Left hand trolling reel?
Posted 12/10/2011 9:55 AM (#528141)
Subject: Left hand trolling reel?

I'm after a high quality left hand musky trolling reel. I see that the tekotas are only in right hand :(. Does anyone have a suggestion for something similar? I've used a revo toro in the past but I don't think its really made to handle the high speed trolling. Maybe the calcutta te? Again not sure if its really intended for that.

thank you
Posted 12/10/2011 3:01 PM (#528175 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Location: Ontario
Love my Okuma Convector (avoid Magda)
Would love to buy Shimano but I guess they don't care about left handed people
Posted 12/10/2011 3:44 PM (#528181 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 983

x2 for okuma convector
Posted 12/10/2011 8:05 PM (#528205 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

thanks for the input. the price seems right on the convectors....would the toro or calcutta stand up to trolling? I really don't want to learn to reel right (although just reeling in isn't so bad compared to casting.)
Posted 12/10/2011 8:13 PM (#528206 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 906

Location: Warroad, Mn

Convectors work! Either right handed or left handed.

Doug Johnson

Posted 12/10/2011 8:38 PM (#528209 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

I just bought two left handed Convectors but haven't used them yet. Will try to post up a report after I use them. I'm not crazy about Chinese made products but I'm like you I love to reel with my left hand and I think this is the only left handed trolling reel that I could find (at a resonable price). I also bought two of the Fenwick Musky Elite 8'6" Trolling rods 65.00ea from Amazon they seem to be well made for a Chinese product. Hope to put all the stuff to a test in the next couple of weeks. I also bought Off shore planer boards and Old Salt S-10 clamp on rod holders. I'm ready to do some trolling.
Posted 12/10/2011 8:40 PM (#528210 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Penn 321
Posted 12/10/2011 11:43 PM (#528228 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 906

Location: Canada
I'm using an Okuma Magda Pro 20 and no problems with it. Also using a Okuma Convector 30, same rods for both - Okuma EVX Musky 8' trolling rod. Looking to get another Convector 30 and put the Magda Pro 20 on back up status.
Posted 12/12/2011 6:37 AM (#528353 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

thanks everybody it sounds like Okuma is the only real trolling-style reel as an option, unless you want to use the calcutta
Posted 1/28/2012 10:29 AM (#535304 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Just checking back to see if anyone else has suggestion on a lefty trolling reel thank you. Wish shimano had something. What about diawa?
Posted 1/28/2012 11:25 AM (#535314 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 147

Location: Chesterton, Indiana
Calcutta works good for me!
Posted 1/28/2012 1:15 PM (#535326 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Cabelas goldmaster.....someone (probably on this board) said it's actually made by Okuma, and is a step up (or two) from the convector.
Posted 1/29/2012 12:28 AM (#535437 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

if you want to troll get a least something with a line counter.
Posted 2/7/2012 8:07 PM (#537318 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Had anyone used the rapala hydros? It comes in left handed and good price point.

Too bad tekota doesn't come in left.
Posted 2/7/2012 11:55 PM (#537363 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: RE: Left hand trolling reel?

Good anglers can reel both hands when trolling! line counters are key, diawa acudepth are great reels for the price. Casting; I reel left handed, trolling I have right handed reels, it's not realy an issue.
Posted 2/8/2012 8:14 AM (#537395 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 1185

Location: Wishin I Was Fishin'
Convector's all the way.....get the size 30 line counter model....they work great for Salmon too. At the end of the day you will be way less fatigued then with the other reels. Can't say one bad thing about them. Handles, clicker, durability, line counter all very good. I have a few of the Catalina aluminum frame ones and have not noticed any significant performance difference, but they were offered in the 25 size which is just a fuzz smaller then the 30.
Posted 2/8/2012 11:50 AM (#537458 - in reply to #528141)
Subject: Re: Left hand trolling reel?

Posts: 40

Location: Canada, Eh!
a convector 30 lasted me 1.5 seasons so if you view it as a disposable reel, i suppose they are good.

imo, a LC in not a neccessity unless you troll with a ton of line out. i rarely troll with more than 50-60' often times much less, so counting 'wraps' or 'pulls' works just fine for repeating distance out. i use a 7001 & a 6501 & i bet the penn mentioned above would be great too. i've got another convector 30 that i use on a wire rod - when it gives up the ghost, not sure if i will replace with another LC.