the table isn't a big deal anymore I even prop him up on a seat and he eat's with us. There's nothing like a dog and the unconditional love they show their owner.
John at Ross's
Posted 2/18/2013 11:37 AM (#618296 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 285

Location: Price County WI
Man that just sucks..... Sorry for your loss......
Posted 2/18/2013 12:24 PM (#618311 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
It is never easy, I remember everyone of mine. The biggest thing I have noticed after several dogs is ya know how they are always happy to see you. Wish I could say that about my wife. Seriously. I'd still have a dog but it would be cool if she could learn the two things dogs do well. They are always happy to see you, and they know how to communicate without spilling any english!
Posted 2/18/2013 12:28 PM (#618313 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too..Sam Butler
Posted 2/18/2013 12:53 PM (#618317 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1036

Very, very sorry to hear about your loss.

I lost my black lab, Bailey, about four year ago now. Still hurts.

My parents took her in when I went away to graduate school. And really, she was more their dog than she was mine. But man, the second I would walk through their door that dog would greet me and not leave my side the entire time I was home. Dad always said that she would go into a little funk after I would leave. Man, I miss her. Best. Dog. Ever.

And boy, did she ever love fishing with her fellas!

Posted 2/18/2013 12:55 PM (#618319 - in reply to #618313)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 223

Location: Victoria,MN
I am sorry for your loss Nolan. It's never easy, but remember the good times!

A favorite memory of our dog Ginger, who we had during my high school years. We were duck hunting in mid-November and had dropped a giant Canadian honker in the very thick bog behind our blind. We sent Ginger in after it but doubted she had the ability to drag it back. About 10 minutes later she came back with a small piece of goose down on her muzzle, remarkably she led us to the dead goose, that was so awesome!
Posted 2/18/2013 2:46 PM (#618347 - in reply to #618319)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1360

Location: Lake "y" cause lake"x" got over fished
Sorry for your loss man, I went through the same thing about two years ago now, I know how you feel.
Posted 2/18/2013 2:53 PM (#618348 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1529

sad deal. losing a friend sucks.
musky slut
Posted 2/18/2013 3:21 PM (#618355 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 496

Sorry to hear , I had a crazy chow/golden retriever mix that was nuts . one time a bat got in the house , and Rocky and finally got the bat in one room , We went in after it , me with a tennis racket and Rocky just plain nuts ..... That bat didnt have a chance ........
Stan Durst 1
Posted 2/18/2013 4:41 PM (#618370 - in reply to #618355)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1207

Location: Pigeon Forge TN.
The picture I use of my friends with this post I had to put down the basset as she was 14 years old and just shut down.
The white Boxer was only six and had a heart attack and died. Rough to go through.
They were my very best friends to say the least.
My condolences.
Posted 2/18/2013 4:53 PM (#618373 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
sorry for your loss.i went through it with my setter Ringo back in september 2012.he had cancer and it got to the point where he was not eating any more .it sucks and there is nothing i can say to make you feel better. just remember the good times you had. i have 2 dogs at a time so i still have one a 4 year old Large Munsterlander ill get a puppy in 2016.its nice to have a old dog and a pup. Ringo was one of thoses dog that dont come along very offen.he could hear the tumblers on my safe when i was opening it .from then on he was by my side till we were on the road .he did not want to get left behind. like i could do that. time will make it easer may be this spring you can pick up a puppy and start some new memories.

Edited by muskyhunter47 2/18/2013 4:57 PM
Posted 2/18/2013 6:05 PM (#618392 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Sorry for your loss!
I lost my yellow lab, when he was 13. He went on every fishing trip, with me. He would lick every bass I caught, but he would smell a northern, or a musky, and run away.
He also would hunt shed antlers, with me. He only found a few antlers, but ate all the "deer candy" he could find. He got sick a couple of times, on the carpet. Not pretty.
I ended up putting some of his ashes in the last antler, he found. It was a small, bladed, forky. I drilled through the pedical, and poured some of his ashes, then corked and glued it . I put a piece of leather, on it, and wore it when I went shed hunting. I also have a "fish god" , which is a wooden statue. I also have his ashes, in that. So he is still with me, in the boat. It's been close to 10 years since he died, but I think of him, all the time.

Posted 2/18/2013 6:25 PM (#618398 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 313

Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
Posted 2/18/2013 6:29 PM (#618399 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 313

Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion
I have a few waiting for me at the bridge. I sure miss them. My last one was a cancer patient for 6 months. She watches over me and my new buddy Blue every day. Hang in there.
Tackle Industries
Posted 2/18/2013 7:02 PM (#618410 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Sorry Nolan. My childhood friend was Dusty, then Rocky and then Nelson. To this day I can't buy another dog. My wife asked me why....I told her they die and I can't do it anymore. We just got a new place perfect for a dog. I think I will take my kids to get another Collie or lab when we get moved in. The love a dog can give is just too precious of a gift to deny. Sorry for your loss.

PS-My mom died of cancer almost 2 years ago... I asked her what she was thinking about and she told me she could not wait to see Pinky again....She grew up in very hard times and her dog Pinky was all she had and died when she was 11 I think.... The day she passed away (she was a little out of it) but told me she saw her mom, dad and pinky waiting for her.

Edited by Tackle Industries 2/18/2013 7:09 PM
Posted 2/18/2013 7:39 PM (#618420 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 255

Nolan it will get better as time passes I have gone thru this twice with a german shorthair and an english pointer they are more than family just think of the good times. Next time your down to Cedar look me up we will chase some tigers
Posted 2/18/2013 8:10 PM (#618432 - in reply to #618420)
Subject: RE: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Her and my other choclate lab that passed away a few years ago are probably catching up right now.. id like to think that.

BLIZZAK - 2/18/2013 7:39 PM

Nolan it will get better as time passes I have gone thru this twice with a german shorthair and an english pointer they are more than family just think of the good times. Next time your down to Cedar look me up we will chase some tigers

Id really like that
Posted 2/18/2013 9:24 PM (#618456 - in reply to #618217)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 456

Location: Kansas City BBQ Capitol of the world
I am a dog lover and am sorry to hear about your lose. I have 2 dogs, one a Boxer named Jack Dempsey and a #*#*z-zu named Gizmo. The #*#*z-zu thought he was the alpha dog one day standing a whole 9 inches to the withers until Jack Dempsey boxed his eye ball out. Now I have a one eyed #*#*-zu.
My Jack Dempsey is as proud of a dog as they come and he is family. This post means allot to me. I know the day will come when he will pass and it will be hard on the family and especially myself as he is my wing man, my buddy and the one who has an unconditional love for only me.
I'm sorry to hear of your lose.

Posted 2/19/2013 9:00 AM (#618532 - in reply to #618456)
Subject: Re: Had to put down my friend yesterday

Posts: 1220

Here's my own best friend Buddy. As he approaches 14, you can see there is not much gold color left on his sweet face. He has only shown me a perfect heart every day of his life. I feel your loss as I anticipate my own to come. Dogs act out the life you wish the people in the world would act---but they don't!

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