Bait ID
Posted 1/4/2009 12:24 PM (#352962)
Subject: Bait ID

Posts: 431

Can somebody ID these baits for me. The 2 little cranks have MU O7 on the bottom. The other 3 I got at various times in groups with other baits. Thanks.

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Posted 1/4/2009 12:48 PM (#352966 - in reply to #352962)
Subject: Re: Bait ID

1 hi-fin
2 t-bones
Posted 1/4/2009 5:03 PM (#353024 - in reply to #352962)
Subject: Re: Bait ID

the one in the middle look nice,it would be nice if someone can put a name on that one
Posted 1/4/2009 8:52 PM (#353086 - in reply to #353024)
Subject: Re: Bait ID

Posts: 802

the metal lipped crank is 'the natural'. the maker also made a glider called 'the natural' from that body with lead weighting. a minnesota guy, bob kzy....something polish the company was bought out by todd and evolved into "phantom" lures...

Edited by esox69 1/4/2009 8:58 PM