Posts: 7
| A few DNR biologists stopped by today after checking fyke nets. Here are a couple of the biggest they got, a 47" and a 51".
(DNR.47 (Copy) (Copy) (Copy).JPG)
(DNR.51 (Copy) (Copy) (Copy).JPG)
Attachments ---------------- DNR.47 (Copy) (Copy) (Copy).JPG (52KB - 848 downloads) DNR.51 (Copy) (Copy) (Copy).JPG (49KB - 1214 downloads)
Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | WOW! Those are Dandys! |
| shhhh!!! there's no big muskies in wisconsin. |
Posts: 298
Location: Not where I want to be! | Boy Houdy, thems Bigguns! |
Posts: 1289
Location: WI | Those fish are TANKS! |
Posts: 55
| Were they taking eggs from these to be raised at the hatchery? |
Posts: 7
| they where not taking eggs, just checking to see if the population is up.
and it is T j gbsf |
Posts: 14
| Wow, now those are a couple nice Pewaukee Specials! Thanks for posting and nice work by the Wisconsin DNR! |
Posts: 2691
Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin | Yes my friends, Pewaukee Lake has some hawgs in it. The problem is they tend to move deep quickly and are hard to target in the open water. Especially when water temps keep us from fishin deep water during the summer months. Spring and Fall are the best times to stick a fattie while they are shallow. Good to see some big girls going through the spawning rituals. It's going to be a weedy season again with this early spring. I can't wait to get on the water and start catching muskies. |
Posts: 383
Location: SE Wisc and Vilas County | now those are a couple i would love to come across out there. |
Posts: 2
| I just happend to get in on the DNR visit yesterday at Smokey's Musky Shop, it is so cool to see that the Big Girls are really right here in our own back yard and even better is the fact that the fish numbers are going up along with thier size!
As fisher people the news can't get much better than that! |
| Good to see an awesome fishery. |
Posts: 174
Location: Ontario | Nice fish ! Nice to see Ministry people engaging in studies and conservation. Those are healthy looking fish. How active you figure these big muskies are during the winters ? |
Posts: 2
| Winter on these fish? It was hard to tell, they look as if all the have done I'd eat! This winter was unlike any other, the fish I was able to see looked more like a fall, fill up for winter kind of fish than a thin haven't eaten spring fish.
All I know for sure is it was very good to see that we really do have monsters in Pewaukee lake!
Edited by Muskymamy 3/26/2012 7:44 AM
| Nice fish ! Nice to see Ministry people engaging in studies and conservation. Those are healthy looking fish. How active you figure these big muskies are during the winters ?
That's egg mass not fat reserves if that's what you're driving at. They aren't very active during winter... |
Posts: 1037
| Yep. Going to be fishing summer patterns during the opener.
Great pictures. Thanks for posting! Now I feel like I gotta go home and start cleaning the boat! |
Location: SE Wisconsin | Got a "new to me" Ranger this spring; should mean for quite a bit more water time this season out there. Stopped down by the OC river dam with my wife and saw probably 15 different skis anywhere from mid-30's to upper 40's and boy did it get the blood pumping. Seeing these pictures only makes the next month a longer wait. |
Posts: 287
Location: Oconomowoc, WI | I hope those big girls are hungry come May. Hopefully, the average size will continue to improve with the help of the 40" limit. |
Posts: 2691
Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin | Both numbers and good average size muskies will be available for the next few years as long as people protect and handle them with care. The size class in pewaukee is 38 to 40-inches. Very good numbers of this size class still. The walleye are even more impressive.
The average walleye is 27 to 28- inches. The walleye are huge but very few smaller year classes. This will be a problem in years to come on pewaukee lake. I heard of two 32-inch eyes recorded this spring in nets with plenty of 27-inch and up eyes.
The weeds are going to be out of control this season with a mild winter. Very little snow, lack of thick ice, and a early spring all adds up to lots of weeds. I'm sure they are growing already just like our lawns. Look for this season to be very weedy with lots areas on the east end almost unfishable. The good news is, unpressured fish in these areas will keep growing bigger and healthier.
All in all pewaukee lake is going to be a great lake for the next few years for trophy walleye and in another five years pewaukee should have some huge muskies in big numbers when all those 40-inch class fish grow into the upper 40's. The low to mid 40's we caught last year will be into the 50's. Let's just hope the water temperatures will stay out of the 80's for most of the season. I sure would hate to see high water temps early like this spring warm up. Mid to upper 70's all season would be great.
Posts: 7
| Mike you right, muskie population is up. walleye are all big walleye, but no is catching
any of the shorts any more.
according to the fyke netting, that was done it appears there is a good population of the larger walleye. it appears that a stocking of smaller walleyes could take.
the amount of pan fish is huge, perch, blue gills, and pumpkin seeds. the pumpkin seed are big. BIG is different in everyones eyes
weeds, who knows. |