Upgrading motor on 618 VS
Posted 1/2/2009 6:22 PM (#352715)
Subject: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
I am thinking about upgrading my 2003 140 Johnson on my 618VS instead of buying a new boat.If I keep the Johnson I would have to change the throttle and steering cables and have the valves adjusted due to the many Hrs I have on this motor.I am looking at the 150 Suzuki and would plan on keeping this boat another 4-5 years. Has anybody Re powered a 140 with a 150 4 stroke? Did you notice a big change in performance from a 4 cylinder to a 6 cylinder.Any recommendations on Suzuki dealers in Northern IL or Wisconsin. thanks
Posted 1/2/2009 10:51 PM (#352783 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 32880

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Quams in Stoughton, WI is a Suzuki dealer.

You will be very impressed with the buck and a half, it's a really strong motor.
Posted 1/5/2009 8:49 AM (#353154 - in reply to #352783)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 5874

Are you then going to have to repower in another 5 years? That's crazy. That motor should run for many more years than that. Please note that the Johnson is a Suzuki. Not sure if you knoew that.

The valves are a maintenance issue, and shouldn't be a major expense. Should be done as part of your annual tuneup/winterizing, I would think.

The steering and throttle and/or shift cables are another thing. But certainly would be way less than a repower.

Edited by Shep 1/5/2009 8:51 AM
Posted 1/5/2009 11:33 AM (#353178 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 670

Location: Otsego, MN
I have a 150 suzuki on mine and love it. PM me if you have any questions on performance.
Posted 1/5/2009 11:46 AM (#353181 - in reply to #353178)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

I am assuming that your boat is a 2003. If so I guess I dont understand the purpose here. I know you want more power for speed I assume, but 10 horsepower. I wouldnt do it. There are great deals on boats now even if you dont want new you sure can upgrade to a newer boat with the right motor combination and get a warranty too. Just seems you are throwing money away with little benefit, other than a reduction in sound when trolling. There some great deals out there and I dont think you would have a problem selling yours. Just my .02
Posted 1/5/2009 1:23 PM (#353204 - in reply to #353181)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 99

That 140hp Johnson/Suzuki is a nice running engine but for 140 they are weak, look at some performance reports, most 115 run as fast if not faster, so I would suspect with 150 Suzuki which is a different block would be faster, should us the same cable and steering
Posted 1/5/2009 3:09 PM (#353219 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

you must have money to burn because to me, going from a 140, even if it's "weak" to a 150 for the thousands I'm sure it's going to cost you is sort of silly to me...
why not just sell what you have, and get what you want? there are plenty of used 618s around...
Also, I bought a Suzuki from Harbor Recreation in Milton and was happy with the work they did putting it on my 690....
Posted 1/6/2009 7:18 AM (#353382 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
First I will say I really like my 618 and I can't afford a new 40K 619.I am not buying a new motor for the 10 HP of performance,I am buying a new motor because of the extreme amount of hours on my boat.I spend 7 weeks on LOW each year.Two weeks in the Fall I troll 12HRS day X 14=168 and then add 6 seasons =1008HRS and thats not counting the other 5 weeks X 6 seasons driving to the Angle to Kenora to Morison and on and on.If I decide to keep this motor I have to replace the throttle cable and if you replace the throttle cable you should also replace the shift cable at the same time.The valves need to be adjusted and the system check alarm ( the beep when you start your motor) is inop.My 140 Johnson (Suzuki) has been a great motor and still runs great but what about the starter and all the other moving parts.Another note I am not fishing a Wisconsin lake so when my motor fails I can just use my trolling motor to get home.I am stranded on a Island looking for somebody to drive bye......not fun.My question is do I spend around 1500.00 to repair old motor and roll the dice or spend 10,000.00 and be set for another 6-7 seasons.thanks

Edited by msky3 1/6/2009 9:14 AM

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Posted 1/6/2009 8:18 AM (#353399 - in reply to #353382)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 5874

I'd spend the $1500, if it's that much. Hard to see it being that much though. Again, the valve adjustment is really not too big of a deal. Maybe an hour of shop time at the most, so $100 maybe? I would have the alarm looked at. My guess is a bad horn or wire to the horn. I can imagine new cables costing more than $1000, but even if they are, I think you're motor is pretty bullet proof, and could easily last another 6 years, even with those kind of hours. Maintain it properly, and you should be good to go. Not sure of the notion that you should replace the steering cable when you replace the throttle cable. Maybe you mean replace the shift cable with the throttle cable? That makes sense. You replace the steering cable when it is bad, not because you need to replace the throttle cable. Please note there is maintenance required on the steering cable. This should be done yearly. Lubrication kits are available so you can do this. I think you could also do the valve adjustment, too. Get a manual. If you are at all mechaniclally inclined, it's no too hard to do the PM's on these things.

Good luck with your decision.
Posted 1/6/2009 9:23 AM (#353415 - in reply to #353399)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

It sounds to me like your motor has been really good to you. 1000 hrs on a motor is not extreme. They last alot longer than that. The cables are cheap to replace and I dont know why your steering cable would be bad. Even if it is I'm sure its a single cable and shouldnt be that much anyway. If I was you I would take the motor to a mechanic and have him check it over, give you an estimate, and go from there. New motors break down too. $10,000? Check out some used rigs first an then decide. I was thinking the same as you about a year ago and I just couldnt justify it. I bought a used rig with 39 hours and couldnt be happier. Looked like new except about half the price. Theres lots a stuff out there at great prices. Dont take this the wrong way please. Just sharing an opinion with you like you asked.
Posted 1/6/2009 10:22 AM (#353423 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
4amuskie You are correct 1000 hrs on a motor is not extreme,but if you read my post correctly that is only the fall trolling HRs. You have to add 30 weeks driving all over LOW and fishing in IL in Apr May and part of June
Posted 1/6/2009 11:16 AM (#353434 - in reply to #353423)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 99

If you plan on keeping it and like the boat why not upgrade, that Suzi 150 is a 4 cylinder, and should have allot more grunt than the small block 140, if I recall reading that the 140 actually only dynoed at 128 and the 150 I am not sure of, but it is in the same class as the 175 I would suspect it to be a strong 150.

Look at the Merc Opti 135, it puts out more that the 135 closer to 145 I think and it is built on the same block as the 150/175 Opti.

the way boats are selling now days it may take awhile to sell what you have now to upgrade, granted if you ever sell your present boat with a newer engine you wont get your money back.

Posted 1/6/2009 11:21 AM (#353439 - in reply to #353423)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Well then in that case I think I would bring it in and have a mechanic look at it, run a leak down in cylinders, and give you accurate hour reading. Should tell you hours broken down by rpm. Idle hours are not so bad. He should give you an opinion on the worthyness of the motor. Then you can decide. In the meantime you can browse the site for a good 150. Might just find a deal to make it worthwhile. You should be able to get $2000-$3000 for you motor(guess). The buyer will want the info from mechanic anyway if you chose that route. Good luck in your decision. How do you get all that time off anyway?
Posted 1/6/2009 1:54 PM (#353470 - in reply to #353439)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 968

Location: N.FIB
Is that alarm going off all the time or not at all,my cousin has a 05 johnson 2 stroke and his alarm goes off all the time.He has taken it into the shop about 5 times,2 different places and it still happens,he has noticed it happens more in the cold weather,which is mainly when I fish with him.
Posted 1/7/2009 5:18 PM (#353678 - in reply to #353382)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Tim: Have them check everything (compression and fuel pump pressure) and get the repairs done. No way I'd swap that motor out yet. You might consider buying a kicker for trolling, though, and that would also give you the security of knowing you could get back home if your big motor fails.
Muskie Treats
Posted 1/7/2009 8:05 PM (#353716 - in reply to #353678)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 2384

Location: On the X that marks the mucky spot
I know of a Suzi 115 that was traded into Frankies Marine that had over 4000 hours on it. They sold it to someone else fully disclosing the number of hours on it. That was 2-3 years ago and the guy is still running it. They know the guy and keep in touch just to see how long it'll go for. With only 1000 you're fine. Plus if you spend time with it trolling you can count those hours 6=1 at wide open throttle.
Lone Stone
Posted 1/7/2009 8:23 PM (#353719 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 477

Location: Iowa
I think he's made up his mind already, just looking for someone to tell him it's O.K. msky3, if you want a new motor and it makes you feel safer on the water then go for it. It's no fun out there if you have doubts about your equip. I've never had a motor that new, but the last one I had was 20+ years old, and I abused the hell out of it while I owned it. Take care of them, they'll last.
Mark H.
Posted 1/9/2009 7:05 AM (#353974 - in reply to #353719)
Subject: Re: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI
I will second what "Treats" said, as I too know of that particular motor.

Suggest you take it to a good Suzi service dealer. Have them give the motor a good check over. Spend the 1,500 + on what you need to repair it.

I like the suggestion of looking for a kicker for two reasons... #1 Safety on LOTW where you spend a lot of your time. #2, Sounds like you troll a lot...a $2k kicker is a lot easier to replace than a big motor...plus you get the safety factor.

Your Johnson/Suzi is not even broke in yet. That motor, with proper maintenance, should run the life of that boat.
Posted 1/9/2009 7:57 AM (#353985 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
Thanks for all your replies You cant put a price on Pease of mind and a kicker on a 618 will really kill the ride.I will wait and decide in early March.I know I want a Suzuki 150 4 srtoke and I will start my dealer search now.Suzuki makes a 250SS it would be nice if they came out with a 150SS in 2009 thanks again Tim
Posted 1/16/2009 9:31 AM (#355364 - in reply to #352715)
Subject: RE: Upgrading motor on 618 VS

I would get rid of that motor and boat - How could you fish in such an ugly color boat. Also you never know what could go wrong on such a big body of water in such a tiny boat. If you truely use that boat so much, you certainly have got your money out of the initial purchase - Move to a Ranger 619 with a Yamaha and you will be happy. Maybe you be able to keep up with some other boats in the lake too. Just my $.02's.