Posted 4/17/2012 12:26 PM (#553784)
Subject: Jobs

Posts: 572

Location: Maplewood, MN
I figured I would give this a shot. I have recently been looking for seasonal work (summer) in the outdoor industry. I am a college student and I am open to try just about anything. Unfortunately, all I can find is information on DNR jobs that are not locational for myself. If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction that would be great. Like I said earlier, I figure this is a long shot but I figured I would give it a shot. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Posted 4/17/2012 12:28 PM (#553785 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Are you tied to Minnesota?
Posted 4/17/2012 12:31 PM (#553789 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Look into the resorts up north.
Muskie Treats
Posted 4/17/2012 12:44 PM (#553793 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
If I were you I'd look into North Dakota. You'll make a killing up there. More then enough to justify giving a summer up for.
Posted 4/17/2012 2:37 PM (#553819 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 546

Location: MN
If you are looking for a job, I know a resort that may be interested. Its on the West side of Lake Vermilion. I worked there last summer as a dock hand and fished on my days off. The days are long, but it is the best summer I have ever had. Its a live in position and they feed you too. Great tips. PM me if you are interested.
Medford Fisher
Posted 4/17/2012 2:51 PM (#553823 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 1060

Location: Medford, WI
Wisconsin DNR will house you and you'll be in the middle of northern WI. Trout Lake campground. If interested, PM me.

-Jake Bucki
Kirby Budrow
Posted 4/18/2012 8:52 AM (#553961 - in reply to #553784)
Subject: Re: Jobs

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
Ever try the Northern Research Station in Grand Rapids? I work there and most of the jobs are full for the summer now but PM me and I will give you some contacts. Whats you degree?