Guides,... Why?
Top H2O
Posted 11/26/2011 12:17 PM (#525999)
Subject: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Ok guys, I have a question,well maybe two.

Why do some guys hire the same guide every year (sometimes a few times a yr.) to fish the same lake, and basically the same spots,..year after year?
I know of some guys that has fished a lake 20-30 times but still hires a guide. Why?
Are they lonley, or perhaps they are just insecure with their own inability to find/catch their own fish?..... Or do they just like "brown nosing" with the "higher ups"

I know that using a guide on a new(to you) body of water will really shorten the learning curve, but that's not what I'm asking here......... Some Guides have "regulars" every year, and some of them are pretty good Sticks..... I just don't get why you would shell out $400. bucks a day to fish water that you already know.

Any Thoughts ?

Posted 11/26/2011 12:24 PM (#526000 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 321

Some people enjoy learning new tactics and see how others with a proven track record fish the same water. I think if you learn a new trick or two, get to use or see other equipment that is out there. How they control their boat vs how you do. The better fisherman you become the better you are at learning from others. H
Posted 11/26/2011 12:43 PM (#526001 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1348

Location: Pewaukee, WI
They may not have their own boat or invested in a sufficient tackle.
Posted 11/26/2011 12:44 PM (#526002 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

because you cant learn everything in one day. i fish with the same guide every year on the same lake. have been for the last 6 years. i make sure to book at differnent times of the year each year to learn about the lake and whats going on at different times. also i just really enjoy fishing with him. all the times i have gone out with him i have never felt that i came away not learning something new.
Posted 11/26/2011 1:36 PM (#526008 - in reply to #526002)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 567

because they are filthy rich lol...i think many possibilities are there, but many just like to learn and some build relationships with guides that have done them well in the past.
Posted 11/26/2011 1:46 PM (#526009 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Well, Jerome... I am that guy you speak of. And here are a few of the reasons:

I don't have a boat. I can't afford a boat. My current living situation leaves me with no place to PUT a boat. So it's either fish with others, or not fish at all.

Granted, the money I have spent on guides over the years would have bought a nice Ranger, but I'd be out there on the lake in my Ranger flinging whatever baits around blindly, and would likely catch one fish for every 30 days on the water, when I happened to stumble across a hungry stupid one that was eating no matter what I did.

Now, as to why I hire the same guides year after year? I've become friends with some, and we truly enjoy fishing together. I have a few "mentor guides" that I've been fishing with since I started 8 years ago. Those folks have continually helped me improve my game. It started with basic casting technique, lure selection, figure 8's, and has grown from there to comprise everything from seasonal patterns, baitfish migration, when and how and why the fish transition from one area to another... I still learn something from them every day, and now it is subtle things that I'd likely never discover on my own, because they come from their knowledge and 50 years of fishing and guiding on a daily basis. I simply won't live long enough to put that kind of time in.

Still others? Well, on Eagle for example, we usually fish East and way down South. Being in the boat with someone who has spent their life on that lake, and knows where all the reefs are, even the ones that aren't marked, knows whare there is something to avoid that Navionics doesn't know about? That to me is worth it's weight in gold. If I was down there by myself in my own boat, it would only be a matter of when and not IF I left a lower unit on the bottom of the lake.

I go up there to concentrate on fishing, enjoy the scenery, and worry about catching fish. I go up to get away from hassles and problems and worrying about this or that that is broken. After 6 years, I know the spots well enough. I've studied the maps, I've been over them on clear sunny days where you can see how they lay out. I've watched time and time again how they work that spot, talked about the points and humps and inside turns. I've seen how they turn on when the wind hits them from a certain direction, and how they can shut down when it doesn't. I could certainly fish them effecrtively. If I was able to have a boat, I probably would do just that. But I'd also probably fish with many of them regularly, because We enjoy each others company.

There's also the advantage of having someone who is out there day in and day out, and knows what's been happening where. Killing three days of a six day trip just trying to put a pattern together is three days I can't afford to lose. The same goes for the weekend trips. First time on a lake this year compared to 20th time on the lake this year, there's no comparison. I live two hours away from the closest muskies, and I work for a living. It's simply not possible for me to be in tune with what's going on out there.

I go up there to concentrate on fishing, enjoy the scenery, and worry about catching fish. I go up to get away from hassles and problems and worrying about this or that that is broken. After 6 years, I know the spots well enough. I've studied the maps, I've been over them on clear sunny days where you can see how they lay out. I've watched time and time again how they work that spot, talked about the points and humps and inside turns. I've seen how they turn on when the wind hits them from a certain direction, and how they can shut down when it doesn't. I could certainly fish them effecrtively. If I was able to have a boat, I probably would do just that. But I'd also probably fish with many of them regularly, because We enjoy each others company.

And lastly? It's a matter of cost. You can hire a dozen guides a season, and it's STILL cheaper than owning a boat. You don't have to fix a guide when it breaks. You don't have to pay to store them somewhere. You don't have to put gas in them, or insure them, or deal with impellers and busted props, lower units, electronics failing, trailer lights, trailer tires, trolling motor pedals, dead batteries... When something goes wrong, it screws up your day, but it doesn't ruin your trip or your season, because it's not your problem and you don't have to pay to fix it.

That said, I will own a boat. When I have a place to put one, and I have the money to buy one and can honeslty tell myself that it wasn't just another stupid irresnposible expensive purchase, using money that I desperately need to pay my bills with? I will have a boat. And when that day comes, I will probably fish 100 days a year. And I will still hire a guide here and there, for the knowledge, and the freedom to have nothing else to think about than what to throw next.
Jolly Roger
Posted 11/26/2011 1:46 PM (#526010 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 49

That's a good answer........

Also note:

If you go back in history, you will find it common for many a man to sail the seas with many men..........sometimes for months at a time......

So there's that.........

Edited by Jolly Roger 11/26/2011 1:51 PM
Posted 11/26/2011 2:21 PM (#526016 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

I know that last answer was long winded... For me, it also comes down to what you do when you want to learn anything. You seek out the people who know the most, who have dedicated their lives to it, and have lived it. When I wanted firearms training, I took tactical wepons courses, NRA courses, etc. When I wanted to learn guitar, I took lessons. When I wanted to learn Karate, I took lessons. Just like you've done with your education, college, and most likely your job and career, you seek out those with vast amounts of skill and knowledge. There's lots to be learned on your own, and lots to be learned simply by doing and making mistakes. But there's also a lot to be learned from the best, that you simply can't get any other way then spending days and weeks in the boat with them.

Besides, it's good to watch someone with that kind of experience blow a fish or two from time to time. Keeps you from beating yourself up over your mistakes. Of course it also gives them something to hound you about for years when you blow it, so I guess that knife cuts both ways
Top H2O
Posted 11/26/2011 2:43 PM (#526021 - in reply to #526010)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
EA ..I get what your saying,..... so If it's cheaper for "You" to hire a guide than Why bother thinking about buying a boat?

I guess I'm different , in that I like the freedom of having a boat and finding my own patterns/spots......I'm talking about lakes that I am familiar with. I just wouldn't hire a guide. I also don't think it takes 3 days to figure out a pattern. Sometimes the pattern will change a couple times a day.
Lakes that I don't fish, I would consider hiring one (like Kincade), just to shorten the learning curve.

I just was curious as to why some guys hire guides that already know the water that they are being guided on.

Some good answers so far.

Posted 11/26/2011 2:58 PM (#526024 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 8772

Well, Jerome... I hate having to rely on someone else, but that's just the way it is for me right now. Why bother buying a boat? So I can fish when and where I want for as long as I want. Change lakes if I want, stop and take a swim if I want, call it until the sun goes down if I want, fish at night if I want, start at 5:00am if I want, try a new lake if I want, or even fish part of a lake that I want without having to talk someone else into it.... Or to make another run at a spot at a different angle intead of blowing through it and moving on, or to quit a spot instead of beating it to death when it's just not feeling right today... I need a boat. That's just the way it is. I like to do things my own way on my own schedule. You don't get that with most guides. There are some who will oblige when I say "hey, let's go hit _____, or when I say "let's give that one more pass..." But more and more I find myself wanting to do things a bit differently and having no choice because it's not my boat.

Posted 11/26/2011 3:25 PM (#526031 - in reply to #526024)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 18

I know for me, oh by way long time forum viewer, but lazy when it comes to posting and signing up. Anyways, I can't speak for others, but im sure there's quite a few guys out there in my situation. I have very few friends, not because I'm not a decent guy, but I'm a business owner and extremely busy. So guides are a great resource for me when "I want" to go fishing. The few guys and family members that I fish with can't just take Wednesday off because it's overcast with an eastward wind. But the professionals can, because it's there job. And after a few years, those guides, become friends to fish with. Even if you continue to pay them for there services.
Don't get me wrong, I fish a ton by myself. But after fishing Mon-Thur mornings before work and couple nights after work. Then putting in Saturday morning for an extended morning of fishing before going to the office still with no one to talk will drive a man crazy.
short STRIKE
Posted 11/26/2011 3:53 PM (#526035 - in reply to #526031)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 470

Location: Blaine, MN

Just me but I hire the same guide every year, same lake, different times of the year, and I do it for a few simple reasons... It is the day I refer to as my vacation day. I dont have friends who realize what it takes for a day of fishing, so for most of the season I feel like the guide. my truck, boat, lures, rods, gas, oil, and most of the time head lamps, food, drink and rain gear. So hiring the guide seems inexpensive, and worth it when I compare everything in that light... funny thing is I offer the opportunity to all friends to share the guide day with me, but they all claim 150 for their share is to expensive. So i go solo and use it as my "vacation day" of musky fishing, no decisions to make on my part and no worries, I can relax, not run the boat and just cast... plus the guide and myself have become good fishing friends. it's fun bouncing ideas off of someone who chooses to be on the water most days as well. Not trying to be "cool" by association, just fun fishing with people who share similar interests, and I dont mind paying for 1 vacation day a year.
Posted 11/26/2011 4:49 PM (#526041 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1529

guides provide a great service.
great stories. they put you on fish.
many dont get the time to stay on the bite. guides cut learning curves.and yes many friendships are created outs fishing with great folks
Posted 11/26/2011 5:56 PM (#526045 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Do the math on 10 guide trips a year for yourself...4-5 grand? Versus owning a $20-50,000 boat and the insurance, depreciation, gas, oil, finding the fish, storage, various equipment problems, broken skegs, bearings, plus all the tackle and equipment....
Posted 11/26/2011 6:27 PM (#526052 - in reply to #526045)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 968

Location: N.FIB
you can buy a boat for 4-5 thousand
Posted 11/26/2011 8:05 PM (#526065 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Why go to multiple packer games? Why go to multiple Dead shows? They are never the same and always a good time.
Posted 11/26/2011 8:07 PM (#526066 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Do fish caught on a guided trip bring the same satisfaction as a fish caught on your own? I have never hired a guide and my biggest hurdle in doing so is that a significant amount of joy I get w/ muskie fishing is putting my boat in the right place at the right time w/ the right presentation. I guess I understand the learning curve, but not year after year b/c it would almost seem like the lake would become a nothing more than a bunch of places a guide showed me. Maybe this is why I can't watch hunting programs and the "pros" on them hunt from fortresses on ranches and then brag about their "trophy."
Posted 11/26/2011 8:23 PM (#526070 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 32881

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
If you don't want to hire a guide, don't, that's your call and fits if it fits. Many folks enjoy a guided trip; I had clients who returned for 15 years, same days each year. I am absolutely sure it wasn't just about catching fish. I also had clients who hired me one time to learn the water, and I saw them regularly each year after. Made allot of friends guiding, and miss it...a little.

The parallel with hunting shows comparison is weak.
little one
Posted 11/26/2011 8:44 PM (#526074 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 501

Location: S.Wisconsin
I bust my balls running the boat all year (so friends can catch fish) so for me i kind of look at it as a break. A little treat to myself and i always have a good time with the couple guides that i fish with every year. As far as not being secure in my ability to find and catch fish....ha. Why do people blow hundreds or thousands every year sitting in a bar? To each their own but for me I love the sport and most of my spending money goes towards it.
tony grant
Posted 11/27/2011 8:42 AM (#526097 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Why would someone worry about what others do?????
Posted 11/27/2011 9:17 AM (#526102 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Is this thread for real? "Insecure", "brown nosing with the higher ups"? Seriously? Wow! hahahahahaha Thanks for the laugh (although I'm not laughing with you)

What do you care what people do with their time and money? It isn't your time or your money!
Posted 11/27/2011 9:39 AM (#526105 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 802

EA and little one nailed it. Jerome, you need to look at all the different anglers and all the
different circumstances involved, not just yours...
Posted 11/27/2011 10:08 AM (#526109 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 427

Location: Wausau
To answer the original question;
If I were to hire a guide, my first consideration is if the guide donates his talents to charitable events, such as Operation Muskie or other localized events where the money raised helps make a difference in peoples lives or the $ raised goes back to help the local system. My second consideration is where.
Top H2O
Posted 11/27/2011 1:19 PM (#526126 - in reply to #526105)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
esox69 - 11/27/2011 9:39 AM

EA and little one nailed it. Jerome, you need to look at all the different anglers and all the
different circumstances involved, not just yours...

Thats exactly why I asked this Stupid question ! .............And to see how many of you dor ,,errr, Gentalmen got your panties in a bind.
And if you guys don't think that there isn't any "brown nosing" going on in the Muskie world, than you don't have eyes to see or ears to hear.......I'm starting to feel like P.P.! How Wonderful !


Edited by Top H2O 11/27/2011 1:34 PM
Posted 11/27/2011 1:36 PM (#526127 - in reply to #526126)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 802

hey, if you're going throw out a question with attitude, don't cry if
you get some back...
Posted 11/27/2011 1:37 PM (#526128 - in reply to #526126)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 556

I use guides and I fish on my own---I think every guided trip I have been on was worth every cent I paid for it. Lots of info picked up during these trips and i have enjoyed every guide I fished with. Also like to fish on my own and use the info and techniques I have learned on those guided trips for myself. I say if your thinkling of a guide go ahead with it and try it out--I think you will enjoy the experience. JIM
Northwind Mark
Posted 11/27/2011 5:30 PM (#526145 - in reply to #526010)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 566

Location: Elgin, IL
Jolly Roger - 11/26/2011 1:46 PM

"If you go back in history, you will find it common for many a man to sail the seas with many men..........sometimes for months at a time......

So there's that........."


Edited by Northwind Mark 11/27/2011 5:31 PM
Posted 11/27/2011 6:46 PM (#526152 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

For many people muskie fishing is purely something recreational... something they enjoy. Each person enjoys it for different reasons and some people don't care about learning. I've probably been mini-golfing 20-30+ times in my life but it wasn't because I wanted to learn how to become a better mini-golfer... it was because it was fun. The list of why people hire guides is very long. Some reasons might be because they are lonely, insecure with there own ability or they just like brown nosing (those are some very nice reasons to choose as your examples by the way)... but I think more likely it's because they are looking to enjoy themselves, don't own a boat or the right gear, enjoy the scenery etc. To answer your question, maybe some people's motivations for going muskie fishing aren't the same as yours... that is a possibility.

Posted 11/27/2011 7:05 PM (#526155 - in reply to #526126)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Top H2O - 11/27/2011 12:19 PM

esox69 - 11/27/2011 9:39 AM

EA and little one nailed it. Jerome, you need to look at all the different anglers and all the
different circumstances involved, not just yours...

Thats exactly why I asked this Stupid question ! .............And to see how many of you dor ,,errr, Gentalmen got your panties in a bind.
And if you guys don't think that there isn't any "brown nosing" going on in the Muskie world, than you don't have eyes to see or ears to hear.......I'm starting to feel like P.P.! How Wonderful !


Welcome to the club! I will get your membership card and complimentary hat in the mail.
Posted 11/27/2011 7:14 PM (#526156 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 32881

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Hey!! Where's mine?
Posted 11/27/2011 7:25 PM (#526158 - in reply to #526156)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Must have gotten lost in the mail! Will have to get another out to you....
Top H2O
Posted 11/27/2011 9:09 PM (#526171 - in reply to #526158)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Dudes,.... really..... I personally know many of the top Guides in the country, and If any of these friends have looked at this thread they would be smiling like a Clown right now.....Are you dudes taking my jabs seriously......???

Man,... I really pulled a P.P. on you guys........... What color is the Hat ?? Green ,or Purple ? I want in THE CLUB !

Posted 11/27/2011 9:15 PM (#526172 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 32881

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
You made the club long ago, G Rome.
Dave Williamson
Posted 11/28/2011 11:44 AM (#526239 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 203

Location: Alexandria, Minnesota
I think H2O might be a what you call a guide hater.

There is a lot more to guiding then just catching fish, Most people that are hiring a guide have a limited fishing backround and you spend most of your first trip out wtih them working on their fundamentals but at the same time trying to catch them a fish. On that first trip out many clients realize that there is a lot more to muskie fishing then they had previously thought and they want to learn more. So on future trips you book them on dates that they can learn something new on each trip helping them become a better all around angler.

With some clients you just build that special bond that turns more into a life long friendship then a client guide relationship. Not only do your clients look forward to fishing with you but you look forward to your dates on the water with them as well. Usually at this point these clients have become very good at catching muskies and once you hit the water all you have to do is go out there and kick some butt on some fish and have a few laughs on the water in the process.

Most of those clients at this point are more then capable of going out and catching fish on their own but a lot of these guys only have 10-15 days year that they can get out and fish, so instead of going out and trying to find the patterns that are working on their own. They would rather just jump in your boat and be on the fish.
Posted 11/28/2011 12:38 PM (#526254 - in reply to #526158)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Here's your answer on why people hire guides
Posted 11/28/2011 3:07 PM (#526275 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
I can't help but chuckle at the hating answers. I think Top was asking in a sincere child-like (why is the sky blue) sense, not in a I’m better than you way. Chill out…
Posted 11/28/2011 4:56 PM (#526292 - in reply to #526275)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 559

When Jerome's lake iced up he started fishing somewhere else and all of you are in the net. I wish it was that easy on the water.
Good job topH2O I can't wait to see what is next and I would think about getting reproduction of Guest #3.

Edited by bobbie 11/28/2011 5:11 PM
Posted 11/28/2011 5:17 PM (#526293 - in reply to #526292)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
bobbie - 11/28/2011 3:56 PM

When Jerome's lake iced up he started fishing somewhere else and all of you are in the net. I wish it was that easy on the water.
Good job topH2O I can't wait to see what is next and I would think about getting reproduction of Guest #3.

Hey, another guy who gets it!

Welcome to the club!
Posted 11/28/2011 5:46 PM (#526300 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
I can't see what is wrong with hiring a guide or not hiring a guide. I can't see what is wrong with hiring a guide once or hiring the same guide a hundred times. Well - unless if you can't afford it or it really bothers your wife. Otherwise, to each his own.

Why get bothered if someone hires or does not hire a guide? What does it matter?

Its just fishing guys.
Posted 11/28/2011 5:57 PM (#526304 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

some will bite a bare hook
Posted 11/28/2011 6:11 PM (#526308 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 8772

Let's be honest... It just wouldn't be the same around here without the (usually anonymous) pot-stirrers, and it sure wouldn't be the same without the folks who get thair panties in a wad time and time again over the comments that someone they don't even know makes. It's probably the same guys who throw temper tantrums in the boat, breaking rods over missed fish and generally having a miserable time out there on the water every time the fish show them they aren't as good as they think they are.
Posted 11/28/2011 6:39 PM (#526312 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

It all comes down to one thing....Does the guide want to see you catch fish and learn something about the waters you're on or are you paying for someone drive you around and then watch them fish. I had 3 guides in 5 days this summer and I've already booked two of them for next season.The other one...lets just say that when he asked me to net the first fish of the morning (for him)..the day was over ! Most guides are alot of fun and it only enhances the day when you're on fish..either seeing or catching. Also most guides like suggestions as it adds a different view point which keeps things interesting.
Posted 11/28/2011 7:22 PM (#526321 - in reply to #526312)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 559

This is all great info but I want to know what you are thowing G Rome
Jolly Roger
Posted 11/28/2011 7:49 PM (#526329 - in reply to #526308)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 49

I haven't seen one I'm trying to picture what that hat logo would look like......

so many possibilities.
Top H2O
Posted 11/28/2011 9:55 PM (#526375 - in reply to #526329)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Ok, First of all I don't Hate anyone....... Let alone muskie people.
Read the first post...... I'm just asking a question...I'll break it down for you guys again.
Why do "seasoned" muskie anglers, that already know a certain body of water hire guides over and over again????????
These guys have their own boats,rods,lures,GPS/Sonar and have fished the same lakes dozens of times, so WHY do still hire a guide??..... that's all I asked, and I see that there are some pretty good answers that I didn't consider when I asked this question.
Dave W. I don't hate you. and the guest that directed me to the 60" fish that was just boated,...... That was his FIRST MUSKIE !
Again I'm talking about seasoned/good sticks hireing guides over and over again.

OH, by the way Dave W.,,, the reason why you like to have those "good sticks" in your boat yr. after yr. is because you don't have to work,as hard,.... Or be bothered by a "Newbe" as much,..... and other Guides,( if they are honest) will say the same thing.
I just asked an honest question that most people here gave an honest answere.
Thanks guys,......


P.S. I found open water here on V, and will be out there untill Dec.1
Posted 11/29/2011 4:04 PM (#526485 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1141

Location: NorthCentral WI
It sounds crude, but some people simply have too much money, and are too lazy to "do it themselves."

They may even be pretty good sticks, who knows. These are the types of guys that use all the excuses: the cost of a boat, truck, insurance, tackle, trailer maintenance, outboard maintenance, etc, etc. as to why they hire guides. Yet they have money for 30+ guide trips/year. HA. I call it BS.

Some guys don't want to put the "work" in to catch a fish. Actually having to land a boat, pinpoint fishing spots, control the boat, etc., it's too much for some (mostly EXTREME white collar guys.)

I think it says something about someone's work ethic in general.

Edited by MartinTD 11/29/2011 4:06 PM
Posted 11/29/2011 4:09 PM (#526487 - in reply to #526485)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
MartinTD - 11/29/2011 3:04 PM

It sounds crude, but some people simply have too much money, and are too lazy to "do it themselves."

They may even be pretty good sticks, who knows. These are the types of guys that use all the excuses: the cost of a boat, truck, insurance, tackle, trailer maintenance, outboard maintenance, etc, etc. as to why they hire guides. Yet they have money for 30+ guide trips/year. HA. I call it BS.

Some guys don't want to put the "work" in to catch a fish. Actually having to land a boat, pinpoint fishing spots, control the boat, etc., it's too much for some (mostly EXTREME white collar guys.)

I think it says something about someone's work ethic in general.

I think you are talking about 1/10 of a percent of all musky anglers.
Posted 11/29/2011 4:12 PM (#526490 - in reply to #526487)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1141

Location: NorthCentral WI
Pointerpride102 - 11/29/2011 4:09 PM

MartinTD - 11/29/2011 3:04 PM

It sounds crude, but some people simply have too much money, and are too lazy to "do it themselves."

They may even be pretty good sticks, who knows. These are the types of guys that use all the excuses: the cost of a boat, truck, insurance, tackle, trailer maintenance, outboard maintenance, etc, etc. as to why they hire guides. Yet they have money for 30+ guide trips/year. HA. I call it BS.

Some guys don't want to put the "work" in to catch a fish. Actually having to land a boat, pinpoint fishing spots, control the boat, etc., it's too much for some (mostly EXTREME white collar guys.)

I think it says something about someone's work ethic in general.

I think you are talking about 1/10 of a percent of all musky anglers.

Maybe, but they're out there.
Posted 11/29/2011 4:16 PM (#526492 - in reply to #526485)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
doooooooooooooooooooooooood ... there are some "EXTREME white collar guys" ... who have to survive and thrive in the craziest of environments that make the woods and waters of the U.S. and Canada look like legoland. don't be a hater and label all the white collars with a broad brush so fast. lots of these "lazy" white collar guys experience wilder situations and places than you could ever imagine.
Wisconsin Wade
Posted 11/29/2011 4:19 PM (#526496 - in reply to #526485)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 194

Location: Lincolnshire, IL
MartinTD - 11/29/2011 4:04 PM

It sounds crude, but some people simply have too much money, and are too lazy to "do it themselves."

They may even be pretty good sticks, who knows. These are the types of guys that use all the excuses: the cost of a boat, truck, insurance, tackle, trailer maintenance, outboard maintenance, etc, etc. as to why they hire guides. Yet they have money for 30+ guide trips/year. HA. I call it BS.

Some guys don't want to put the "work" in to catch a fish. Actually having to land a boat, pinpoint fishing spots, control the boat, etc., it's too much for some (mostly EXTREME white collar guys.)

I think it says something about someone's work ethic in general.

That's buying into the Class Warfare Argument! I guess you're in the 99% of "true" musky fishermen.

Edited by Wisconsin Wade 11/29/2011 4:21 PM
Posted 11/29/2011 4:21 PM (#526497 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1141

Location: NorthCentral WI
Settle down Sled, I was referring to one individual that enlightened me just today. I went to college too and have been working in my field for 5 years....
Posted 11/29/2011 4:34 PM (#526499 - in reply to #526497)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
martin ... we're recruitin a few good men to the football forums in the basement ... be sure to stop in. we lost our last bear, spartan and badger fans so need some new personalities down there.
Posted 11/29/2011 4:38 PM (#526500 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Location: Des Moines IA
That's funny sled ..... Sad thing is Bears fans only have negative things to discuss, and who wants to do that over and over and over?????
Posted 11/29/2011 4:53 PM (#526504 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 4343

Location: Smith Creek
Those people Martin describes exist, although in low numbers. I hear stories about someone offering a guide $1000 to catch a 50" muskie or 10,000 to blast a 200 inch buck on a game farm. .5% is probably pretty close for muskie fisherman.
I used to hire the same guide every year (he no longer guides otherwise I would continue to hire him). My dad hired his dad and his dad hired his dad and so on. Every year. They are our friends first and foremost, obviously good fisherman, and its nice to just sit back and fish sometimes instead of doing all the driving and boat control.
If you're friends with a carpenter you wouldn't expect him to help you build a deck for free. Same deal IMO.
Posted 11/29/2011 9:19 PM (#526530 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 32881

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
'It sounds crude, but some people simply have too much money, and are too lazy to "do it themselves."

They may even be pretty good sticks, who knows. These are the types of guys that use all the excuses: the cost of a boat, truck, insurance, tackle, trailer maintenance, outboard maintenance, etc, etc. as to why they hire guides. Yet they have money for 30+ guide trips/year. HA. I call it BS.

Some guys don't want to put the "work" in to catch a fish. Actually having to land a boat, pinpoint fishing spots, control the boat, etc., it's too much for some (mostly EXTREME white collar guys.)

I think it says something about someone's work ethic in general.'

That has to be the most uninformed post I've read here in a long time.

Most folks who are well off and hired me as a guide are professional people. Most who hired me were career Officers in the Military, doctors, attorneys, Ceo/CFO/ owners of successful companies, financial professionals, etc. All of them worked very very hard, and played equally hard when they wished to. They didn't have the TIME to own a boat and fish like most of us, the 'rest of us' are defined as thier emplyees or those who wish they WERE those folks.
Joe Cal
Posted 11/30/2011 8:43 PM (#526684 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 294

Location: Bloomer, Wi
i hire a a guide to take me on some big water with big white caps so i can just fish, not run the trolling motor and fish. JUST FISH. its relaxing and always take away some knowledge from the day with the guide.
Posted 12/1/2011 9:50 AM (#526744 - in reply to #526684)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 1023

I have done a couple guided trips and it was a great time - flyfishing trips.
Having said that - for me, finding the fish on my own is the attraction so I get more satisfaction from struggling or succeeding independently.
Everyone is different and fishes for different reasons. The right way to do it is the way that makes them the happiest - provided it is legal and ethical.
I applaud the guides for having the guts to start their own venture and do what they love. And they ain't gonna get rich - that's for sure.
If someone hires a guide to fish the same lake over and over, that is fine with me. I wouldn't do that but it doesn't mean it is wrong or questionable in some way.

Posted 12/1/2011 10:53 AM (#526751 - in reply to #525999)
Subject: Re: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 189

Location: Barrington, Il
I was going to leave this alone but feel the need to chime in. Its not too much money, its not enough time. I'm a business owner that had 2 companies and am merging into 1 this year. Time has been at a premium. All of my equipment and boat is at our cabin in Northern Wisconsin. Its easier for me to fish in Minnesota with a trusted guide, who has become a friend, than go north and pack up boat and everything for a few days of fishing. And a good guide dowes not fish the same water everyday but moves around to where he thinks the bite will be.
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 12/1/2011 10:58 AM (#526752 - in reply to #526009)
Subject: RE: Guides,... Why?

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
EA send me a private message ok.