Lac Seul Muskies
Posted 12/15/2010 12:38 PM (#470710)
Subject: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 7

Hey guys,

I am heading up to seul in late july, early august next year and I am looking to get into some muskies, and suggestions as to what lures/colors to use also if you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction and a few places to try would be great. Thanks so much!

Edited by Canadabound6 12/15/2010 1:00 PM
Posted 12/15/2010 9:17 PM (#470795 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 1106

Location: Muskegon Michigan
I would book a day at Moosehorn lodge and fish with Greg Marino. He knows the lakes there real well. Mike
Posted 12/15/2010 10:21 PM (#470801 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 78

Black and Orange and Chartreuse great colors on Lac Seul. A sleeper color is purple.
Posted 12/16/2010 12:02 AM (#470806 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 74

Location: thunder bay
black,orange and chartreuse are really great colors on there. start off around manitu area and anything between there and devils elbow. bear paw is a great place.
Posted 12/16/2010 12:06 AM (#470807 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 74

Location: thunder bay
fav bait's of mine on there are the shumway flashers, top raiders. weagles, cowgirls but give manta's, hellhounds or wabulls a try they really like the walk the dog subsurfuce
Posted 12/16/2010 12:10 AM (#470808 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 7

Hey thanks guys, we will be staying out of the Kak camp from Andersons.. So i think the devils elbow area is a long shot from there, any suggestions around that camp? If you dont want to post it on here feel free to send me a PM.

Kirby Budrow
Posted 12/16/2010 10:58 AM (#470838 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: Re: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 2345

Location: Chisholm, MN
Not sure where Kak camp is. I never fished lac suel for muskies, but I know everyone says you have to be on the east end of the lake. I think toward Minitaki or north of there. White was always my best color for walleyes up there.
Posted 12/16/2010 1:23 PM (#470856 - in reply to #470808)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 74

Location: thunder bay
your right at the start to the hart of the north
Posted 12/16/2010 7:15 PM (#470895 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 7

Kak is up in the north eastern reaches of Lac Seul..
Musky Brian
Posted 12/20/2010 11:14 AM (#471259 - in reply to #470895)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
Just took my first trip to Lac Seul in September, on a tough week of weather and without any help from learning spots I was able to find fish, not many but they were all pretty darn big. Basically just fished anything that looked fishy, combinations of grass, weed, and wood held some fish, Timber alone seemed to be unproductive. Threw almost all double 10's as that is my big confidence bait, saw and caught fish on black and orange and blac and silver. Topraiders are a big bait out there as well, some in our group had misses from big fish.
Posted 1/12/2011 10:59 PM (#475140 - in reply to #470808)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

If you haven't booked with Anderson/Kakabeka Narrows yet, I HIGHLY recommend a house boat up there. Cheaper if you have 6 guys & they can put the houseboat pretty much any place you want it. LAC SEUL FLOATING LODGES out of Hudson. They are good people to book with.
I've been going up to that area for several years. We have fished muskies from Three Sisters to Wapesi Bay and Pine Island. Fish in the fall now.
Summer time, fish any weed bed you can find. Weeds/rocks are better. Primarily casting in summer, but don't forget to troll. It might surprise you. Casting use blk/or suface baits & D10's. Trolling, any walleye color, but firetiger works well too.
I prefer 12" Big Game, Wiley(2 piece) or firetiger Gramma's.
Brechin Bay to Chamberlain Narrows is good. Quirk Bay, Pine Island.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Chris Munchow
Posted 1/14/2011 4:20 PM (#475438 - in reply to #470710)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 129

Location: North Metro - Twin Cities

Pick yourself up a copy of "Livin' Lac Seul" DVD. Linda Rice and Greg Marino shot a few weeks worth of fishing in both summer and fall and pretty much teach the viewers exactly what they do up there.

Posted 1/14/2011 4:41 PM (#475440 - in reply to #475438)
Subject: RE: Lac Seul Muskies

Posts: 7

I have seen it in a couple places, but they all say they do not have any copies left. I will continue to ask around but I for sure want to pick that up! Thanks