
Posted 7/3/2001 4:47 PM (#1997)
Subject: Safety

Just wanted to take a minute to say something about safety while trailering. I work around this kind of stuff all the time.
I spent couple of hours yesterday at an accident scene with truck and boat. The left front tire of the truck blew causing the driver to lose control. He served and clipped the front corner of a semi with the boat. Across the median, across westbound traffic and rolled the boat in the ditch. Luckily no one was hurt. The boat, not a musky boat, was totalled. (Safety chains worked and kept everything together) Last weekend there was a rear ender where a driver wasn't able to stop because he was towing a boat and didn't leave enough following distance. Again no one was hurt. The boat however, a brand new Lund Pro V, slid forward on the trailer and took out the bottom of the boat on the trailer bracing.

Anyway, when you are out there driving please slow down and increase your following distance. It is supposed to be 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour but I know that's not always possible. Try to give as much room as you can.

If you don't care about anyone else's safety, think about yours and your family's. If that does't matter think about your boat too.

One more thing if you see a police officer, maintenance worker, tow truck driver or whoever out there on the side of the road give some room. Just about got clipped by a trailer last week so it's fresh in my mind. If it was your kid, wife, mother, father etc would you drive by 1 ft away at 75mph???

Thanks guys
Good luck and be safe.
