Daiwa Sealine Linecounter - Power Handles?
Posted 3/7/2012 12:14 PM (#544288)
Subject: Daiwa Sealine Linecounter - Power Handles?

Does anyone know what kinds of power handles will fit on the Daiwa Sealine SGC 27/47 linecounter reels?

The stock double-paddle handles are too small for hauling in muskies and large baits, and the power handles that come on the larger ones aren't the greatest either. I'd like something with a large soft grip knob if possible.
Posted 3/9/2012 2:22 PM (#544898 - in reply to #544288)
Subject: RE: Daiwa Sealine Linecounter - Power Handles?

Posts: 55

My SG27LCD's came with power handles that don't seem bad to me. They may not be as nice as the ones on my Winches but with the cost difference, they'll work for me.