Andy Myers Lodge- Eagle Lake September Capt City Muskies Inc outing!! Looking for a couple partners.
Posted 4/16/2012 1:28 PM (#553506)
Subject: Andy Myers Lodge- Eagle Lake September Capt City Muskies Inc outing!! Looking for a couple partners.

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
We have a couple folks without partners that would like to team up for this trip (with and without boats). If your looking to go but don't have a partner contact me and see if your a match!

Also still have some room for some more folks if interested... info below.
PM me or call my cell below...

**** Don't need to be a member!******

Well with the holidays behind us, and the outdoor shows on the horizon its time to start locking in plans for 2012!!! We had several folks from the boards join us last year (as well as previous years) and had a great time. So I thought I would post again if anyone is interested in joining us

Please cotact me (PM or cell)

Here are the details folks:

When: September 1 – Sept 8 2012
Where: Staying at Andy Myers Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada
How much: Herbie is cutting our group a GREAT deal! $619 per person! 100$ deposit is required ASAP to save your spot!
What’s this includes?: 6 day / 7 night accommodations, late model boats with new motors., all towels and linens, daily dock service, midweek maid service, use of boats and motors on 5 remote lakes at no charge, marked maps and seminars. Bring your own boat and enjoy free boat dockage and battery hook-up ALSO- Herbie is including 18 gallons of gas PER PERSON!!!

If you would like to include all meals or just the evening meals I have the prices for those as well. Herbies guides are also available but you should let me know right away so we can get deposit checks in and get them reserved!! They also have upgrades available on boats for a fee. Several folks went this route last year versus dragging up their own boat.

We are bring this back from prior years, we will be doing a drawing on the first night (sat) to see who in the group are the lucky ones to fish with Herbie himself for an outing after dinner one night!!!

This September trip is prime time as the large females slide shallow with the cooling waters..this time of the year is when we run into some VERY large clean, open water fish in the shallows..

Not only does Herbies crew work to put folks on fish, but there will be sharing of information(with in the group) and map marking for those of you who will be new to eagle lake. This trip is about learning and sharing....just ask and all the help will be there for you!!

If you would like to talk to folks who have gone in the past I can provide some names of people you can talk to for their perspective.

***** NOTE: You do not need to be a capital City Chapter member to go on the trip!!!!

608 213 7747 is my cell or PM
