Melting Grandma's Lips
Posted 8/18/2008 11:29 AM (#332015)
Subject: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 272

Have a few of the 6-8" grannies and jakes that don't really do a helluva lot on the retrieve or when trolled. Will melting/bending the lip help them wobble better, or will it just make them dig deeper.... any advice you can give on how to do it or what not to do??

Posted 8/18/2008 12:21 PM (#332023 - in reply to #332015)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 699

Location: Hugo, MN
Have you tried tuning them?
Posted 8/18/2008 3:48 PM (#332065 - in reply to #332023)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 272

Running straight is not the problem, if that's what you're getting at. Lack of wiggle is the problem. And, it seems that the ones that don't wiggle, are also the ones that run at about 2' down, max. Looking for a little more depth and a lot more wiggle.

Posted 8/18/2008 4:28 PM (#332071 - in reply to #332015)
Subject: Re: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 8797

Try running a different bait?
Steve J
Posted 8/18/2008 4:47 PM (#332073 - in reply to #332015)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

There are 2 versions on the 9" Grandma. A jerk with a shorter lip and the standard which has a bend in it already. Maybe???
Tackle Industries
Posted 8/18/2008 5:34 PM (#332082 - in reply to #332015)
Subject: Re: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Wider the lip wider the wobble.
Will Schultz
Posted 8/19/2008 3:16 PM (#332270 - in reply to #332073)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Steve J - 8/18/2008 5:47 PM

There are 2 versions on the 9" Grandma. A jerk with a shorter lip and the standard which has a bend in it already. Maybe???

I'll bet he's on to something here and the ones you don't like are jerks. Check those lips and see if they're the same as your others.
Posted 8/19/2008 10:26 PM (#332376 - in reply to #332270)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 272

Well, some of these are grannies, some are jakes, but none are in the 9" size. The ones I'm talking about are the 6-7" models.

Guess I'll grab a cig lighter and a couple of the ones that don't wabble much and give it a whirl.
Posted 8/20/2008 7:58 AM (#332423 - in reply to #332015)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

This only applies to the 6" Jake. I bought several last year. The hooks attached by the manufacturer were, I think, size 2/0. The Jakes had insufficient action. I tried downsizing the hooks to 1/0. Still not good action. Then I tried size 1. That did the trick. Better action. My 6" Grannies seem fine.
muskie! nut
Posted 8/20/2008 9:41 AM (#332452 - in reply to #332376)
Subject: RE: Melting Grandma's Lips

Posts: 2894

Location: Yahara River Chain
muskie-addict - 8/19/2008 10:26 PM

The ones I'm talking about are the 6-7" models.

My 7 1/2" Grandmas I use for twitching. They are great. Don't need a whole lot of depth as them muskies just grab em within that 1 - 2' of the surface. Major thing to do it make them dance very erratic.

Edited by muskie! nut 8/20/2008 9:42 AM