| Even cranked down my drag on my Saltist 20 slips.. I didnt have this problem last season at all. Any Idea's what the problem could be. I have taken the reel apart and I do not see anything wrong or missing internally. Your help is greatly appreciated. |
Posts: 203
Location: Minnesota | First question... Do you leave the drag locked all year around??? Sounds like your drag is getting worn out... or you got some oil on your drag...
First thing I do when I get off the water is to loosen up the drag...
Could try applying Cal's Drag Grease on your drags to see if it will improve... First, clean the drag washers with non-chlorinated brake cleaner, then just apply enough Cal's Drag Grease to leave a shiny thin film then reassemble... This might be a short-term fix...
Am sure Pikemaster will chime in when he can, or you could PM him and see if it could be figured out...

Posts: 28
Location: Esbjerg - Denmark | Hi Matt
I have an almost brand new Saltist 20 (Levelwind), and I just greased up the drag-stack on it the other day. It delivers 12-13 pounds of drag easily, witch is a lot more, than your probably ever be needing for pike or musky fishng.
Make sure that you have the () washers between the star-knob and the IAR-bearing on right, or you wont get much pressure on the drag-stack. Also make sure, that you havent forgotten a washer somewhere on the main shaft, and that you have the carbon/metal washers on in the right order.
You shouldnt be lacking drag-power on these reels at all, so it sounds like, something is wrong.! |

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160 | If the drag washers are clean and the drag springs are ( ) then ck to make sure the DRAG STAR WHEEL is not striped and not tighting down ??? I have seen this on alot of Saltist reels. |

Posts: 28
Location: Esbjerg - Denmark | Just remembered...
Also check to see, if you have the top metal plate on the drag-stack on upside-down. This will indeed reduce your drag, as the washer has a slight ")" form in the middle.! |