Posts: 122
| The second day of a Muskie Country Tournament Circuit™ (MCTC™) double header tournament on Sunday June 3rd was held on Butternut Lake and the Phillips Chain of Lakes. Eight muskies would be captured for the competition with five of the fish coming from Butternut Lake and the largest muskie, a 48 incher, measured on the Phillips Chain.
The first muskie to be registered for the day would come at 8:30am by Garrett Shipman and John Kleczewski that scored forty one and a quarter inches. At 10:36am, the team of Dave Schmitz and Jim See would land a trophy 45" muskie on Butternut. The first team to double up for the contest would be Randy Kauranen and Phil Markgraf with a 38.50 incher at 8:57am and a 48 inch beauty at 11:44am that gave them the lead for good. Kauranen and Markgraf's 48 incher puts the duo in the running to win a free graphite reproduction from Fittante Taxidermy for the top three largest muskies over 48 inches for the 2012 WMT Series™. The last team to put two on the board for the day would be Neil Barnett and Scott Chisholm with catches of 36.75 inches at 8:34am and 42.50 inches at 1:25pm.
Other teams to score on muskies for the MCTC™ Butternut Phillips Chain qualifier were: Marcus Malyuk/Ben Bain 35.25" at 2:02pm, and Scott Lewandowski/Dan Dassow 34.25" at 2:51pm.
The MUSKIE COUNTRY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT™ Butternut/Phillips Chain tournament top five finishers were:
1st – Randy Kauranen/Scott Markgraf
2nd – Neil Barnett/Scott Chisholm
3rd – Dave Schmitz/Jim See
4th – Garrett Shipman/John Kleczewski
5th – Marcus Malyuk/Ben Bain
The next tournament for the WORLD MUSKIE TOURNAMENT SERIES™ (WMT Series™) will be a PROFESSIONAL MUSKIE ANGLER CIRCUIT™ (Pro-MAC™) qualifier at the Three Lakes Chain on the weekend of June 16 th & 17th. If you are interested in fishing the Pro-MAC™ Three Lakes tourney there are still some open spots. You can sign up for the tournament on line or you can sign up the Friday before the events, June 15 th at Jake's Bar and Grill on HWY 32 at 5:30pm until 7:30pm.
The WMT Series™ events are open to the public. If you are interested in expanding your muskie knowledge and enjoying the competition with others who share your interest, log on to www.WMTSeries.com web site or www.professionalmuskieanglercircuit.com for info and an entry form or you can call 715-277-4411.
Sponsors of the 2012 WMT Series™ are: Tooth Tamer Rods, Fittante Taxidermy, Tackle Industries Super D's, Dream Catcher Bucktails & Tackle, T's Tackle, Suick, Yakima Bait Company, Worden's Lures, Poe's, www.Mudpuppylures.com , Trophy Hunter Accessories – Glittertail, River Run Tackle, Super Slayer Tackle Company, Optimum Bait Company, Figure 8 Lures, Lucky Craft Lures, and Salmo Performance Fishing Lures. | |