Suick presentation

Posted 8/15/2001 8:56 PM (#4471)
Subject: Suick presentation

I am not having the best of days w/ my black unweighted Suick.I'm confused on the correct retreive.Hard jerks,easy jerks,straight down with the rod tip,pulls to the side or all of the above? I know the Suick is possibly the best jerk bait ever made.I do not want to miss the action!
thanks in advance

Posted 8/16/2001 8:05 AM (#10535)
Subject: Suick presentation

All of those retrieves will work with the Suick!!!!

I usually use short, sharp downward pulls to make the bait dive side to side (especially if in heavy weeds). My buddy likes to use long FAST sweeps. Some days I out fished him... and some days he'd out fish me. Of late, however, neither of us have been throwing suicks. Go Figure.


Posted 8/17/2001 12:04 PM (#10536)
Subject: Suick presentation

I’m not a big Suick user but I do have a lot of customers throw them with great success. I have found there is no one way a Suick produces, in fact many different presentation work good at times. Long fast pulls seem to be the best in the early season while downward jerks will produce later in the year. Yet we have taken fish with them year-round with a combination of presentations. A quick story for you about Suicks, Several years ago a few of us took a trip up north to the Kawartha chain, Dave Christain's wife using a Suick landed 7 fish in a short period of time, so then a few of us started throwing Suicks of different color patterns with no luck. We drove 60 miles to purchase another Suick in that pattern, on our return we could not move a fish while Debbie continued to boat fish. As it turned out it was Debbie’s presentation that made it work. She was using an unusual motion in pulling her bait and after a day or two Dave finally mimicked it and caught fish. Don't give up on the Suick it will be a valuable weapon in your muskie box, just keep mixing it up.
Tony Grant

Posted 8/21/2001 8:12 PM (#10541)
Subject: Suick presentation


I agree with Tony. There is not a right way or wrong way to fish a suick. Mix it up and have confidence in it. It can be a great bait. I prefer to twitch my suick with quick downward snaps of my rod tip. It comes through the water really erratic - even splashing the surface at times. Other people catch fish with long pulls, hard pulls, sideways pulls, etc.... Soon, you will come up with a presentation that suits you and the suick will become one of your favorite tactics.

Posted 8/21/2001 10:26 PM (#10540)
Subject: Suick presentation

I to, am a Suick Fan. Do the Pros here work the weighted Suick any different?

Posted 8/22/2001 11:25 AM (#10542)
Subject: Suick presentation

A longtime client of mine came down this weekend, he is a fanatic about throwing Suicks and uses abnormal long and extremely hard pulls. August is not the typical jerkbait time on the CAVE when bucktails and spinnerbaits are common. He had 10 follows on it including a 50 plus 2 times, landed a 45.5 and 37.5 and lost a another over forty after 6 big jumps. Day 2 he seen no fish on it.
Just more examples that their is no real way or time to present this fish catching machine.
Tony Grant

Posted 8/22/2001 10:08 PM (#10538)
Subject: Suick presentation


I personally don't change my retrieve with a weighted suick.

A good way to find out what is working is to change things up periodically. Work it erratic for a few casts and then work it methodically with slow short pulls and slow long pulls. 10 one way and then 10 another. At least if the fish aren't cooperating, you'll be getting a good work out.............. Mixing it up like this allows you to determine fairly quickly what kind of retrieve they may be after on that given day.

Best of luck!

Posted 9/23/2001 10:32 PM (#10537)
Subject: Suick presentation

How much do you guys bend the tail down? Is it different for the weighted version?


Posted 9/24/2001 11:17 PM (#10539)
Subject: Suick presentation

The best suggestion I can give you is to work with each of your suicks and adjust each until it acts the way you feel confident. Each one you buy might run a little different. Some may run right, some may run left, some might run perfect right from the package. You may need to bend the lip different on each. I don't have a set way to bend the lip. I just work with each until it looks good to me.

Suggestion - if you have older suicks, change your hooks and add split rings to the bait This will allow the hooks to move freely - better hook ups and catching potential.

Good Luck!
Posted 4/30/2006 1:47 PM (#189584 - in reply to #4471)
Subject: RE: Suick presentation

I like to do a downward hard twitch in this pattern 2..1 2.1.2pull
Posted 4/30/2006 9:17 PM (#189645 - in reply to #4471)
Subject: RE: Suick presentation

Posts: 3861

hey ho suicks

I've tinkerd with them a bunch, and I'm stuck on a particular must-have action. I call it the "death wobble" but I stole that term from someody else. It means that the lure wobbes on the rise, sorta rocking side to side, as it floats up toward the surface. A good death wobbler will shake its head side to side on the pull. My best one is an unweighted in perch, I can't get any of my other 6 or so unweighted suicks to work that well. (I can't get the weighted ones to work that well, either, but I catch fish on them, too. Start with a coupe long pulls to get depth then gentle 2' pulls, straight down back to the boat. I let it rise to the surface once or twice on the way.

First make sure the hook eye screws are lined up with the center of the bait, then tweak the tail until you get desired action. Oh, flouro leaders allow more lure action, in my opinion.