MuskieFirst/Operation Muskie
Posted 12/23/2011 11:23 AM (#529924)
Subject: MuskieFirst/Operation Muskie

Posts: 352

Hi all.I rarely post on 'boards' anymore but just wanted to publicly thank Steve and MuskieFirst for all the help and publicity they've given to Operation Muskie from day one.The 'auction' and the other assistance has been invaluable and has played a significant role in enabling us to keep the 'Operation' operating.THANKS from all of us at Op M!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Don Pursch
Posted 12/23/2011 12:24 PM (#529927 - in reply to #529924)
Subject: RE: MuskieFirst/Operation Muskie

Posts: 112

Location: Nielsen's Fly-In Lodge, on Rowan Lake
Great to here from you Dick any deer this year ? I have a story for you please give my best to Betsey and all the best to you both. Don
Posted 12/24/2011 6:47 AM (#529992 - in reply to #529924)
Subject: Re: MuskieFirst/Operation Muskie

Posts: 352

Hi Don!Yeh,I always seem to find a decent buck or 2 with my bow and this year was the same.Nice to hear from you.Bets is fine and still steering our ship so we are staying on course.Hi to Lynn and Happy Holidays!
Posted 12/24/2011 8:38 AM (#529995 - in reply to #529924)
Subject: Re: MuskieFirst/Operation Muskie

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Thanks for the kind words. It's the OutdoorsFIRST community that broadly supports Operation Muskie, so the thanks is theirs, and we thank them too. Count on OFM to do all we can for the effort this year and into the future.