Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro
Posted 2/23/2009 6:48 PM (#362289)
Subject: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
Darn it!!!! Somewhere there was a post or link that showed how stealth tackle uses their nail knot prior to crimping but I cannot find it....I even remember the guy saying, "Now here's the tricky part...."s

I was able to find the Nail Knot in animations, but is always shows it joining two lines, not tying onto itself for a leader..

Does anybody know where that is?

I did a search but couldn't find it.


Edited by Cowboyhannah 2/23/2009 7:00 PM
Posted 2/23/2009 7:37 PM (#362306 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Does this help?
Posted 2/23/2009 7:40 PM (#362309 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
This is the only thing I could find in the latest discussions on tying flouro:

Posted 2/23/2009 7:41 PM (#362310 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
I don't know if this is the link you are looking for, but here is a link to the nail knot with loop. http://www.thaifishingguide.com/fishtechequip/techniques/knots/nail...

I tied it, and it was a pain for me. I think with practice it wouldn't be too bad to tie, but I had to try it several times to get the knot to come out right. Couldn't seem to easily repeat it when I did do it right. On the other hand, there is a knot that has a similar LOOK to it, and it is very easy to tie. Here's the link to that one: http://www.thenextbitetv.com/images/site_images/lees_leader_knot.pd...

Unless somebody can convince me why the nail knot is better than this one (and it may be better, I don't know), I will continue to tie the knot in the 2nd link. It is VERY easy to tie, and looks nice and clean. When I tie it, I leave a loop at the end, and tighten it as much as I can by pulling hard on the tag. You have to pull on the main line some too or else the whole knot will slide up the line and make the loop bigger.

For me, both of these knots will slide down the line with a lot of pressure unless they are also crimped. I don't know of a way to get them tight enough to keep the loop formed without using a crimp to hold them in place. I had been planning on crimping anyway, so no big deal...

I haven't actually used my leaders yet. I just started making them this winter, so maybe somebody with more experience with this can chime in.

Posted 2/23/2009 8:41 PM (#362336 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
Yes---that's it!!!

The next bite link from Tauchen.

Thanks, guys--just got my new supply of floro and was hoping to put some together tonight but couldn't remember where I'd seen it. I'm off to the basement...

That would be a great link for the "handy tackle links"
Posted 2/24/2009 6:56 AM (#362389 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 292

Location: SW MI
Another vote for Lee's knot. Easy to tie and holds great.
Posted 2/24/2009 7:52 AM (#362396 - in reply to #362389)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 720


I've been using a Rapala knot. Its worked great.
Roger from Sweden
Posted 2/24/2009 1:06 PM (#362439 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 42

a little bit off topic. Wich size do you use on your stay-locks on your 90 pond flouro leaders?
Legacy Lures
Posted 2/24/2009 1:20 PM (#362441 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 82

Location: Central WI
Do you guys find that Lee's knot cinches up tight on the snap and swivel? I was wondering if a crimp would help hold the loop open so everything moves free? I think the knot is plenty strong, but would like the snap to move freely.
What do you do? Crimp also or just use knot?
Posted 2/24/2009 2:43 PM (#362454 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro


what, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

You are telling us that we need to convince you why your "personally untested" leader knot is the way to go.

That sounds a bit like a priest giving marriage counseling to me.
Posted 2/24/2009 3:09 PM (#362460 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 81

Location: Toronto, Ontario
I like the Perfection loop knot--easy to tie, pretty strong, and creates a nice "straight loop" which I prefer to a know that cinches down per Chris' comment.
Posted 2/24/2009 5:59 PM (#362490 - in reply to #362454)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

what, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
You are telling us that we need to convince you why your "personally untested" leader knot is the way to go.
That sounds a bit like a priest giving marriage counseling to me.

the link that curleytail provided is to the knot used by Lee Tauchen.
i'm going to go waaaaaaaaaaaaay out on a limb and suggest that Lee is a pretty experienced and trustworthy source. he's even caught a fish or two...
Posted 2/24/2009 6:14 PM (#362493 - in reply to #362490)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Now that is one hellava knot right there. A big thank you for the question and info
Posted 2/24/2009 7:04 PM (#362507 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Don't forget the Super Glue after you've tightened it! And don't forget the lube (spit) WHILE you're tightening it!
Posted 2/24/2009 7:29 PM (#362518 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
Legacy, Lee's knot does snug up tight to the snap/swivel if you pull it tight. I have done just what you are talking about, and have used a crimp on the tag end to hold everything tight. I haven't used super glue yet - I suppose that would hold it in place a little too. The nail knot does the same thing for me. After crimping, I can break the 150 pound fluoro (usually at the point the snap or swivel is pulling on the line) before anything slips.

Hotdog, I haven't fished my leaders yet, but I've put various knot and crimp combinations through more torture than they would ever experience in a fishing scenario. I want to figure out the best, most reliable, and strongest combination BEFORE I "test" them on fish. I would rather have them fail when bouncing 75 pounds of weights on them rather than when a 30 pounder nails it next to the boat. Any other questions about my hotels of choice just ask.

Posted 2/24/2009 10:03 PM (#362566 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

the absolute hardest thing for a leader to handle is a backlash. no fish can possibly put as much stress on a leader as throwing a lure and having it come to an abrupt stop.
I realize salt water guys catch 200+lbs fish on 50lbs leaders, but they have their arms, rods, reel drags, back, bowing to the fish working for them.

the key to making a quality leader is quite simply using the best components. seems to me that is already being done.
Posted 2/24/2009 10:07 PM (#362569 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

ps. I realize Lee ties a good knot, but ask him what kind of leader he prefers.

he had a preferred knot until he found a pefect leader, now he rarely if ever ties his own.

great forumn here, ask him.
Posted 2/24/2009 11:33 PM (#362584 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
I made up a couple leaders with Lee's knot last night and my thumbs were sore from holding that 130# floro loops in place. It is no easy task first time around let me tell you....Once I finished my first one I discovered it was like 14" which is a bit longer than I wanted it so I attempted to back the floro out of one of the knots...couldn't be done...I even got in there with a piece of 051 wire to try to get it to open up...no go...once that knot is cinched tight it is NOT coming apart. I haven't decided whether to cut it apart and start over or use it as is but this much I know, it is NOT coming undone.
Posted 2/25/2009 12:32 AM (#362588 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 24

Location: SkellefteƄ , sweden
I have also done some leaders with Lee's knot very easy knot to tie and it looked good .
Got my hand on better swivels and tried to undo the knot to but I had to cut it no way I could undo it , and i didn't use superglue .
Jason Bomber
Posted 2/25/2009 12:25 PM (#362665 - in reply to #362569)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 574

Hotdog - 2/24/2009 10:07 PM

ps. I realize Lee ties a good knot, but ask him what kind of leader he prefers.

he had a preferred knot until he found a pefect leader, now he rarely if ever ties his own.

great forumn here, ask him.

Pretty sure he was selling HIS leaders at the Milwaukee show.......

Not trying to argue.........well maybe just a little.

I've used Lee's knot for 3 seasons now, well over 100 fish boated on them with zero failures. I know others that have been using it for longer with the same amount of problems, ZERO.
I super glued a few at first, but never bothered to crimp any, and haven't glued any few years either.
I see no reason to use anything else. When tightened fully, its not coming apart.
Posted 2/25/2009 3:20 PM (#362695 - in reply to #362569)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 124

Hotdog - 2/24/2009 10:07 PM

ps. I realize Lee ties a good knot, but ask him what kind of leader he prefers.

he had a preferred knot until he found a pefect leader, now he rarely if ever ties his own.

great forumn here, ask him.

Hey Hotdog... what kind of leaders do I use now? Just kidding man.

I have been making my own leaders and using them for over twenty years. I have been tying the fluoro leaders for probably ten years and they are my preferred leader.

On the knot deal, I don't bother using glue on the knot. If you need glue, I don't think you tied it right. I also don't wet the knot, it doesn't seem to generate any heat. The one extra thing I started doing a few years ago is to cut the tag end a little shorter and taking a lighter and mushroom the end so it would never be able to pull back through.

Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of keeping the loops in proper order before and while cinching. If they get out of order, the strength of the knot will be compromised.

It does take some practice to tie, and even when you are comfortable tying it... you will still mess a few up. So, just cut and retie.

I can see a point of having a loop on the snap end, nice to be able to put a new snap on. However, by the time I have worn out a snap it's usually time to replace the whole leader IMO.

I hope this helps some of you,

Lee Tauchen
Posted 2/25/2009 3:33 PM (#362698 - in reply to #362695)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

excellent, Lee.
Legacy Lures
Posted 2/25/2009 3:43 PM (#362702 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: RE: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 82

Location: Central WI
Thanks Lee!!
I bought some leaders from you in Milwaukee as well, but need something to do to kill the time this winter, so I tied up some of my own as well. Thanks again for the help!!

Jason Bomber
Posted 2/25/2009 4:10 PM (#362710 - in reply to #362289)
Subject: Re: Darn it!! Leader Knot for Floro

Posts: 574

Nice Lee, Website looks good. When did you get the other one working?

Sweet photo section!

Edited by Jason Bomber 2/25/2009 4:43 PM