tuffy transom rebuild
Posted 3/29/2009 6:01 PM (#369079)
Subject: tuffy transom rebuild

what is the best wood to use for transom repair on a 1980 tuffy roustabout. plywood was what came out but it s so rotted i dont know what grade or type it might be.this is also my first transom repair.any tips welcomed. thanks chris
Posted 3/29/2009 6:20 PM (#369084 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: Re: tuffy transom rebuild

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
1/2" cdx is fine, just fill any voids with resin. 2 layers screwed together is what was used then, I think. Coat completely with resin all sides and between layers, and make sure the old glass on both sides (if the skin is intact) is cleaned off completely, and well wetted with catalyzed resin.
Posted 3/29/2009 9:16 PM (#369130 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

Posts: 111

Location: somewhere!
head down to your local lumber yard and ask them to see an LVL(laminated veneer length).strong than any sheet plywood you'll ever find.then as Sworrall said apply resin,maybe even some angle iron.

Edited by charlesb 3/29/2009 9:19 PM
Posted 3/29/2009 11:28 PM (#369146 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: Re: tuffy transom rebuild

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Plywood will be plenty strong, but it's up to you. I would not use any angle iron in this project.
Posted 3/30/2009 6:37 PM (#369307 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

is the resin different from the catalyzed resin or the same thing?
Posted 3/30/2009 7:36 PM (#369311 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

do i need to also use cloth or mat ? any product recommendtions?

Posted 3/30/2009 7:40 PM (#369313 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: Re: tuffy transom rebuild

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Is the original glass all there, or is the inside of the transom gone?
Posted 3/30/2009 8:02 PM (#369318 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

the back wall is all there the front is kinda shaped like a t with spary foam in the lower corner.

Posted 3/30/2009 8:06 PM (#369319 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

everything i dug out was rotted wood looked like plywood no fiberglass came out with it.
Posted 3/30/2009 9:02 PM (#369335 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: Re: tuffy transom rebuild

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
If the inside of the transom glass core is gone, simply clean up the glass skin and wet down the new core and the glass, clamp in place, and let the resin kick. Lay a couple layers of well wetted matt over the outside, feathering it out several inches past the transom. Roll it out smooth as possible and sand it if you want a smooth finish, then coat with gel coat (colored resin). Before you replace the transom cap, make sure the end grain of the top of the transom is completely sealed, I'd use a couple tubes of silicone sealant.
Posted 3/31/2009 7:04 AM (#369376 - in reply to #369079)
Subject: RE: tuffy transom rebuild

ok thanks.