top bump rail tuffy/and graphics
Posted 6/26/2012 1:45 PM (#567701)
Subject: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
can i cut and buff out the white dock marks and things from my top rail on my tuffy? it is made out of rubber. i polyflaked my 1700c and want to get that top rail spiffy before putting it back on...also having trouble finding a product to get my black items that are sunfaded to stay the back two transom covers. also any idea on graphics i called tuffy and left a message.



Posted 6/26/2012 1:59 PM (#567703 - in reply to #567701)
Subject: RE: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
WD40 on the black nylon pieces. Let it soak for awhile, reapply at your leisure. The rub rail will polish up with rubbing compound. Use WD 40 on that too.

Call Tuffy during regular business hours.
Posted 6/27/2012 5:34 PM (#567941 - in reply to #567701)
Subject: Re: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 633

Location: Madison, WI
dont know about the fading, but Tuffy has all the decals you could want, i just got some for my old river boat and they had the really big new ones like on the side of your 1700 as well in multiple colors. Good luck!
dh buc
Posted 6/28/2012 4:23 PM (#568129 - in reply to #567701)
Subject: RE: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 134

First start with a Mr. Clean magic eraser (hardware or grocery store) and clean the whole rail first. Than do as Steve W. said. On the final coat, use a product called Black Forever by Mothers. You can find it at most auto part places. It is used to restore the black on tops and vinyl on bumpers.

Edited by dh buc 6/29/2012 9:20 AM
Posted 6/28/2012 9:37 PM (#568178 - in reply to #567701)
Subject: Re: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
How much were the decals
Posted 6/29/2012 12:02 PM (#568283 - in reply to #567701)
Subject: Re: top bump rail tuffy/and graphics

Posts: 633

Location: Madison, WI
mine were $20 each but they were the smaller ones, i also got a free one? they were at my door in like 2-3 days