Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | 2010 Muskie fishing season is over for most of us, and as you look back, what things are you going to do different next yr. to make your muskie hunt more enjoyable and put more or bigger fish in the boat ?
Let's hear it. Merry Christmas.
Edited by Top H2O 12/23/2010 6:26 PM

Location: Illinois | I'm going to follow my figure eight with a figure O and call it the figure 8ty |
Posts: 210
| fish more on my home waters. fish more with good friends on their home waters. ditch my dead weight, i only have one partner who shares my goals and will fish to achieve them.
and, fish more with my family. goals are much different with these partners! |
Posts: 177
| No more number lakes for me just trophy water .Going to condense a whole bunch of small trips into a couple weeks of prime time trophy water musky hunting.

Posts: 8797
| Different? Well, after 7 years I feel like I'm finally starting to figure these stupid green fish out. I might try to do a few things better, but not much different. I hope I can fish a lot more this year. That would sure be different!
Oh, and this year I'm just going to let my girlfriend fish and learn her own lessons. No more watching every cast, coaching on figure 8's, etc. She's got enough hours under her belt now where I can get back to fishing. And I #*^@ well better. She's averaging a fish every other day with a 35" average. If I'm not careful she's gonna kick my a$$ at this.  |
Posts: 380
Location: Michigan | Wait at least 1 second before setting the hook. With the sensitivity of rods/braid, i pull the bait out of the mouth of too many fish... This year a couple monsters... Crushing... |
Posts: 70
| good to see i'm not the only one allrerady planning 2011
we are going to troll from downtown to my cottage which is over 60 miles of musky water, in that, we change baits and driver every hr, we are only allowed to pack 40 baits each, rain or shine
we gave this a small test this fall and it was intense and fun, the hr goes by fast
all the best in2011 , MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and i hope the big Kahuna is in a few snap shots in 11
bob |

Posts: 13688
Location: minocqua, wi. | job will provide time in minnesota and montreal. i'm looking forward to that plus 2 trips to Eagle Lake ... i'd like to experience the place earlier in the season and add to my range for another year.
(2) birds networked and plan to invest a lot of mapping time this year to improve my success rate on known quality water. |

Posts: 32901
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | I'm going to get back out on the water. been a tough year on free time. |

Posts: 265
Location: McGuire AFB, NJ | Bass fish..... I know I know, not really my choice
but there isn't any musky in California
Going from prob a hundred days of musky fishing
to maybe a week if I'm lucky.
But when I do get a chance there are a few
things that I'll be doing. Setting back into
fish after the eat in the eight, figure 8'n for
two to three times as long as I did before after
I raise a fish and it disappears. Always and I mean
always have the sharpest hooks on the market
on my baits. |
Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | I'd like to fish more this yr. but first I need to work more in order to pay bills and afford to take trips to "better than avg. Muskie waters"
Don't know how I can fish more If I'm working more, but when I do fish I'll try to focus more on setting the hook properly and fish for larger fish...... Time on the Water = A better all around angler.
Try to fish with the family and friends more and Golf more when away from any muskie lakes while working out of town.
I hope you guys all have a Great and Blessed year, no matter what you do.
Be Safe out there !
Jerome |

Posts: 278
Location: WV | muskellunged - 12/23/2010 7:26 PM
I'm going to follow my figure eight with a figure O and call it the figure 8ty
Now that's funny right there!!
I think I am going to try to yank after the fish hits and not before.  |
Posts: 1291
Location: WI | Catch one on a flyrod. Tried a few times this year. |
Posts: 559
| I am going to give top water a fair shake,not my fave but I beleve I am missing out on some fish. New Weagle for Xmas so look out Top H20 and merry xmas to everyone.
Edited by bobbie 12/25/2010 6:44 AM
Posts: 567
| set the hook properly. glad i'm not the only one...bet i lost 25 fish this year.....i'm going to take my dad who has never caught a musky. hopefully he will get one on top or at least a blow up! |
| as a new small lures user i'l try to use smaller line and leaders |

Posts: 2344
Location: Chisholm, MN | I will keep a tighter line on big fish. I've been known to loosen up on the big ones and they get off.
I will fish more big fish waters.
I will try new spots.
I will catch THREE fish on opener! One will be 48 at least. |
Posts: 292
Location: SW MI | Well, on my favorite UP lake, I'll be sure to spend more time fishingwhere the fish are and not where I want them to be. I'd like to fish LSC with a guide. Make more club outings. |
Posts: 646
Location: In a shack in the woods | I won't let Chad Cain borrow my boat and blow it up. |
Posts: 19
| troll more, run six rods instead of four when trolling, fish James/tippe more instead of Webster and pay more attention to water temps over basins |

Posts: 829
Location: Maple Grove, MN | Not go to Lake Vermillion and stay on my favorite lakes more. No offense to those that love Vermillion. I can see it has some big fish in it, but I can also see that it is beyond my ability to be successful there. So I'm going to stick with lakes where I can actually catch Muskies.  |
Posts: 2361
| Herb_b - 12/28/2010 12:39 AM
Not go to Lake Vermillion and stay on my favorite lakes more. No offense to those that love Vermillion. I can see it has some big fish in it, but I can also see that it is beyond my ability to be successful there. So I'm going to stick with lakes where I can actually catch Muskies. :)
Maybe just don't fish any lake you can't spell.
Day Lake anybody? |

Posts: 1207
Location: Pigeon Forge TN. | I am actually going to go fishing more than ONCE or TWICE this year for sure. |
Posts: 1280
Location: Stevens Point, Wi. | FSF- I think you hit on why there are so many lake X's. |
Posts: 633
| I am hoping to get out more next year. I am hoping to get a new job that pays better. Try more small lures instead of sticking to the big ones. Try to give bucktails a better shot this year. I love the action of glide baits. I am also looking at going up north for another muskie trip instead of just the week long one in July. Get my son another fish, and try to get my wife her first one, so she will stop asking why I keep buying more baits. Try to get my 9 year olds their first shot at a fish. I will have to setup more rods holders in the boat. Just try to get out more. |
Posts: 550
Location: So. Illinois | Stop overthinking and overanalyzing every detail. I found I was much more successful (and more happy) when I was just starting out. The idea is to pay atttention to the few factors that make a difference and just go fishing. I find that I enjoy my time in the boat with friends and family and I am having the most fun when I am teaching someone new. What does the above mean? Fewer baits, less equipment = more fishing time and less distractions.
Jerry (aka AFChief)
Edited by AFChief 12/28/2010 1:00 PM
Posts: 2361
| Stan Durst 1 - 12/28/2010 7:54 AM
I am actually going to go fishing more than ONCE or TWICE this year for sure.
Yes but Stan, every time I call you up, you are busy working. I think you said that fish more thing when you moved down here. How's it working out for ya??  |
Posts: 2361
| ghoti - 12/28/2010 10:13 AM
FSF- I think you hit on why there are so many lake X's.
I've fished that one! |
Posts: 1220
| I'm going to remember that this stuff is not rocket science. It's keeping a quality bait, moving in quality water for as long as possible. It's not rumaging around in the bait box looking for a silver bullet or burning gas on the big motor, sitting in the tavern or any of the many other things we do instead of "chucking it out there." In a lot of ways it's just time on the water, and what I want for next year is just more time on the water. Marty Forman |

Location: Des Moines IA | I'm going to try the Slamr philosophy ............. Find 20 FOW and cast at the shore until something eats ........... |

Posts: 7056
Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs | MuskieMike - 12/28/2010 3:28 PM
I'm going to try the Slamr philosophy ............. Find 20 FOW and cast at the shore until something eats ...........
Or 20 FOW at an island, boat dock, sunken island, rock, dead deer, rusted out car, garbage pile. Whatever. |
Posts: 17
Location: Indiana & Wisconsin | I'm gonna enjoy more about the fishing experience than the catching or lack of, enjoy more sunrises and sunsets , Enjoy fishing with my Dad who is in his mid 80's and my two son's who are 13 & 18 ( the 18 yr old is a die hard smallie fisherman).. Savor talking about the day over a beer and a glass of wine. I'm gonna fish more topwaters and not worry about The % of hook-ups ( we only get to fish about 3 weeks a year). Give my husband more grief about catching bigger fish than he does, if only in jest, and learn our new lowrance side scan fish locator system... that will be a challenge |
| Fish with guys from our musky club more.
Jig more with goofy rubber thingys
do a salmon charter
Watch what I eat. Less fat/sodium.
fish the hot bite. get the best info, and fish the spot/species that is happening.
Get better with the HD underwater camera
Film some steelhead/Rainbow underwater. |
| I'm going to fish the PMTT this year after not competeing the last six years.I'm also going to fish in Tenn & Ohio more in March,April & May.Also getting in some Ice fishing this year,Tigers & Pike.Sure is nice being retired and having all the fishing time you want and not being tied down by a land job.
Capt. Larry D. Jones
www.mostlymuskies.com |

Posts: 313
Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion | Make better decisions and not nearly die on the water. Nearly did it two years ago, promised myself I wouldn't do it again but did it again this spring anyways. I'd like to live long enough to fish some more. |

Posts: 2753
Location: Mauston, Wisconsin | Well, this year I might actually take a cast for a muskie. Last year was zero effort for muskies, just to busy with work & family, and every day I thank God that I am blessed with my health, a healthy family, and a means to put food on the table and pay the bills. The bill's don't seem to get any smaller either. The boat (Esox Maniac) has been sitting since we came back from our Canadian trophy walleye hunt in late June. I had a great time learning to use the new features in my Humminbird 997 SI. Jazzy & Xavier had an excellent Canadian fishing adventure.
So yeah, one of my New Year resolutions is to actually chase some muskies again in 2011.
Have fun!
Al |

Posts: 785
| Good Lord willing fish some new water, fish some water I haven't hit in a few years and other than that just have a similar season to 2010. I would love for my shoulder to heal as well. Hurt it last march... but I have 6 months till the hard fishing starts so hopefully...
Edited by musky-skunk 1/3/2011 3:34 PM
Posts: 159
| I won't park the boat stern out ---Sunk the new Tuffy last summer due to a moment of laziness.
Also--want to fish the first light bight every day during my big trip. In addition mid day---even if there is some sun. Never fished mid day with sun---but this summer will try it----the only time the wife likes to go out in the boat.
Want to keep it fun and lose the intense grumpy attitude I usually have until I catch a nice fish.
Spend more time exploring new spots on the home water---trying to find a great spot that does not get fished.
What to be a nicer guy while I am in the boat on the water with other boaters/skiers etc.. also other fishmerman, and especially other Musky fisherman. Do not want to be a jerk anymore while Musky fishing.
Want to learn how to take better pictures of fish when I am by myself. Learning to use the self timer on my camera and setting it up to get great solo shots. |