Which Camera for the Money.
Posted 2/2/2012 7:17 PM (#536425)
Subject: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 131

Location: Southwest Ohio
I am thinking of buying a video camera for the boat and also hunting. I am looking at the GoPro. Is there anything else out there around in the same price range that I should be looking at?
Chris Munchow
Posted 2/2/2012 10:21 PM (#536464 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: RE: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 129

Location: North Metro - Twin Cities


 It depends on how you want to use the camera. If you want something to run the entire time you are out the GoPro is a decent choice. If you want something with more flexabilty and in the field viewing/editing then the VIO products are a good choice but more expensive.


Posted 2/2/2012 10:32 PM (#536465 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Agreed. Audio on the VIO POV cameras is better.
Posted 2/3/2012 10:58 AM (#536530 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 28

Location: Esbjerg - Denmark
My buddies use Contour for off-road motorcykling/enduro, and the quality they produce keep amazing me.

If I ever where to buy a cam for fishing, that would probably be it - Think you can get it for less than 300 $
Posted 2/3/2012 11:21 AM (#536533 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 373

Location: Maine Township, MN
Ive used the GoPro HDHero for motocross and fishing and it has never disappointed me. I like that you can select different aspect ratios and how many frames per second to either keep the files small or have awesome quality. There's a ton of accessory mounts too.
Posted 2/3/2012 5:52 PM (#536617 - in reply to #536533)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 439

Location: Lake of the Woods, Morson, Ontario
I really felt my Go Pro was great value for the money. With all the accessory and mount options, it provided good quality video. Audio isn't as good with the fully water proof case, but found the other case to be quite good at picking up sound.

I plan to get another one this spring mainly for underwater footage and keep it in the hard fully waterproof case.

Great product for the price.
The Toad
Posted 2/4/2012 1:39 PM (#536744 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: RE: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 137

I just got the new go pro and can't wait to use it, glad other people like it too. I'm also excited that you can set it up to take pictures continuously every few seconds so that I can get pictures of my fish when I'm out fishing alone too.
Posted 2/4/2012 4:57 PM (#536769 - in reply to #536744)
Subject: RE: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 134

Location: Central Wi
The Go Pros are really great cameras for the price.... Easy to use, can take a beating, and small... Not great audio or in low light, but hear the Hero2s are supposed to be a little better with low light. I would search couple other forums on here... they give a ton of info on them.

Go Pro stuff from this past summer... We didnt get the camera till the end of the season so hope to have some more this year.

Posted 2/5/2012 1:17 AM (#536838 - in reply to #536425)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 17

Location: northeast ohio
I got the lower end go pro, the one that you can't attach the backpack accessories to. And I am beyond satisfied with it. I would HIGHLY recommend it!! And as far as money goes...that first time you pin one in the 8, and go home and watch it...it just payed for itself!!
Posted 2/6/2012 3:55 AM (#536978 - in reply to #536838)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 223

Location: Victoria,MN
How is the GoPro as far as editing? Do you need to purchase GoPros editing programs or are there other options?
Posted 2/6/2012 7:37 AM (#536984 - in reply to #536978)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 134

Location: Central Wi
I have been using Imovie and Final Cut Pro... You should be able to import into just about any video editing software. The go pro saves the files in a .mp4 file, so as long as your software will import that you should be ok, I would think.

I also start and stop the to go pro alot. It makes the "good" clips alot easier to find, and the clips are alot shorter to look through.

Edited by mattgski 2/6/2012 7:42 AM
Posted 2/6/2012 3:11 PM (#537073 - in reply to #536984)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 223

Location: Victoria,MN
Thanks for the info Matt!
Posted 2/9/2012 6:12 PM (#537789 - in reply to #537073)
Subject: Re: Which Camera for the Money.

Posts: 131

Location: Southwest Ohio
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I ordered the GoPro2 today.