Easy Muskies
Posted 8/26/2010 7:22 PM (#456879)
Subject: Easy Muskies

My son started college the other day and will be majoring in applied science. He has been into gaming/computers since he was 12 so it seemed like something good for him to get into. He also likes muskie fishing...to a point. He doesn't like going out for hours upon hours casting without at least seeing fish. So it has always been a challenge taking him out keeping him interested. It really has made me a better muskie fisherman cause when I am out with him I know I don't have long to see fish if I am going to keep him interested. Instead of just trying spots I try to read the lakes current conditions, look at the envoirment and try to feel what it's going to take to catch fish. Make sure I am on the spot when all the planets line up. I am old school in willing to work hard and long for a fish, but my son is looking more for instant gradification or what I call "easy muskies". I don't blame him, but for me it's the hunt or the quest and challenge that drives me. Anyway, he was talking about some of the new technology coming in the future and while he was explaining himself I drifted off into a vision of the future of muskie fishing. "I visioned muskies implanted with microchips and programmable processors. I visioned state of the art tracking systems cordinating with advanced GPS units all working together to pinpoint individual musky locations and their activity level. Guided selfdriven boats and smart tackle boxes sniffing the current conditions and intereacting with the implants for perfect bait selection." Then I heard dad...dad!...Yes son?...What lake has the muskies? I look over and he is playing the xbox game Reel Fishing. I was like - Oh boy.
Top H2O
Posted 8/26/2010 9:30 PM (#456905 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion

Are you old enough to even have a son ? Don't ruin muskie fishing with all that high tech crap... Implants..... in muskies !
Man... Get out of the lab.

Posted 8/26/2010 11:18 PM (#456917 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Location: Des Moines IA
Easy Muskies? No such thing ..... If only ...............

Edited by MuskieMike 8/26/2010 11:22 PM
Posted 8/27/2010 4:39 AM (#456926 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 723

funny thing is its the days of "easy muskies" that stick out in our minds the most. OMG that was awesome! back to back casts, double digit days. yeah, i enjoy being on the water as much as anyone else. love just being able to smell a ski, even if its a small one. but i never want to see it become like catching bluegills.
then everyone would do it, including those that will never appreciate what hard work on the water will get you.
Its a good thing they are cold blooded creatures, otherwise infrared technology would be used, in conjunction with your graph, and you'd have people flying all over the lake trying to find the biggest fish possible. the sport would be even more chaotic. there would be more snagging of actual fisherman i think.
"dude, thats my fish, i found her first, leave her alone!"
Posted 8/27/2010 6:05 AM (#456929 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 880

Location: New Berlin,Wisconsin,53151
Wow....you better check the mushrooms your throwing on your steak. Cyber muskie fishing right around the corner, robotic 50'rs that rate your abilities at the time of release with a printout. Man I better check the mushrooms on my steak......

Posted 8/27/2010 7:41 AM (#456930 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Just look at how technology in the industry has advanced from say 50 years ago. Most muskie fisherman were rowing boats and dropping lead weighted lines down to check the depth they were at. Using steel rods and reels that may get a chunk of wood out 25' in a cast. Isn't the bottom line in all the advancements we use today to make muskie fishing easier? And who to say the buck is going to stop here. We don't need to agree with the future of muskie fishing as our next generations will pave the paths. Funny about the mushroom thing...people said very simular things about the Wright brothers invention.
Posted 8/27/2010 1:18 PM (#457024 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

This is possibly the stupidest thing I have heard. Implanting chips in fish to make them easier to catch? Might as well just get a tank and raise the fish, then they would really be easy to catch. The whole point of fishing is the get away from it all. What you are describing is already possible, its called video games. Anyone who wants to turn fishing into a video game doesn't understand the first thing about fishing!
Slow Rollin
Posted 8/27/2010 1:26 PM (#457025 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 619

some will need to have chips in fish to get a fish.......its getting tougher and tougher for the average dude to go out and get even a sniff of a chance of getting a fish now
Posted 8/27/2010 8:05 PM (#457054 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 767

Location: Ames, Iowa
I am old school in willing to work hard and long for a fish, but my son is looking more for instant gradification or what I call "easy muskies".

I'm a teacher and I see the desire for instant gratification in so many ways all the time at school. You're going to have to do a more effective job of teaching your son a passion for the chase now or wait for him to mature to the point where he'll understand. My 18 year old got that passion for the hunt of muskies this summer I believe. My 15 year old, the more talented fisherman of the two and patient enough for bass, perch and northern, will discover passion for the muskie hunt with more experience.
Jim M
Posted 8/27/2010 8:49 PM (#457057 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

I'd say your son has taken the right approach for those who want "easy muskies"....video game fishing. But in the real world it's all about real time, real work, and fish that don't play by the rules. And for most of us fishing in the real world; the hunt, the work and the whole package are all part of the gratification in this sport called 'musky fishing".
tech geek
Posted 8/27/2010 9:49 PM (#457061 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Its not that far off. I can see the day not too far off when a person will be able to put a tag or chip in a fish and release. Next time on the water turn your scanner on and find it and cast to it. Just imagine if a guy had 30 fish fish tagged and was in a tournament on that body of water. He would always be casting to a fish. Its not that far farfetched.
Posted 8/28/2010 11:58 AM (#457112 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Are you kidding me? Wy not just put 'em in a bathtub, and make it all the easier to 'cast to them'?
Slow Rollin
Posted 8/28/2010 12:00 PM (#457114 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 619

it wouldnt even be fun.....where is the hunt and skill involved.....if he just wants to get a bigger fish on and a good fight go fish for carp. they will fight good and you wont have to wear yourself out.
Posted 8/30/2010 12:38 PM (#457356 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
Agree or disagree, thanks for sharing the vision with us! Seems to have livined up the joint a bit!! Ha Ha
Posted 8/30/2010 12:51 PM (#457362 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

I find it interesting how many of you are responding to this post, yet I bet each and every one of you does not leave without a depthfinder or a GPS with loaded map chip in your boat.

How long ago was it that we would talk about the future and how great it would be to be able to remember how to find an exact spot without having to use landmarks?

Though these ideas seem far-fetched, I dont think it is too far away from being possible. It DOES take away from the whole SPORT of fishing, so I dont necessarily agree with it, but I bet your dad or you grandpa would say the same thing about all the TOOLS we take for granted now too.
Posted 8/30/2010 1:28 PM (#457376 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 225

Location: Nordeast Minneapolis
Mmmmmm.... Fish and chips....
Posted 8/30/2010 4:41 PM (#457408 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 32884

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Easy Muskies, just like easy women, and for the ladies, easy men, will cost you.

And that's the way it is.
Posted 8/30/2010 8:53 PM (#457438 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 2024

Trust me, it's not easy catching one with a transmitter, despite what you may think....
musky slut
Posted 8/31/2010 7:47 AM (#457468 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 496

I think they call it Pike fishing !
Posted 8/31/2010 8:55 AM (#457474 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 232

Location: Sun Prairie, WI
If you really think about this,
This techno stuff is already here now, just not being used by the everyday fisherman. If they made small transmitters available to the public where muskies had a certain frequency which could be inserted into every muskie you caught and released and was then incorporated into your mapping chip, atleast locating the fish would be easier. Getting them to eat would still be the hard part. I am sure some tourny fisherman will eventually try this, maybe not with muskies, but maybe some other species. Who knows, it might be happening already.
I can see it now, instead of buying just lures, you could buy chips for every species of game fish and insert at will.
Kinda scary, isn't it??
Posted 8/31/2010 9:22 AM (#457480 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
A few of us "rusty" guys remember when the last time technology was going to ruin the sport. There was a call to arms to outlaw this new technology and ban it forever from the natural fishing scene. That was a strange thing called a depthfinder. I actually sat through allot of meetings arguing the validity of the new electronic device to those that were against it. Improvements, they are coming, I have three dozen in boats alone. Starting with that new button in the splash well that puts the plug in the boat and pulls it out electrically. Oh ya....a brave new world!
Posted 8/31/2010 11:08 AM (#457511 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 2865

Location: Brookfield, WI
I fully expect certain waters to be stocked with 7' to 9', 100 to 200 pound, genetically engineered Super Muskies within the next 15-20 years. I'm waiting until then to get back into fishing with a vengeance. I'll need the time to get into shape to land those gals.

Posted 9/1/2010 5:54 AM (#457626 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 880

Location: New Berlin,Wisconsin,53151
At your age you might not make it....LOL. I think you do have something going in your comments. They have superfied the cow, chicken and baseball players why not a muskie. I can just see it in your older age hooking up on a 200lb fish and your arms pulled right out of there sockets. Hey it would give us more of a reason to buy all those high end saltwater reels.

Posted 9/1/2010 1:35 PM (#457687 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 393

Location: Hopefully on the water
Heck even video games aren't easy to land Muskies. It took me 2 weeks and loosing around 40 fish to finaly figure it out. My son on the other hand is kicking my rear end landing fish on the video games.
It does make it tougher though some days going out and actually real fishing and not landing or hooking up with that many as on the games but then again he is still 7. It is teaching him some rod control ( a little). He just wants to fish which makes it easier to convience Mom to get out and go fishing:) .
There is no easy Muskie just some lakes with higher %'s of seeing fish or chances to hook up with one. Good luck fishing.
Posted 9/2/2010 12:06 AM (#457769 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Ok...the implant thing is too intrusive, for the sake of argument let's not speculate on how it would be accomplished...but, imagine the same GPS/Mapping units we use now with an added option that shows our selected targets in relationship to a particular structure at that period of time. Maybe it shows up as a small red bleep or something on our screen. We still have to be skillfull fisherman and executed proper boat control, we just have a bit more of an edge to be fishing for fish and not fishing for nothing. If this option was available...wouldn't you upgrade?
Top H2O
Posted 9/2/2010 8:23 AM (#457785 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Ok,........ I nominate this thread to be the dumbest of 2010.
Sheeeeesh !!
Why does everything now days have to be made easy? Have we as a society become that lazy??
Isn't a big part of fishing,the actual hunt, and the thrill of figuring out where the fish are at??

Crankin' Cory
Posted 9/6/2010 8:37 PM (#458342 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Its good to hear all the posts about how its the hunt and not the catch that matters and how inportant patience and hard work is in this game and how wrong chips in fish would be. Lets be serious though for second if chips were available to the public and were remotely affordable every hard core musky angler would have them without question. There isn't a doubt in my mind about it. There would be the regular backlash for the first couple years like there was with fish finders then as time went on those same guys whining would have a pocket full of chips just like the fishfinder guys did. Heck I bet most have at least two in their boats now.Don't kid yourself.
Mr Musky
Posted 9/6/2010 8:50 PM (#458345 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 999

Yep, And Frank Suick was almost banned from Pelican Lake because catching ski's on Suick's was too easy and nobody else had them in their hands!!
Posted 9/7/2010 1:10 PM (#458450 - in reply to #458345)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 941

Location: Freedom, WI
Here is something to get you thinking, there is technology out there electronic and chemical that makes fish bite. It has to be designed for each species but attracts and puts them into a feeding mode, it is not on the market and not sure if it will ever be. Believe it or not but it could change things a lot if released.
Posted 9/7/2010 3:13 PM (#458471 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
Easy Muskies? How about just learn how to fish for them? If you want to make catching Muskies easier, here are some realistic things one can do:
1. Have an assortment of good lures and learn how to use several types well.
2. Buy decent rods and reels. Use good line, leaders and snaps.
3. Learn how to position the boat to provide the best chance at catching the fish.
4. Learn how to predict fish location and mood based on weather, solar, and lunar activity.
5. Learn how to set the hook.
6. Get the proper release tools and know how to use them.
7. Get on the water and learn one or more lakes well.
8. (Or hire a good guide.)

Isn't the fun of learning how to fish and the challenge what makes Muskie fishing so much fun?

If you want easy fish, why not fish for Carp? They are big and easy to catch. They fight very hard and don't require expensive tackle and the bait is cheap. Just get yourself some worms or a can of corn.
Posted 9/7/2010 3:16 PM (#458472 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: RE: Easy Muskies

Do we really have people arguing over this kinda crap already? We're gonna be getting into prime-time fall fishing and people are really sitting on here arguing and insulting each other over stuff like this? If I didn't have to be sitting in a library 8 hours a day studying Immunology I think that I'd rather be on the water or thinking about the next time I was gonna be on the water instead of that.

The original poster had an interesting idea. If you don't agree with it, then don't say anything. And we wonder why other fisherman think that we're a bunch of egomaniacal pompous jerks. We can't even be nice to one another.
Posted 9/7/2010 3:20 PM (#458473 - in reply to #456879)
Subject: Re: Easy Muskies

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
As esox50 eluded to, this technology already exists. Your kid is a few years behind. The technology, however, does not make them eat baits.