Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision
IM Musky Time
Posted 12/14/2011 10:30 PM (#528806)
Subject: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 243

Several months ago I put up a post requesting that those of you who fish in Michigan let our DNR personnel know if you opposed a widespread expansion of spearing, particularly in the Upper Peninsula and on small waters throughout the state. Darkhouse spearing for muskies is legal in Michigan on a number of waters, but the proposal before the Director of the DNR was to drastically increase the number of lakes. We obviously had significant concerns about the potential impact (harvest currently is 1/day >42"), particularly on what I would consider small lakes between 200-500 acres.

Many of you did voice your concerns about this proposal to our DNR officials. Along with those communications, there were multiple meetings over the last 4 months with our legislators, DNR administration and the Natural Resources Commissioners, sportsmans' groups, and many others. While the charge to oppose the spearing expansion was led by the Boundary Waters Musky Club focusing on our lakes in the Upper Peninsula, I want to specifically thank Jay Zahn, President of Muskies Inc., and our neighbors at the Headwaters Chapter of M.I. in the Eagle River area who voiced their concerns about a spearing expansion of any kind, but particularly here in the U.P. I know many of you wrote personal letters or sent emails as well. THANK YOU.

Getting to the update.....a revised Fish Order 219 was signed by DNR Director Stokes after last week's NRC meeting. The revised order keeps virtually all of the currently closed lakes off limits to spearing and drastically limited the push toward statewide expansion. This could have ended very differently, and we certainly appreciate all of the support from those of you who made your voice heard against a harvest expansion that could have devastated the adult populations of fish in our lakes. Kudos as well to the DNR (yes, I said it) for their willingness to hear all sides on this issue and delay an order that was intended to be signed over as initially written back in September. We requested a biological review of the lakes to be opened and stressed lake size related to vulnerability---and those reviews were done by staff and the recommendation came back to maintain closure of our area lakes. While that was a very important piece of the equation, social justifications are also a part of the decision making process on regulations and the voice of the hook and line anglers was heard loud and clear.

Michigan is now in the process of discussing options for increased size limits and lower harvest limits that could go into effect within the next 2 years. There will be much more information on this in the coming months when options are released for public comment. In the meantime, the DNR is crafting proposals based on input from a variety of user groups, including the various musky clubs in Michigan. It is likely we will again be asking for your support in the future, and the hope is that the various clubs in the state can align with a unified voice on common goals and structure for management proposals moving forward.

Posted 12/14/2011 10:39 PM (#528808 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: RE: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Good news.
short STRIKE
Posted 12/15/2011 7:08 AM (#528821 - in reply to #528808)
Subject: RE: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 470

Location: Blaine, MN
sworrall - 12/14/2011 10:39 PM

Good news.

Posted 12/15/2011 10:25 AM (#528852 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 159

Location: Carney, Mi (in da UP eh!)
Boundary Waters Musky Club and the Musky fisherman of Michigan owe a great debt of grattitude to the many hours that Benji has spent on making sure the future of Musky fishing in Michigan is protected. Will Schultz also needs to be commended for standing up for Musky fishing in Michigan by representing us on the Warm Water Steering Committee. And THANK YOU to the Michigan DNR for listening to all sides of the story

Randy Pearson
President Boundary Waters Musky Club
Muskie Treats
Posted 12/15/2011 11:09 AM (#528860 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
Excellent! Good for you guys!
Posted 12/15/2011 2:53 PM (#528882 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: RE: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Keep up the good work
Posted 12/15/2011 9:26 PM (#528943 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 458

Great job!
kevin cochran
Posted 12/15/2011 9:29 PM (#528944 - in reply to #528943)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 374

Location: Bemidji
Nice work! If you ever need anything regarding statistics on the issue feel free to contact me or the other co-chair of the MN Muskie and Pike Alliance. Would love to help out any way I can.
IM Musky Time
Posted 12/17/2011 10:09 AM (#529119 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 243

Thanks, Kevin. Will likely take you up on that in the future. Thankfully, it appears the current DNR personnel we have here in Michigan are putting an increased emphasis on managing adult populations in our inland lakes.
Posted 12/17/2011 6:30 PM (#529181 - in reply to #528806)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 380

Location: Michigan
One day spearing will be outlawed in Michigan... I hope I am alive to see it...
Dave Williamson
Posted 12/20/2011 2:10 AM (#529476 - in reply to #528860)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

Posts: 203

Location: Alexandria, Minnesota
That is Awesome!!!!! Wish we could have gotten the same result here in Minnesota on Cass. Keep fighting the good fight.
Posted 12/20/2011 6:23 PM (#529556 - in reply to #529476)
Subject: Re: Michigan Spearing Expansion Decision

That's fantastic, anything we can do to help. Here's some good info. Congrats, I know they were really counting on harpooning the he(( outta those lakes.
