Posts: 462
Location: Madison Wi. Chain | Now that Wisconsin beat Duke lat night in basketball. What have been your musky highlights from this last year? BG |
Posts: 427
Location: Wausau | Musky highlight - 55
Living highlight - increased time on water with kids, time with friends and simply the opportunities I have...
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| I didn't get to spend as much time on the water as years past because of a career change, but I did get a few nice fish in the boat. Set my PB 3 different times. The 2 fish below were both right at 49.75"!!! What are the chances?!?!?! Skinnier one came first and the fat one came late in November. Couldn't have been happier with them though. It means I still get to shoot for my first fiddy. Can't thank my 2 boat partners enough....THANKS Greg and Tony!!!!! Also got to fish with Shoot2Kill, unfortunately he is a Cyclown fan, but we had a good time anyway.
And yes I know I am wearing a ridiculous hat....it was keeping my ears warm and I never thought about taking it off for the pix. HAHAHAHAHA
Edited by muskydeceiver 12/3/2009 1:43 PM
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Posts: 661
Location: Roscoe IL | Teaching my son the sport & watching him catch his first big muskie. Also having the whole family fish with dad for a change.
Edited by ToothyCritter 12/3/2009 2:22 PM
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Posts: 280
Location: McFarland | I broke my PB three times this year in my young musky career and I've never fished anywhere but the Madison chain. No monsters but some nice Madison muskies.
Need to get to Canada next year and get that first 50".
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Posts: 2017
| No boat problems! |
Posts: 281
Location: ROckford IL | My 50.5 on the Big V was by far the most memorable experience for me this year, catching a 47.5 on Wingra on topwater was pretty cool too.
(Vermilion 50.5 in resized.jpg)
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Posts: 265
Location: McGuire AFB, NJ | Operation Musky,
Hands down by far one of the coolest things I have ever done. It will be hard to top that, trip of a lifetime.
As well,
Fishing with a buddy!! Been solo musky fishing for about a year and a half down here. Finally got a buddy to net all my pigs, lol. |
Posts: 1169
Location: New Hope MN | Watching my fiance' get her first follow. HUNNY HUNNY!!!! OH MY GOD!! HUNNY! |
Posts: 315
| catching my first 50 and on the figure 8 to boot
it was cool
-b- |
Location: MN | - Got to spend time in the boat this year with some great guys and learned a TON. Built some new - lasting frienships.
- Watched a good friend catch a PB.
- I had a four muskies over 50" this year including a new personal PB; still can't believe it, very grateful.
- Spent a lot more time working on boat control, learning my spots, and developing patterns.
Edited by Mak51 12/3/2009 5:03 PM
Posts: 59
Location: Aurora IL | 3 PBs ,two on topwater,and netting 3 PBs in our boat.I had a fish come straight up from the bottom out of the water all the way (almost scaring me off the other side of the boat!) on the hint of the start of a figure eight in stained water.My heart was pounding out of my chest.We let it sit for 15 minutes and got it first cast coming back on the spot.The real highlight was getting the two rod crank snag-fish that you think is a log.I always read those stories and thought "how dumb do you have to be to think a fish is a log?"Now I know. |
Posts: 2865
Location: Brookfield, WI | Watched my 12 year old daughter break 110, then break 100, then break 90. I managed to get as low as 72, and dropped my 'cap below 5 for the first time in 25 years.
Good year.
Kevin |
Posts: 8791
| I see that hopeful replied. I haven't read it yet, but I'd bed dollars to donuts it's something to do with golf!! |
Posts: 4266
| Here's my highlights.
Nothing beats time up in the north country with my daughter. She didn't get her first muskie like she wanted, but we had fun catching lunch and smallies every day.
The August outing was another highlight. I can't wait for next year's outings. Spring Bay is our favorite place to be, and one of these trips we will probably catch a muskie.
Beaver and Taylor
Edited by Beaver 12/3/2009 10:27 PM
(Get it closer to the camera.jpg)
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Posts: 1289
Location: WI | 47 on a topwater, and a 49 on a DCG (my best casting fish). Watching my mom, my friend, and a couple veterans catch fish were really fun!
Here's the 47". I was not paying attention at the time, just looking for weeds to waypoint on the gps, good battle and took a few tries to net solo.
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Posts: 97
Location: Pickering, ON | Muskywise - new 54" PB on the same spot I caught a 51"PB two years ago.
Other highlights lifewise - Went on the trip of a lifetime to Kenya and on the last day proposed to the love of my life.
Edited by JeffinPickering 12/4/2009 7:52 AM
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Posts: 1663
Location: Kodiak, AK | For me, the whole year has been a highlight. It's my second season on LSC, and I'm starting to put things together. Last year was a bloodbath....for me. No fish boated, only a handful contacted.....I was doing all the wrong things but learning the lake. This year, I know how the drifts work, what wind does to different parts of the lake, how the fish relate to the weeds, how to find "structure" in LSC, and most importantly how to fish LSC efficiently. Last year I was so unsuccessful because I wasted so much time doing the wrong thing and making mistakes. Still made a bunch of mistakes this year, but my learning curve here has dramatically improved. Picking up conventional gear to contact more fish and get some patterns down helped immensly as well.
Still have 11 days left!
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Posts: 1245
Location: Madtown, WI | July was my season..or shall I say made my season.
Got a 54 on tues, a 51.5 on weds. and a 54 on thurs! Had a great time pounding the water that week...thanks BN for sharing in the memories!
Doubt I will ever duplicate that week....
Edited by C.Painter 12/4/2009 11:18 AM
(cory 54 low res 7 21 07 #6.JPG)
(cory 51.5 7 22 09 low res #2.JPG)
(cory 54 inch 7 24 09 #3 low res.JPG)
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Posts: 95
| I have been very blessed this last season with great customers and safety in all of our trips....along with some excellent fishing. Every year I look back at the photos....someones's first muskie or just a good trip...and it brings back all the memories. I LOVE watching other people feel the excitement of catching a muskie or any fish for that mattter! Their reactions and expressions are priceless.
There were two things this season which "made" the season. One was catching my PB, a 48.25 X 22 inch muskie, close to the boat. Got the release on video. The other was during a full day of guiding in September - we had just finished going for northern pike in the morning part of the trip catching 40 in a couple hours. The action was unbelievable. One of the guys told me it was one of the best days of his life. It was very humbling.
Chas Martin
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Posts: 462
Location: Madison Wi. Chain | I had three different people catch their PB's in my boat this year. I also go my first 50. I did not have the numbers i would have liked especially late in the year, but feel really good about my year as a whole. BG |
Location: Contrarian Island | lots of good ones...put some 54s in the boat... (see above)
my sept MN trip provided lots of good memories and crazy amount of fish in the net
the most exhillerating moment was a 51.5" I got fishing solo to scream in and eat in the 8...saw her a lonnng way out and got her to eat right where she should....took me straight down to 30 fow head shaking...thought for sure she was gone...nope, drag did it's job, after a good tussle got her in the net and she popped the one hook off as she got in the net..not nearly the biggest but wow, was my heart racing for 20 minutes...
others were my pb 53 and then a 50.5 all in about 15 casts one foggy night...
Getting a buddy on his 4th 50 and the sheer excitement was a blast, also razzing him it was a "big pike" while he was fighting it.... sorry Scottie!
lots of good times and memories from the season....bummer it's almost over...
Edited by BNelson 12/4/2009 3:10 PM
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Posts: 564
Location: WI | My catch of a lifetime.
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Location: Twin Cities | Couple PB's for myself, a whole lot of PB's for friends and a whole bunch of 1st muskies for friends. Fishing with a ton of good sticks and getting to know some awesome people. Learning new water and also learning that a pattern can work for 5 months through 40 degree's of water temp swings, still putting fish in the boat day in and day out.
Probably the most fun was my mom's first muskie. A good friend and I were fishing, we'd already boated a couple ourselves that night and the fish seemed to be going. So my mom and step dad came out in their boat and fished nearby, neither of which have caught a muskie through MUCH time and effort with me and on their own. Our boats were probably 200 yards apart and all the sudden we hear, "OMG HELP WE GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!" We drop everything and haul arse over while she's fighting it and get it in the net. So her first muskie was a 38 that ate a baby loon lowrider that she picked out in the store as the "i like that one" lure. Very cool, i was so glad to be a part of that, I owe her my love of fishing and passion for it, she always took me when I was a kid. It's been nice to return the favor in so many ways.
Oh man I can't wait till next year...this is really a sickness. |
Posts: 283
| I had a pretty good year: I caught more muskies this yr than any other, which was really good since I took over 2 months off bc I was still having problems with shoulder that I had surgery on. Met some new people and got one of my buddies his first muskie. It's always nice spending time with my dad in the boat. I fished in two smaller tounaments and ended up second in both. I was just lacking a few big fish. And I shot my PB bow buck, which was long overdue. |
| Still have my JOB!
To those who have not been as fortunate during this recession hang in there because better times are aroung the corner! Hopefully they will be here soon enough so everyone has highlights in the year ahead.
Location: MN | Watching JRedig's Mom catch her first musky was definitely a highlight of my year. She had put her time in on the water and finally caught her first musky! She was so excited and it was really cool that she caught it on top. The beautiful night turned out some awesome pictures. Congrats to her #1... now they come easy. |
Posts: 550
Location: So. Illinois | Caught my personel best breaking the 50" mark for the first time. My numbers were way down this year but that 50 more than made up for it. Tight lines....
Jerry (aka AFChief)
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Posts: 153
Location: Antigo Wi. | I have to say it was the two weeks my brother was home from Iraq on leave and we put 4 fish in the boat in October. Close second was the outing at Spring Bay in August with my nephew. |
Posts: 566
Location: Elgin, IL | Raftman, that's a classic......very cool. |
| watched my kids find their passion ...
- 15 year old daniel = starting 125 pounder on his varsity wrestling team as a freshman with a 4-3 record so-far and wrestling in the tough Wisconsin Valley Conference.
- 13 year old aaron 6'0" shot par on 9-holes, first hole-in-one on the golf course and finding his way on the b-ball court
- 12 year old david shot 38 on 9-holes 5 times and looks like a future player
- 10 year old abigail found some quality friends and has a gift for photography ...
musky fished 2-1/2 days the whole season and focused on recovering from a tough health situation and getting the ship back on plane and headed in the right direction job-wise.
enjoyed hosting some good friends on their trips north enjoyed hearing how well they did ... hoping to see more of them over the winter and in the coming year ...
2009 was a good year ... good enough i think to be able to get back into the boat a little more in 2010!! |
Posts: 501
Location: Norway | I fish for 4 species, and I managed to catch pb on all of them this year, but the 50" pike rank the highest. Michael
Posts: 1663
Location: Kodiak, AK | "50" pike!" I read that and thought, "this guy has to be from across the pond...." Yep. I am envious of your pike over there. Like many guys here, I was a pike guy before I was a muskie guy and I love pike for alot of reasons. To see them as large as you have over there....must be awesome! Nice perch too!! Wow. |
Location: Lake Tomahawk, WI | Spent the least amount of time fishing since I was 5 years old. Spent a lot of time filming and had an absolute blast. Spent time fishing with my young nephews and seeing their love of fishing is truly a blessing. Lots of boat time with the Badfish Crew, Tanner Wildes, Kevin Cochran, and Scottie Thomas really made the summer of 09 a great one.
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Posts: 380
Location: Michigan | Fished with a good group of freinds again this year. Had a couple days trolling that were nuts with 4 over 47, and got a freind his PB of 50.5x21. Officially the longest fish in my boat. Had another steller guided trip this past season where I passed my last PB of 54.5 by 2.5". Learned a lot about my home water. Started fishing some new water, a little less traveled. |
Posts: 229
Location: Plover, WI | My highlights... the birth of my 2nd daughter in May. Catching a ski on my hand made bait, watching my dad catch one on a bait I made for him. |
Posts: 32892
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | Brand New Grandson a few weeks ago. Cole and Kaden's first Pike through the ice. AIM Pro Walleye Tour...that was cool working with the crew there and seeing it all come together. |
Posts: 469
Location: Downers Grove, IL | Three things come to mind from the 2009 seaon. Guiding myself to my second 50 which i caught in the 8. Catching my first double on suckers which included a nice tiger muskie. Saving a seagulls life last sunday and having a 40 incher smash my sucker at the surface 1 minute after the bird flew away...Karma.
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Posts: 392
Location: lake x...where the hell is it? | dtaijo174 - 12/3/2009 3:52 PM
Watching my fiance' get her first follow. HUNNY HUNNY!!!! OH MY GOD!! HUNNY!
Posts: 64
| My Highlight this year was a 4 fish day with my 6 year old daughter topped with my first Illinois 50.5 on Topwater.
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