Trolling Depths
Posted 2/13/2012 10:24 AM (#538422)
Subject: Trolling Depths

Posts: 201

When I troll for walleye I get out my Trollers bible and can get the running depth at certain lengths of line and get pretty exact.
I can't seem to find much that will tell me where lures like Shallow Invaders and Grandmas will run with certain depths. Is there a chart anywhere or is it basically trial and error and experience?
Posted 2/13/2012 10:29 AM (#538424 - in reply to #538422)
Subject: RE: Trolling Depths

Location: Des Moines IA
Posted 2/13/2012 10:33 AM (#538426 - in reply to #538424)
Subject: RE: Trolling Depths

Posts: 201
