
Posts: 82
Location: Minneapolis,Mn | Thinking of picking one up, any feedback from owners, would be appreciated. TN12 or TN14 ? Would be matched with a 9FT Thorne Bros. Predator.
Edited by sbro73 10/26/2009 10:38 AM
Posts: 540
Location: MN | Just got back from 4 days on the big V and threw pounders & two pounders with my 16 DC Trinidad. The olny thing that I dislike about the Trinidad is now all my other reels feel like crap. |

Posts: 2384
Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot | The 14 is the most all purpose reel of the 3 (12,14,16). I had a 16 and got rid of it for a 14 and liked it so much I got another one. |
Location: Twin Cities | H or an XH predator? If XH, i'd get the 16N. |
Location: MN | Trinidad 14 is awesome, I use mine for most applications. Best reel I have owned and used. The TN 16 can be a little big at times and awkward to fish with, I have no experience with the TN 12.
Edited by Mak51 10/26/2009 11:45 AM

Posts: 82
Location: Minneapolis,Mn | Sorry, that would be H, the 14 sounds like it would work. Is it better than a Saltist with the levelwind?
Edited by sbro73 10/26/2009 1:18 PM

Posts: 1184
Location: Iowa Great Lakes | My H Predator 9' is about perfectly balanced with a Toro 60 on it. Need a reel for burning though but will put that on my 9' Tackle Ind rod. |
| Like Tim, I just spent 4 days on V. throwing Pounders and such with a new Trinidad 14 and 9'6" Predator. With six other high quality outfits on the deck, that was the one I always wanted to pick-up. I'll be buying two more Trinidad's come spring, along with two more Predators. Now to sell some stuff to help pay for all this.
Funny thing...by the end of our stay, I was wishing for a 10' long Predator. Seriously.
Brian |

Location: Contrarian Island | I had a 14 Trinidad and for big blades I liked the 16N better...sold the 14... 14 might be a better all purpose reel but I felt the 16N was better for big blades...Love that reel... |
| I picked up the Trinadad 14 this spring paired with a 9' predator. I use it mainly for big blades and buring small blades also. It's an awesome reel and sits nicely on the predator. The only thing i've noticed about the reel is after using it for multiple hours in a day pulling big girls it starts to make a odd noice when casting? If you sit it down and go to another rod it goes away. I returned mine to thornbrothers and they gladly replaced it but mentioned they have never heard of this issue. I took the new reel out and same thing. Have any of you Trinidad owners experienced this? It cast fine and retrieves fine when making the noise and only makes the noise after about 3-4 hours of heavy blade use? I love the reel but the noise is not what you want to hear when throwing baits. |

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160 | Go with a 16N, one of the best reels I have ever own, 2 years of 12hours a day use and still reeling like new. |
| The 16N will not cast as far or as smooth as a 14 unless you always find a way to cast down wind. |

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160 | On a SHIMANO TRINIDAD reel they don't have a line guide so I only fill the reel maybe 70 % line on the spool , so you don't backlash, so on a 16n with 70 % line on the spool you will get about 32" of line pickup, and on a 14 Trinidad, which has a 36" line pickup with a full spool, so with a 70% fill you will get only about 25" of line pickup with the 14 Trinidad, whats the point ??? you can get that with a TORO 60 with the 5.4:1 gears has a line pickup of 26" The 16n with it's v spool and 70 % line fill casts as far and as smooth as a 12 or 14, I had a 14 for one day and return it for the 16n, and have never looked back. I have a fishing partner who has a TRINIDAD 14 and I let him cast out his DCG13 and let him bring it in 25 ft and I can cast out and smoke him with my 16n reel and just have a very slow hand speed and he is reeling for his life. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR 14'S . Also the 16n has 22lbs of drag the 12 & 14 TRINIDAD has only 14 lbs of reel drag. The 16n does weight about 4oz more then the 14, but with a lot of the 9'3" rods the extra weight helps balance out your rod and reel combo.
Edited by PIKEMASTER 10/30/2009 4:20 PM

Posts: 82
Location: Minneapolis,Mn | Just heard from a Thorne bros. staffer , that he traded up his Trinidad for a Shimano TE400LJV, because it retrieves easier, plus it's got a levelwind. Interestinng! |
Location: Twin Cities | Of course it retrieves easier, you're not going nearly as fast...you may be cranking at the same rate, but with less line pickup, there's less resistance... |

Posts: 1663
Location: Kodiak, AK | So what's the selling point for a Trinidad? Line pick up? Stand up to blades? Tell me why I should think about a Trinidad to take the place of one of my TE's. And how hard would it be for a guy who's never used a non-LW reel to get used to? |

Location: Sawyer County, WI | I'll try a Trinidad when they make a lefty. In the meantime, is all 401TE's for me... |
Location: Twin Cities | It's easy to adjust to no level wind, just go fishing, it's not nearly as big of a deal as some people make it out to be. Selling points of a trinidad 16 are line pickup = speed and durability. A Trinidad 14? Well, i'm not so sure what the high points of that are for it's price considering what a saltist 20 will do....
Edited by JRedig 11/6/2009 9:25 AM
| On a SHIMANO TRINIDAD reel they don't have a line guide so I only fill the reel maybe 70 % line on the spool , so you don't backlash...on a 14 Trinidad, which has a 36" line pickup with a full spool, so with a 70% fill you will get only about 25" of line pickup with the 14 Trinidad, whats the point ??? you can get that with a TORO 60 with the 5.4:1 gears has a line pickup of 26"
a) it says Shimano on the side. that matters, don't fool yourself.
b) with the TN14 you can fill it all the way up and backlashes really are not a problem. i've found that underfilling the spool isn't really necessary with that reel...a bit of practice and it's fine. this means it is much faster than comparably sized reels.
of course the 16 is going to be faster than the 14. it's designed that way.
the better question from my perspective is "what is fast enough?" i can blow out weighted double-10s with the 14 without trying hard, and it offers very little fatigue...with a reel that fits much more easily in my hand than the large 16 size.
and as far as the difference in drag? again, the 16 has more because it's bigger. but so what? the better question is whether or not they have _enough_, and both of them do, in spades. they're strong, smooth, and very easy to adjust on the fly. the difference is on paper and doesn't matter in real use.
the 14 is great, for almost any application except very small baits.
Edited by lambeau 11/6/2009 11:12 AM
Posts: 531
Location: Hugo, MN | I just picked up the 14 and tried it out this afternoon. My first impressions are mostly positive. It's incredibly smooth, in fact now my other reels all feel like junk. I filled the spool FULL with 100# powerpro, figured on taking off line as needed. After four hours of practice I think I'll leave it full. No real backlash issues, but I can see where some people might have some. Power was impressive, but not what I had assumed after reading so much about this reel. I threw double tens and double 13's mostly, and was more than satisfied with the speed it could generate. I put on a little french blade bucktail and left a vapor trail with it. I've never worked a bait that fast before, and can't wait to burn showgirls with it. All in all I'd give it a 9.5 out of ten, just thought it would be easier to work the big bucktails. I guess it is what it is, big blades pull hard. |

Posts: 999
| How do the Trinidad's compare to the 700 TE ?
Mr Musky |

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160 | knooter - 11/6/2009 7:00 PM
I just picked up the 14 and tried it out this afternoon. My first impressions are mostly positive. It's incredibly smooth, in fact now my other reels all feel like junk. I filled the spool FULL with 100# powerpro, figured on taking off line as needed. After four hours of practice I think I'll leave it full. No real backlash issues, but I can see where some people might have some. Power was impressive, but not what I had assumed after reading so much about this reel. I threw double tens and double 13's mostly, and was more than satisfied with the speed it could generate. I put on a little french blade bucktail and left a vapor trail with it. I've never worked a bait that fast before, and can't wait to burn showgirls with it. All in all I'd give it a 9.5 out of ten, just thought it would be easier to work the big bucktails. I guess it is what it is, big blades pull hard.
The 14 TRINIDAD main gear is 41mm tall, the 16N TRINIDAD has a 49mm tall main gear, that's 20% more power, and I will take all the power I can get for the DCG10-13, so a 16N TRINIDAD has more cranking power then a 14 TRINIDAD. The taller the main gear in a reel U will have more power with that reel . That is Y I use a 16N over a 14. Also with alot of the 9'3" rods like the Okuma, they are tip heavy so the 16N is 4 oz more in weight and it will balance out a tip heavy rod. That way U don't have to add weight to the butts of your rod. Both will work but the 16N has more power. |