Green river lake kentucky
Posted 2/10/2011 8:21 PM (#481078)
Subject: Green river lake kentucky

I have herd that there has been some good fish caught out of there any one know anything about this lake. i have also herd you can start catching musky pretty good in march and there is not hardly any preassure on this lake. info would be great. is there any guides on this lake?
Posted 2/10/2011 8:57 PM (#481084 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Battle the beast guide service...Gregg Thomas is a great guide
Posted 2/10/2011 9:13 PM (#481087 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 322

muskieman - 2/10/2011 9:21 PM

I have """"herd""""" that there has been some good fish caught out of there any one know anything about this lake. i have also """"herd""""" you can start catching musky pretty good in march and there is not hardly any """""preassure"""" on this lake. info would be great. is there any guides on this lake?

Where did you say you were from again? I'm am guessing "Kentucky?" lol Just giving you a hard time. Take care and good luck this spring.
Posted 2/10/2011 10:24 PM (#481098 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

muskieman, are you related to Happy? Or did you guys just sit next to each other when the short bus took you to school?

Posted 2/11/2011 10:36 AM (#481140 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 553

Location: 15 miles east of Lake Kinkaid

Edited by MuskyMATT7 12/31/2015 12:53 PM
Posted 2/11/2011 11:11 AM (#481148 - in reply to #481140)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

MuskyMATT7 - 2/11/2011 10:36 AM

Green River is 33,000 acres while Cave Run is 8,000 (IMO it actually fishes MUCH smaller, however) so there is a lot more water for muskies to roam in Green River, and therefore much less fishing pressure.

Geez, join the other two on the short bus.
If you knew anything about the lake you wouldn't post such erroneous info.
Posted 2/11/2011 12:23 PM (#481163 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Go to Actual lake size is 8,000 cres and ys t is a good place to fish early in the year. There are many good guides for that area. Greg Thomas,Chris Haley,and Dr. Gene Smith to name a few.
Also KY Chapter 45 of Muskies Inc. hods a Cabin Fever Challunge each year. This year it is April 8th & 9th, 2011 Last year Chris Haley caught big fish 50.25 inches on a Red October Tube. web site for more info on CABIN FEVER CHALLUNGE!!!

Posted 2/11/2011 12:48 PM (#481168 - in reply to #481098)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 7056

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
firstsixfeet - 2/10/2011 10:24 PM

muskieman, are you related to Happy? Or did you guys just sit next to each other when the short bus took you to school?

Not sure about how they got to school, but I can tell you they are using the same computer for some reason.
Posted 2/11/2011 1:34 PM (#481178 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

Aw c'mon Slamr, you took a lot of the enjoyment out of the thread by lifting "Happy's" post.

Posted 2/11/2011 1:59 PM (#481182 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 173

I was really "happy" to learn Green was suddenly four times larger and no fishing pressure. Musky boards are THE place to get the news from people that fish a lot , type a lot or maybe drink a lot.
Posted 2/11/2011 2:09 PM (#481188 - in reply to #481182)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

larryc - 2/11/2011 1:59 PM

I was really "happy" to learn Green was suddenly four times larger and no fishing pressure. Musky boards are THE place to get the news from people that fish a lot , type a lot or maybe drink a lot.

I'm thinkin most of the "8 fish days" and other amazing trips to Green River, must be spent in the "SECRET" 25,000 acres mentioned. DougJ is gonna be mad at me now for not taking HIM to those secret acres where all the fish are. He was thinkin it was kind of a tough wretch in the spring. Cats out of the bag now.
Posted 2/11/2011 2:26 PM (#481191 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 173

I'm not certain Doug is over you posting pictures of his hot spot anyway.
Wish I'd have known the park was such good fishing. All these years trying to keep lures in the water and now ........ learn online that fescue and woodlots are good too. Guess I don't need that new boat after all.
Posted 2/11/2011 7:27 PM (#481240 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Green River is as good as Cave Run, but for various reasons, doesn't get the attention.
Posted 2/11/2011 8:59 PM (#481252 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 906

Location: Warroad, Mn
Yes, I suspected there was another lake just beyond the bridge we always stopped at. Now I know!

Doug J
Posted 2/11/2011 9:58 PM (#481255 - in reply to #481252)
Subject: RE: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

dougj - 2/11/2011 8:59 PM

Yes, I suspected there was another lake just beyond the bridge we always stopped at. Now I know!

Doug J

But, there aren't any tires up there to mark the spots, we would have NEVER been able to find any fish...
Posted 2/12/2011 12:01 PM (#481301 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 553

Location: 15 miles east of Lake Kinkaid
I stand corrected. I saw on a site that Green River lake was 33,000 acres, so I ASSUMED (incorrectly) that had something to do with the lack of pressure (if that is in fact true) and lack of guides. I will stick to the commenting on the lakes I know in Indiana and Illinois.
Posted 2/12/2011 2:56 PM (#481324 - in reply to #481078)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 173

Can't speak for FSF but it's cool to me for you to return and correct things. It sure would be nice if some others would follow your lead and only reply about what they know.
Posted 2/12/2011 5:02 PM (#481334 - in reply to #481324)
Subject: Re: Green river lake kentucky

Posts: 2361

larryc - 2/12/2011 2:56 PM

Can't speak for FSF but it's cool to me for you to return and correct things. It sure would be nice if some others would follow your lead and only reply about what they know.

Poor bugger, I'm done beatin on him. As the Alzheimers begins to kick in, it will probably be me...soon enough...