Need input on a particular rod
Posted 7/28/2010 10:47 PM (#452304)
Subject: Need input on a particular rod

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
Was hoping someone on here has used this rod or have any onsight to wether this is a good rod or something I should stay away from.

With just trying to figure out if musky fishing is truly what I want to do I am not wanting to drop a ton of money on quality gear just yet. I want to play around for the rest of the season this year and if I find that I am truly wanting to spend alot more time chasing these beast then I will sink money into better quailty gear as I do in my bass fishing.

So please I want to hear anything you have to say wehter good or bad. I know the price they go for is poretty darn cheapwhich is $50 -60 plus shipping which winds up being about $70

Posted 7/28/2010 10:52 PM (#452305 - in reply to #452304)
Subject: Re: Need input on a particular rod

Location: Northern Wisconsin
what rod?
Posted 7/29/2010 12:08 AM (#452311 - in reply to #452304)
Subject: RE: Need input on a particular rod

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
Muddy41 - 7/28/2010 10:47 PM

Was hoping someone on here has used this rod or have any onsight to wether this is a good rod or something I should stay away from.

With just trying to figure out if musky fishing is truly what I want to do I am not wanting to drop a ton of money on quality gear just yet. I want to play around for the rest of the season this year and if I find that I am truly wanting to spend alot more time chasing these beast then I will sink money into better quailty gear as I do in my bass fishing.

So please I want to hear anything you have to say wehter good or bad. I know the price they go for is poretty darn cheapwhich is $50 -60 plus shipping which winds up being about $70


I guess the name of the rod would be helpfull!!!! Friggin idiot I can be!!!

Here is the name of the rod. Musky Bulldawg Spence Petros rod
Posted 7/29/2010 8:04 AM (#452328 - in reply to #452304)
Subject: Re: Need input on a particular rod

Location: Northern Wisconsin
If your just getting into musky fishing and aren't for sure about it yet then yes that rod will be fine, havent heard much about them but at least it's designed for musky fishing. It should be just fine for you.
WV Musky
Posted 7/29/2010 9:30 AM (#452339 - in reply to #452328)
Subject: Re: Need input on a particular rod

Posts: 570

Location: Williamstown, WV
saw this exact rod break in half on a fish this past week. The drag on the reel was not to tight, just snapped like a toothpick. Sounded like a shotgun going off also, really loud. haha.
Posted 7/29/2010 10:53 AM (#452348 - in reply to #452311)
Subject: RE: Need input on a particular rod

the spence petros rods are alright. i havent caught a musky on one yet but ive caught a few nice pike on them. they get the job done and are good for the price, but the handle is a little to small for me. still a decent rod though