Posts: 781
Location: Ames, Iowa | Here is a word document that I used to make a desktop bckgrnd. I saved the doc as a picture and then cut the spotted muskie out and put it into my desktop bckgrnd and tiled it. Muskies all over my desktop. Hope it works for you.
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Muskies and Pike (128KB - 1562 downloads)
Muskies and Pike (128KB - 594 downloads)
Muskies and Pike (128KB - 482 downloads)

Posts: 2753
Location: Mauston, Wisconsin | Here's mine. It usually get's some comment's when I'm doing ppt presentations.
Some days- I'm the muskie & some days, I feel like the frog.
Have fun!
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frogandmusky.jpg (30KB - 2433 downloads)
Posts: 781
Location: Ames, Iowa | Al- Thanks. That's my desktop now.
don |

Posts: 210
Location: VA | Very nice!
DR |
Posts: 335
Location: Pulaski, WI | Here's one from Rapala: http://www.rapala.com/images/wallpapers/wallpapers_lrg/Big_Fish/Muskie_2.jpg -John |

Posts: 82
Location: Central WI | John,
My desktop looks like an aqaurium now!!!! Awesome picture!! |

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160 | CK THIS OUT
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49077512167d3e93.jpg (28KB - 1249 downloads)
pike381.jpg (44KB - 1084 downloads)
muskie_253.jpg (14KB - 380 downloads)

Posts: 253
Location: On the water | JLR
I've been looking for a background like that.
I just installed it and it looks great!!!
Thanks, Tom |

Posts: 676
Location: Wisconsin | Here is a nice one I picked up a while ago....
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hecht-unter-wasser.jpg (78KB - 2702 downloads)
Posts: 335
Location: Pulaski, WI | Glad you guys liked it. I switch between that and a Harley. |

Posts: 210
Location: VA | Very nice Muskymetal.....that give me a few to swap around with.
DR |
Posts: 91
| Thanks muskiemetal that is now my screen saver. |
Posts: 13
Location: Cinti. Ohio | Anybody out there can tell me how to get a picture from here to my desktop.I'm not a comp. smart guy. muskiegrit60
Roger |

Posts: 225
Location: Nordeast Minneapolis | Roger-
Depending on what your computer is, you might be able to just put the mouse on the image, click the right-side mouse button, and select 'Set As Desktop Background'. If that doesn't work (or doesn't make sense) send me a message and I'd be glad to try to help. |
Posts: 91
| Right click on the photo--- Then left click 0n the background page that appears after the right click. |

Posts: 676
Location: Wisconsin | Go to the picture, right mouse click on it and "save image". Save it to your pictures or desktop. Then go into your "my computer" and find where you saved the image. Right mouse click on that image and "set as my desktop" Easy way is to go to the image and right mouse click "set as my desktop" Another way is to go into the control panel and display. Set desktop and browse.... |
Posts: 13
Location: Cinti. Ohio | I want to thank everyone that helped me out on the picture. I was able to get the picture on my desktop. In my opinion
fisherman & hunters are the best in the world. Again thanks to every one. muskiegrit60 Roger |

Posts: 170
| Here's mine...a nice fat "wide body" paddling away after releasing her.
(eagle_sept _07_51rls.JPG)
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eagle_sept _07_51rls.JPG (33KB - 503 downloads)
Posts: 73
Location: sw pa | http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e242/fasthatch7/?action=view&curr... here is a nice one gentlemen! |

Posts: 109
Location: Spencer, Wisconsin | These wall paper shots are flippin cool! Now i got Lunges year round! |
Posts: 27
Location: FORT ATKINSON | All these are really cool I have a picture of me and my personal best from Mille Lacs for my wall paper. I would share it with you guys, but I don't know how. Me and computers don't get along sometimes. |

Location: Oswego, IL | I have this one up right now.
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muskie-fish-prints.jpg (117KB - 5706 downloads)

Posts: 676
Location: Wisconsin | Two new ones I made today.....I have multiple montiors and no one makes a fishing one this big...3200x1200
Edited by Muskiemetal 6/10/2009 3:39 PM
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Previewwall1.jpg (75KB - 376 downloads)
Previewwall2.jpg (74KB - 390 downloads)

Posts: 2894
Location: Yahara River Chain | I have one of a muskie jumping the spillway.
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musky---5a.JPG (39KB - 412 downloads)

Posts: 413
Location: Madison WI | I have my PB on mine, when I beat that the new one will go up.
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shodows 46.jpg (56KB - 338 downloads)

Posts: 280
Location: McFarland | Here's mine from the spillway
(DSC_0166b_edited-1 (2).JPG)
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DSC_0166b_edited-1 (2).JPG (114KB - 495 downloads)

Posts: 283
Location: beloit | thats the best pic I've seen from the spillway!! |

Posts: 727
| Awesome pic, gotta have great timing to get that one. |

Posts: 71
Location: Loves Park, IL | Here are a couple I found on the web
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musky414.jpg (55KB - 460 downloads)
Musky_fish.jpg (67KB - 606 downloads)
Posts: 135
Location: Irvine, KY | Those spillway shots are awesome! |
Posts: 7
| I used a pic taken in front of my house & had it painted by Rod Umloff.
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[email protected] (81KB - 1063 downloads)
Posts: 117
| i use 2
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crunchtime.jpg (12KB - 346 downloads)
in_zone.jpg (113KB - 1352 downloads)
Posts: 90
Location: Ohio | As usual, very nice Pics/Wallpaper |
Posts: 83
| Here's my screen saver. I 'll put up a couple others you might like. The two underwater photo's above look to be from Eric Engelbretson. He is the best.
I like the first shot here, because the fish has a no nonsense, in my face attitude.
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gamefish 08 052.jpg (73KB - 343 downloads)
gamefish 08 003.jpg (65KB - 311 downloads)
gamefish 08 053.jpg (71KB - 323 downloads)

Location: SE Wisconsin | A few I've used. Awesome wall prints, too!
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net_muskie_small.jpg (12KB - 351 downloads)
domain_of_the_tiger2.jpg (80KB - 1591 downloads)
double-jeopardy-muskie.jpg (42KB - 399 downloads)
DSC_0011.JPG (41KB - 344 downloads)
muskie.jpg (84KB - 330 downloads)
net_muskie_small.jpg (12KB - 305 downloads)
art-fish-muskie.jpg (207KB - 332 downloads)