Ripping techniques
Old Guy
Posted 5/20/2012 1:45 PM (#560814)
Subject: Ripping techniques

I have been trying what I call ripping the past 2 years and have had some success with fish certainly interested in the technique.
Basically, it is a rip, executed as hard and fast as I can, then a quick pause to reel in slack and then repeat. I use a side turn with the rod pointing at the lure then ripped 90 degrees or a bit less. I don't go beyond 90 degrees as that makes hooksets almost impossible.
The faster the action the better I have found, I try to have those baits pounding like a jack hammer.
Lures so far are big single mag-10 colorado spinnerbaits, 10"believers, 10" jake type lures plus the giant flatstick and this year I'll try a large flatfish (hammers like a machine gun). Big vibration is certainly effective. Best luck so far....the spinnerbait.
All ripping done with the thumb firmly on the reel spool.

My question is whether this is esentially what other folks are doing when they talk about "ripping" or are there different techniques?
Also....I'm interested in whether a Naze type Livid Fish would work with this method....anyone doing it? Countdown crankbaits too?
Posted 5/20/2012 6:05 PM (#560833 - in reply to #560814)
Subject: Re: Ripping techniques

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
That is exactly what ripping is by my definition. I tend to do the most of this during warmer summer patterns and clear water. I rip any type of lure except gliders & topwater. Dawgs, Depthraiders, DDD, Jakes, Bondy's, etc. Really, any type of crankbait, twitchbait, and even bucktails sometimes.
Posted 5/21/2012 1:05 PM (#561000 - in reply to #560814)
Subject: Re: Ripping techniques

Posts: 1142

Location: NorthCentral WI
Rip a Shallow Invader exactly like you are describing. In my experience, fish really like them like that. With bucktails I like to do a similar sweeping of the rod to the side but not as fast. More of a speed surge a few times throughout the retrieve. This method has also triggered many strikes for me.
Posted 5/21/2012 3:34 PM (#561037 - in reply to #560814)
Subject: Re: Ripping techniques

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
FYI try to keep your thumb on the spool of the reel when ripping if U can, that will keep the reel Anti-Rev Bearing from slipping on you when rippping big baits.
Posted 5/25/2012 9:54 AM (#561851 - in reply to #560814)
Subject: RE: Ripping techniques

I make the Livid Fish with Corey and it seems like thats all I do when I am fishing with this bait. I find its very effective and like alot of the other baits ripped they hit on the pause. What I like about the livid fish is that its not weighted and when you rip it and then pause the bait has got good action as it starts to move back up in the water. Josh
Posted 6/7/2012 3:59 PM (#563931 - in reply to #560814)
Subject: RE: Ripping techniques

I think this "ripping" technique is great, and I do suggest it with the Livid Fish.  That being said, I have a hard time hammering on lures all day like this.  I just got an email from a gentleman that said he slow rolled the Livid Fish with and occasional "rip" and was having good luck that way.  So I guess my point is there is no wrong way to fish our lure, do what you enjoy doing with the lure--otherwise you'll get sick of horsing lures back to the boat and in no time you'll hate the lure.  Also, I tend to care less about my technique and more about what I'm fishing over.  We've had some real good luck giving some moderately hard pulls in 20 feet of water over deep submerged weeds.