Poll What line do you use and why? POLL
What line do you use and why? POLL
Cortland Bronzeback4 Votes - [8.89%]
Cortland Masterbraid6 Votes - [13.33%]
Cortland Spectron4 Votes - [8.89%]
Fireline Braid1 Votes - [2.22%]
Power Pro10 Votes - [22.22%]
Spiderwire Stealth14 Votes - [31.11%]
Stren Superbraid2 Votes - [4.44%]
Sufix3 Votes - [6.67%]
Tuff - XP0 Votes - [0%]
Viscous1 Votes - [2.22%]

Posted 4/27/2010 9:54 AM (#437796)
Subject: What line do you use and why? POLL

After some great responses lets tally the votes!