(Another) Reel Question! - Single tails to medium dawgs
Posted 3/12/2011 7:01 PM (#486693)
Subject: (Another) Reel Question! - Single tails to medium dawgs

Looking for a reel to get for single tails (big Mepps) to medium dawg sized. No double 10s, maybe some double 8s, but nothing too crazy hard pulling, maybe a depthraider from time to time or shallow invader.

Probably going to put it on an Okuma 8'6" H or 8' Loomis H.

Ryan Marlowe
Posted 3/12/2011 7:26 PM (#486694 - in reply to #486693)
Subject: Re: (Another) Reel Question! - Single tails to medium dawgs

Posts: 143

Location: Lake of The Woods
Shimano Calcutta 400b