upper manitou
Posted 1/13/2011 4:13 PM (#475246)
Subject: upper manitou

Posts: 968

Location: N.FIB
has anyone fished upper manitou in canada in the last 3-5 yrs,haven`t been there for about 6-7 yrs and we stayed at green island lodge which is a fly-in lodge.I`m thinking of maybe heading back this year and when I was there before I was just learning about fishing for muskies,great bass and northern lake and the fish tasted GREAT since it`s crystal clear water in most areas.I was just wondering if any of you pounded the lake for muskie with any good results,not sure what I`m gonna do for a summer trip and green islands not cheap so need to start saving early in the year if I`m gonna head there.I`m not interested in lower manitou since I wouldn`t be able to talk my cousin into going there,he liked green island too much to want to hit lower manitou.

Edited by CASTING55 1/13/2011 4:16 PM
Posted 1/14/2011 12:22 PM (#475402 - in reply to #475246)
Subject: RE: upper manitou

Posts: 20

If you go, try to get Tom Nichols to guide you for a day or two. He grew up on the upper Manitou and has a house in Mosher bay which is just down from Green Island Lodge. He put me on a 51 incher one morning. It can be devilishly tough to fish but can pay huge dividends at times. You gotta get in touch with Tom if you go.
Posted 1/14/2011 10:16 PM (#475500 - in reply to #475246)
Subject: RE: upper manitou

Posts: 22

Location: Lower Manitou Lake, Ont.
Strange your brother doesn't want to try Lower manitou if you are looking to cut some cost, (cut the plane out)? Upper and Lower are the same system only separated by a couple miles of water and islands.

Edited by Outfitter17 1/14/2011 10:17 PM
Posted 1/16/2011 6:37 AM (#475730 - in reply to #475246)
Subject: RE: upper manitou

Muskie magazine had a couple of articles about fishing the lake just a few issues ago. Worth reading if you have never been there before. I fished the lower Manitou this past year and as a group we did not have much luck catching muskies. We were there after a major storm moved through and maybe that was part of it. Drove to the lake and launched at the south end. Make sure your outfitter meets you and leads you through the water to the main lake. Best fishing appears to be at the north or south end with the middle of the lake being a trench.
Good Maps are hard to come by. If you would like to buy one (unused since I forgot and left it at home) send me an email at [email protected]
Posted 1/16/2011 9:23 AM (#475742 - in reply to #475246)
Subject: Re: upper manitou

Posts: 22

Location: Lower Manitou Lake, Ont.
Hey Wayne,

There are actually excellent maps available for both Lower and Upper Manitou and you can find them online or just at the Great Bear or Rainy Lake Sports on your way through Fort Frances. They are fully charted with all the depth rings that are also shaded as the water gets deeper, red stars marking all the rocks, the company did a great job on them plus they are semi laminated so they are water resistant to a point. Also, the manitou system is on the navionics chip - so you can buy one for $70 and you have the map on your graph.
Along with the nice maps, each outfitter tries to mark their section of the lake, we mark the south end from our camp back to the landing, but wayne is right - you should have your outfitter meet you and show you the way. We had a group leave early in the morning trying to meet a plane down in MPLS with one of their group memebers and they ran right into a big rock bar that was marked with 5 jugs, I guess they thought the jugs were just seagulls. They group followed a camp boat in and went around the rocks at the start of the trip, but must have forgot about the rock bar on the way out. It happens to the best of boaters, just bad luck I guess.
Also, fishing is fishing - we had a group of muskie guys come in, in late june from the chicago area and they tore them up 13 or 14 with the biggest being around 47-48", then the next week after a huge storm we had a group of 6 muskie guys in from missouri that looked like good fisherman and they had a tough trip. I believe they only boated 1. A couple days after the Missouri guys left we had another group of muskie guys from Wi come in and they had nice stable weather and they boated 7 muskies between 39" and 49", plus 2 of the guys hit a portage lake that we have for muskies and caught 12 in 1 day with the biggest only 34", but they had a great time.
Fishing is different from week to week, everyone just hopes that their week will be a good one.

Edited by Outfitter17 1/16/2011 9:39 AM