Not peein water
Posted 12/2/2010 4:59 PM (#468833)
Subject: Not peein water

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI
Went to run my boat to store it for the winter and no water. I had it in my garage which is insulated but not heated. It rarely freezes in the winter. I put it back in the garage for the night with a heater under the motor and will try again tommorrow. My question is it too late and did I spin the fins off the impeller or do you think the line is plugged or frozen? I ran a wire down the tube about 2 feet. I look forward to your reply.
Posted 12/2/2010 9:28 PM (#468853 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: Re: Not peein water

Posts: 1663

Location: Kodiak, AK
Were you running it on ears, or in a tub? If you did it in a tub, you need to make sure the pump is fully submerged, as they're not self-priming. It's tough to say, you could have a clogged passage in your water jacket, or even a blockage in your intake. Hope for blockage above the pump because if your pump isn't getting water, you can easily burn it up. What kind of motor is it? Does it have an overheat alarm on it? Do you have a water pressure gauge?
Posted 12/2/2010 9:38 PM (#468854 - in reply to #468853)
Subject: Re: Not peein water

Location: Contrarian Island
what kind of motor and how long did you idle/run it?? reason I ask is some my Suzuki 175 4 stroke do not pee right away when they are cold....mine takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes when it's really cold before it starts to pee.....

Edited by BNelson 12/2/2010 10:01 PM
Posted 12/2/2010 9:53 PM (#468856 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

Posts: 814

I'm with Brad on this one...last week my yammy didn't pee for a good 10 minutes before anything came out. water temps were 38 or so.....the motor must still be getting water because the alarm never went off...
Posted 12/3/2010 4:58 AM (#468869 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI
It's a 125 merc 2+2. The ears were leaking some, so I will try again today with the ears or take it to the river if you thinkt is better. I ran it for a few minutes and saw a few drops of water and then it started to steam, so I knew it was getting warm. If I need to replace the impeller,do I need to do it now or can I wait till spring. Just worried about water being traped for storage. Thanks for all the replies.
Posted 12/4/2010 6:56 AM (#468968 - in reply to #468869)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

Posts: 576

Location: nappanee IN
if you tested it make sure you hang the motor straight down for the winter so any water can drain out won't hurt the transom..
Posted 12/4/2010 8:02 AM (#468972 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: Re: Not peein water

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

Most outboards that are a larger run a thermostat in them which is mounted on the outside of the engine head (at least that is where mine is located on my 90 yamaha 2 stroke).

The motor is still getting water but the thermostat works very much like a thermostat on your cooling system in your automobile. When the engine is warm enough, the thermostat opens and allows cooling water in to regulate engine temperature.

So...the dripping and then peeing is a good thing.

As for changing it out, so long as the engine is put in a vertical position, the system should be self draining. I have found that when mine is drained and I am fogging the engine, I keep the engine in gear and turn the prop to coat the combustion chamber. I can hear the squeaking of the impeller as it turns in the housing.... So...when you choose to change the impeller in spring vs fall is more or less 6 of one, half dozen of the other...

If the system has been allowed to be drained, any little bit of water that remains has room to expand, thus should not do any damage to your system, so it should be good to go.

It is a good thing, though to change that impeller every three years, though.


Posted 12/4/2010 5:23 PM (#469002 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI
Thanks for the response. I tried the ears again and due to the cold I think, the hose fitting broke off. So down to the river and the boat landing was froze too thick. So I stored it away. I drained the lower unit and had it vertical with a heater on it for 24 hrs. I had sea foam in the gas and added some sta-built too. I should be good to go for about 4 months till its back in the water. Thanks again !!

Edited by birdsnest 12/5/2010 8:14 AM
Posted 12/4/2010 11:18 PM (#469027 - in reply to #468833)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

mercs .......the efi's and opti's take a few min.. too pee let the motor all the way down, and it helps too change your lower unit lube to ensure there is no water in before storage!
Posted 12/5/2010 8:55 PM (#469130 - in reply to #469027)
Subject: RE: Not peein water

Posts: 43

Location: Roch NY
Merc impellers will take a set after a while of having the fins curled in the pump. As a result, the low rpm displacement pump action will be diminished-water will slip by the fin and could prevent water from getting through all the passages due to the lower idle pressure. Those impellers need to be changed every 100hrs or annually, whichever comes first so it's really immaterial if you damaged it as the best thing to do is replace it every spring anyway.

As was said before, your telltale is probably one that works off the t-stat circuit so you won't see anything come out till they open up.