Poll Have you been injured by a muskie?
Have you been injured by a muskie?
No, I've never been injured by a muskie.44 Votes - [10.14%]
A muskie has given me some minor scratches, but nothing major165 Votes - [38.02%]
Yes, a muskie has made me bleed and I have scars to prove it225 Votes - [51.84%]

Posted 3/20/2008 5:56 PM (#308596)
Subject: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 238

This poll could bring up some good stories and maybe even a few good pics. I'm wondering how many of you have been injured by a muskie. I have a good scar on the inside bottom part of my thumb that happened when my thumb slipped inside of a muskie's mouth during a release pic. Ouch! How about you -- any good stories to share?
Posted 3/20/2008 6:00 PM (#308598 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 734

I have had a one 7 odd hook in my thumb and one in the fishes mouth..... of course it didn't sit still!! Of course I kept on fishing with a bandana wrapped on my finger!!

Posted 3/20/2008 8:00 PM (#308648 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 202

Location: Rhinelander
This winter my sister in law was helping my 7 year old nephew with his tip up and it became apparent it was a big fish. After several trips by the hole they knew it was a musky, so she was ready to help it out the hole once he got the head out. Well, she ended up bear hugging it and lifting it out. While doing this it thrashed and gave her a good one to the nose. Not many people can say they got a bloody nose from a 47 incher.
Posted 3/20/2008 8:18 PM (#308653 - in reply to #308648)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1023

i got a 7/0 siwash stinger hook buried as deep as it could possibly go into my forearm last summer when a muskie spun out of my grip. It didn't feel too good! The doctor had to feed it through and then put his knee on my arm while he pulled it out. First he called in a bunch of people in to have a peek at my expense. They asked my what the he#@ I was fishing for with a hook like that! Sure felt great when it came out. I took my buddy back out for the last 2 hours of light and he hammered two 40 inchers. Going home straight from the hospital after driving 3 hours to fish was out of the question! No lasting damage was done. Not my best trip last summer though.
J Routt
Posted 3/20/2008 9:16 PM (#308662 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Location: Right Here
I actually had one jump up and bite me last year.
I unhooked it and pulled it out for a quick measure. I lowered back into the net and started to pull my hand away. My hand was about 10-12 inches out of the water when it launched for my hand with it's mouth open. It clamped down shook once and let go LUCKILY. I was a little nervous to take my glove off, but it ended up not being too bad. It pierced the glove accross three fingers. Luckily just punctures, the shake didn't do anything.
Posted 3/20/2008 9:22 PM (#308663 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 162

Location: East Troy, WI
not yet, but i have had my heart broken by a few...
Posted 3/20/2008 9:34 PM (#308667 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 2865

Location: Brookfield, WI
Back in August of two zero zero six, my rookie campaign, I was fishing Eagle Lake out of AML. I had hyped the trip to myself and others, and had gone north with the best wishes of many right here on this board. Mid-week, while guided, we were casting over a particularly promising cabbage bed off of an equally promising looking rock island about the size of a small ranch house. I had retrieved my chart/white Mojo XX to within thirty feet of the boat. To my amazement, remember I had seen approximately five muskies in my life to that point, a 50" plus miniature submarine (the guide's estimate was 53" to 54", his words not mine) streaked out of the weeds and grabbed the bait. I set the hook, and reeled as fast as I could as it sped toward the bow deck where I was standing. I managed to get pressure on the fish, but it rolled right at the boat after all of probably three seconds of fighting, and spit the bucktail out. It flew up an over my head. A tail swish, and that long fat beauty slid out of view and out of my life.

Physically I was unscathed. There were no cuts from needle like teeth, or gouges from raking gills. No spit trebles had flown to penetrate my ruggedly handsome face or the rock-like biceps of my upper arm. No harm had befallen my fishing companions.

I have no physical evidence to remind me of the fish. No scars, no eye patch, no claw-like tendon damaged hand or missing digits. Oh that there were. It's the non-physical that troubles me. Since then, when I fish, which is not often, I have difficulty concentrating. I mumble to myself. I find myself sitting down, my hands shaking. I start to change a bait only to find myself staring blankly into a Plano, several minutes of my life lost, never to be regained. I've become "one of those guys", always telling the same "the one that got away" fish story. I sometimes drink more than I should to blur the picture of that giant fish swimming from sight in the crystal clear water.

In every day life, I'm irritable with friends and family. I eat and smoke too much. I don't exercise. I can't concentrate to read. I often don't sleep well, and when I do manage some slumber, my dreams are often of loss; fish, money, keys, a favorite recipe, a Titleist. It's difficult, but I manage. I must, for my family.

So if you're asking ME, "have I ever been injured by a muskie"? Yes, I have been injured. Deeply injured, traumatized, in my soul.


Don't tread on me.
Posted 3/20/2008 10:48 PM (#308700 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

there teeth are sharp.
Mr Musky
Posted 3/20/2008 10:49 PM (#308701 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 999

I had my partner try to grab a tank around the shoulders only she gator rolled and put a top raider treble through his hand and attached yet to her!!!! Well magically she did not move after that (both in the net) and I cut hook as fast as I could. I got him down to the Eagle River hospital about 10 and they did not remove that hook until 1 am. I did catch Joe Bucher in the wating room. Joe Jr. got a 49 1/2 incher. My buddy Joe was pissed!! (he had just gotten called in)
Posted 3/20/2008 11:05 PM (#308706 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 315

i dont have any pictures of the injury but i do of the fish right before it caused a really nice scar on my left thumb on the nuckle. the scar is pretty decent but the story that follows is even more entertaining

up on Cedar Lake in Ontario July of 2005 my dad and i were fishing a huge weedbed we have gotten to know very well. dad was throwing a Doc surface bait and i was using a black bucktail. from the back of the boat i hear a huge splash and dad cursing to high heaven. he said a nice low to mid 40s fish rolled on his bait but missed so i threw my bucktail back to where it happend and wham caught a really nice 42in. fish. took a few pics and as i was getting ready to put her back got alittle off balance and the fish decided it wanted to be back in the water now. since i was all off balance the fish flopped into the water (no i didnt drop it in the boat or water) and took off like a bullet. after a few laughs and cleaning off my glasses my dad and i noticed i was bleeding. looked down and there was a gash probably 1/2in. long on my thumb. so we wrapped it up with some towels and headed back to the cabin where my dads friend Bill (a trained first response member) helped bandage it up for me. later we walked down to go fishing again and a man asked me what happend so i told him and kept on with my day. after fishing for a few hours we return to camp where we were met at the dock by a few more guys who asked "did you hear about that boy that got mauled by that muskie?" my dad and i looked at eachother chuckled and kept going. later on that night after dinner we were going back out again and walking out to our boat we overhear 2 guys talking to eachother and one said to the other "so did you hear about that little girl that got her hand sliced open by a muskie"? i had to turn and ask the guy "how old was she"? the guy replied "oh i think about 8"

so then i raised my bandaged up hand and said to the guy "i think you got your story mixed up alittle bit"

pretty funny how people start hearing things and change the story....kinda like that game "telephone"

Posted 3/20/2008 11:30 PM (#308710 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 20212

Location: oswego, il
twice, once while uhooking a fish in the net, it shook and put a barb in my thumb and ripped it right back out with it's next headshake. Another one shook while unhooking and put a barb into the base joint of my right ring finger. The doc even bled after getting that one out.
Posted 3/21/2008 12:43 AM (#308718 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1286

Location: WI
Whoops, I clicked the wrong one. My right middle finger will not bend all the way from a 50" I got last year. It was still pretty hot and shook a little while I was measuring it and cut my knuckle up a bit. A nice scab and some triple antibiotic ointment for a few days and I thought it would be alright. Hurts like h3ll sometime when I bump it..but what am I supposed to do, go to the DR everytime I get a cut?

I also got hooked to one once, my first ski ever. It was around 18 inches and hit a 9inch Smity jerkbait. I handlanded it and it started shaking, hooking me in the process.
Posted 3/21/2008 8:07 AM (#308735 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 13

2006- Lost a PB, over 50 at the boat. 3 misses by a 13 yr old with the net. All I had to show was a broken heart and lost my voice for 3 hours with a sprained vocal cord from screaming.

Same spot in 2007- redeemed my self, same spot landed a 54, my PB. Sprained vocal cord again, it was a joyous sprain. Then drew blood hoisting the brute for pics before release, gill plate ripped through reinforced gloves. It was a happy bleed.
Hours later upon reviewing pictures on lap top, I sprained vocal chord again, pics did not turn-out.
Posted 3/21/2008 8:17 AM (#308738 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 697

Location: Minnetonka
Yet ANOTHER use for the Hawg Seekers glue.

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Posted 3/21/2008 8:41 AM (#308748 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Early on in my musky fishing I hooked a sub 30" fish and basically horsed it in. The lodge we stayed at provided us with the nylon cradles. For those of you who have used these likely had the priveledge of spending 5 minutes wrestling your hooks out of the netting.

To avoid this, I started hand landing the small ones. Because I horsed this one in, it was still green when I was removing the hooks. I thought I had the fish secured when it sprang to life and slipped out of my hand, landing near my feet. Before I could do anything it flopped up and hooked my calf with the front hooks of the jerk bait, the rear hooks were still in the fish, basically stapling us together. Then a moment later, it gave a good hard pull and ripped the hooks free from my calf.

Lesson learned.
Will Dykstra
Posted 3/21/2008 9:17 AM (#308755 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 113

I found out three years ago I have a fish allergy! The Doctor suggested that i not handle fish and if I did to wear a latex glove or something. I get an itchy hand every now and then from a gill raker....
Posted 3/21/2008 10:02 AM (#308764 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 43

I was out night fishing with my kids last year ne night and got alittle bloody from the gill racks.

My bro in law got a rear treble on a top raider buried in the middle of his thumb on Eagle Lake. Had to cut the hook and push it threw for him. Looked awfully painful with the amount of pressure I had to apply.

Now I have a pair of Musky Armor gloves Great buy

Edited by jsoby 3/21/2008 10:06 AM
Posted 3/21/2008 10:22 AM (#308766 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 8773

Nothing that a few bandaids and some nu-skin couldn't solve, mostly gill raker injuries. BUT I had a 38 last year that went nuts as I was reaching into the net. I got what amounted to nothing more than a scrape around the base of my thumb right at the knuckle from one of the trebles. You could see where the point kind of skipped across the knuckle.

It wasn't much of an injury, but knowing I was as close as one can get to having a hook through the knuckle attached to a fish on the other end? No different that closing your eyes and clenching the steering wheel as a deer goes over the hood of your truck, miraculously not winding up in the front seat with you. Makes barbless hooks look like a good option.
Jason Bomber
Posted 3/21/2008 10:38 AM (#308769 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 574

I hooked a 30 incher boatside on a chopper last sept, Refused to net it and tried unhooking in the water. 1 headshake later I had the rear hook in my hand and the front hook still in the fish.
I instantly grabed the fish and yelled HOOKCUTTERS to my buddy. Unhooked the fish, turned pale white sat on the floor for about five minutes and then got to work. We had to cut the other 2 points off the treble so we could push the 1 in me far enough through to get at the barb. It was cold out that day so after the initial Holy #*&$ wore off it wasnt as bad as I expected. Any way about 4 hours later we did have fish #2 for the night.

Posted 3/21/2008 10:51 AM (#308772 - in reply to #308769)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 5874

Never been seriously injured, but I have had my heart broken a few times.
Posted 3/21/2008 11:12 AM (#308776 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 336

Location: Wheeling, IL.
Last year while fishing with Tuffy1 at PI, we had a tank grab a sucker. I cranked the rod down, grabbed the rod as tight as I could and gave it a yank. The rod flew out of my hand, but I grabbed the crank and kept the tip up. My left hand hurt like hell! I fought the fish, only to have him shake off a few minutes later. Thought I just banged my finger on the trigger so I changed my grip and fished for the next two days. Adam at Skyview even taped it up for me. Driving home it started to really hurt, went to the ER and found out I broke the outside of my hand in two places!!!! So yes, no blood but I ended up having surgery because of a SKI!
Posted 3/21/2008 11:12 AM (#308777 - in reply to #308769)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 135

On Cave Run last fall I got a 40"er on a jig and pig and when I got her up to release in the net, had my 11" longnose pliers in her mouth to pull the hook when she went from docile to wild, kind of like my wife can do. Next thing I know she's cut my thumb with a tooth and sliced it open pretty good! A crappie fishing couple putted by while I released the fish from the net with blood streaming down my arm and I thought the guy was going to faint! I was still pumped from the catch of course, but turned out that she was an EMT and just couldn't bring herself to keep on going without stopping to assist me. They waited about 20yds. away while I released her then she said, "Mind if we come over so I can take a look at that cut? I'm an EMT"
Sure, I said, and they putted over, and the whole time her husband had to look the other way but he kept talking to me about musky fishing the whole time. She used Krazy Glue to heal up my rather deep wound and once the bleeding stopped she told her husband so and he turned back around. I offered them each a cup of coffee and they were on their way! Learned a litte something about Krazy Glue that day, and kept right on fishing!
Posted 3/21/2008 11:24 AM (#308780 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 337

Location: Central WI
My dad got a hook in the hand while we were fishing in MN last year. It was a small fish and we quickly got it off. We didnt have any hook cutters so he had to cut his skin with a fillet knife to get the hook out. I've got a couple of pictures of that but it's really a bloody mess so I decided not to post I've now got a set of hook cutters.

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Musky Brian
Posted 3/21/2008 1:03 PM (#308813 - in reply to #308780)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
This one goes back to about the year 2000 or 1999 in my younger early days. I was fishing Canyon Lake near Vermilion Bay. We were goofing around on the dock and my buddy, who knows nothing of fishing all of a sudden starts freeking out that a fish is chasing his lure. I look up over at him and see he has hooked about a 40" Musky. I go and net the fish, while standing on the dock, and then tell him to go into our tied up boat to get the camera and release tools while I unhook the fish. He tosses me the pliers,and I start to lean over and put my hand underneath the gills, then all of a sudden the fish does this amazing tail jump into the air. It goes right up over my head and on the way down I feel a tear across my face. I look down and the fish hits the dock, rolls into the water unhooked, and is gone. I can feel the lure now lodged in the skin on the bottom part of my lip. Thinking I can just pull it out, I look down in horror and see blood everywhere. My friend is now panicking at the bloody mess and the 9" Squirrley Burt now stuck in my face. Basically, the lure hit the upper corner of my mouth, ripping it to shreads, and then on the way down got buried in my mouth.
45 Minute ride to Dryden, 10 stitches later in the upper mouth, and a hook cut out by knife, I made it back to Canyon by 8 oclock and fished the rest of the week with a stitched up mouth. Oh, and I still have the scar which I can carry for life
Posted 3/21/2008 5:12 PM (#308862 - in reply to #308813)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
I have been extremely fortunate, nothing but raker rashes so far or light grazes by teeth. I am waiting for the biggy though, its just a matter of time before one of them pays me back.
Posted 3/21/2008 6:05 PM (#308878 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1264

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
Sore back, sore shoulders, sore arms, sore hands, sore legs, sore eyes, cold feet, cold hands, sore skin, a few minor gill cuts, and an occasional bruised ego. And I'm still dumb enough to do it again.
buckster58 / Don
Posted 3/21/2008 8:01 PM (#308896 - in reply to #308878)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Had the broken heart added to my '07 rookie accomplishments ; she was a big girl fro Big "V' . Somehow I managed not to bloody myself, but did manage quite the back pain.
Posted 3/21/2008 9:34 PM (#308912 - in reply to #308896)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 484

Location: St. Louis, MO., Marco Is., FL, Nestor Falls, ON
Through the years, I have had numerous bites including one to the web of my left hand that still has the scars many years later. I have put hooks through my hand, thumb, forearm, legs and had to cut the hooks and force the point through the opposite side. In fact, I carry a surgical kit in my boat with scalpels, sutures, forceps, etc. Just in case I sustain some serious injury to a major bleeder. I had to use one of the disposable scalpels last season to remove a really stout treble imbedded in my forearm. Luckily, I have never had to have stitches, but I am prepared if I do.
Posted 3/21/2008 10:10 PM (#308922 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 618

Location: Seymour, WI
I was fishing the Chip about 10 yrs ago off of Birch Is. Back then my boat was a 14' alum with 15 horse Johnson, so I was a long ways from anywhere. Caught a chuncky 36" off the windy point of the island. The fish thrashed while I was trying to get it out of the net and put a deep gash down the bottom of my thumb. The cut was alot more than any band aid could stop, so I cut a long strip out of my T-shirt and secured it to my thumb with electrical tape. My thumb still has a long white scar down the middle of it.

Posted 3/23/2008 8:15 AM (#309155 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 3864

My hooked hand was due to poor release techniques. I'm much more careful now, and I really like my Lindy gloves (helpful for walleye, too).
Posted 3/23/2008 8:48 PM (#309312 - in reply to #308922)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 170

Not a muskie, but...Up on Eagle a few years ago I caught a little snake pike on a TR Twitcher...had him belly up next to the boat and was reaching down with my long nose pliers to just pop him off and the little %^#@ shot straight out of the water as I was reaching down and buried the front hook in the underside of my forearm and he was still attached. Fortuantley he shook off within a second or two. Buried, barb in. My buddy cut the hook and we headed back in camp (we were in sight and our last spot). I met Herbie walking through camp and he proceeded to give me some %$#@ and up to his cabin we went. Pushed it through (fortuantley I just changed hooks, so they were brand new) IA little neosporene and some Crown, and life was good again!
(I will admit that it hurt like heck and I felt a littel queezey...but then the Crown kicked in)
Posted 3/23/2008 9:43 PM (#309323 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 32880

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Had a tooth jammed all the way through my thumb. Hannah Nortcott had it under the glass at Claybanks Marina for several years along with pictures she took when I registered the fish; caught it close enough to Claybanks to troll motor over quickly.

Scar top of my right hand, teeth again.

Left wrist, hook scar, fish hooked me with a head shake ( I used to hand land everything) and ripped the hook down my wrist and out. Ouch.

Weird little scar on my left bicep, Pike shook an Undertaker, it sailed up through the air and stuck firmly in my bicep, to the bend of the hook. Much to my surprise, the barb had been pinched down. The hook came out sorta easily, but left a hell of a bruise and a scar.

Lots of cuts...lots.

Not too bad for fishing them since the late sixties.
Posted 3/24/2008 4:27 PM (#309478 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

I've had several break my heart.... still trying to recover from the last girl.
Posted 3/24/2008 4:48 PM (#309485 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI

Posted 3/25/2008 2:08 AM (#309571 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 100

Location: Bemidji/Cass Lake
Nothing overly gruesome for me. Went for a 46" in the net and it gave 1 good kick that put a hook just past the barb in the "koosh" of the middle finger on my left hand. Or course the lure was still attached to the fish as well. Was able to clamp on to the hook and rip it out with a couple jerks before the fish could thrash around. Hurt more a day later. Worst incident would be a 43" that ate a 10" suick. I had it by the gill cover with my left hand in the net when it opened its mouth as wide as it could while kicking upward. It got ahold of my left hand and went nuts for about 7-8 secs. I could feel all sorts of damage being done, but didn't know if it was all fish or hooks too. No hook in me, but got a scar in the webbing between forefinger and thumb. Immediately after, the middle finger knuckle was so swelled up in looked like a large marble had been inserted underneath the skin.
Tim Anderson
Posted 3/26/2008 3:39 PM (#309866 - in reply to #308922)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 32

Location: Brainerd, Minnesota
A hook in the hand and a hook in the leg, but nothing that I couldn't get out by myself with the "tools of the trade". Both were because of my own carelessness...seems I need a lesson every once in awhile. Dang it hurts though when they're attached and they won't quit shaking!!! Other than that, more tooth marks and gill raker cuts...I hate to admit how many. And of course, the broken heart thing that a few others have mentioned.

Posted 3/26/2008 4:05 PM (#309870 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 22

Location: geneva il
check this out this is my buddy bob... we saw a nice fish surface... i reared back to cast long and hard... as i was castin foward i hooked him in the head... the force was so great it actually bent the treble hook as it hit his skull... this guy is tough... he took out his pocket knife and wanted me to cut it out... needless to say i didnt and a tetnice shot later we were back on the water the next day... since then we have hook ourselves or eachother at least once a year since... i gave him the bulldawg for his trouble... we now call him bulldawg bob!

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Posted 3/26/2008 5:39 PM (#309889 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 129

I had just measured a 42 incher and it flopped. When I went to grab him he flopped again and caught the web inbetween my thumb and finger. It did not hurt or bleed, but I could see the muscle in the palm of my hand thru the hole. Needless to say we had to run to bemidji to get some stitches to close it up. After that I ran straight to gander and bought the lindy gloves. I wont handle another fish without them again.
Posted 3/26/2008 8:55 PM (#309932 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 786

Location: Delavan, WI
A few years ago when I didnt know any better I reached in the net to take a lure out of a 43"s mouth bad mistake it hooked to my hand and started thrashing, luckily my friend was able to cut the hook (good thing I wasnt by myself)still had to go to the hospital to have it removed because there was nothing sticking out -now I only use pliers even if it is barely hooked!!!
Posted 7/11/2009 4:22 PM (#388111 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 283

Location: beloit
I had on bite my thumb last week when releasing it. normally I slide my hand out of the gill down there belly to the tail to release but this time I just took my hand straight out and when I did it decided to snap at my hand. it left a nice v shaped cut at the bottum of my thumb, I won't make that mistake agian.
Posted 7/11/2009 4:56 PM (#388113 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 412

Location: Waukesha, WI
well, I can't change my vote since yesterday changed this for me. One magnum heli-dawg hook in a 34" and during hook extraction, the other treble in me. At least to my chapter brothers that gave me "you know what", at least I caught a fish. LOL I'll be looking for the "boat kit" from past threads.

MTO mag helidawg $15.99; ER copayment and Keflex generic copay, $162; getting hooked experience, priceless. Could have been worse.
Posted 7/11/2009 6:11 PM (#388119 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 292

Location: SW MI
Nothing physical, yet. Muskies have however, injured my confidence and my bank account.
jay lip ripper
Posted 7/11/2009 6:37 PM (#388121 - in reply to #388119)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 392

Location: lake x...where the hell is it?
this year i had one grab a gill that i was using for bait. i saw her hit it hard and fast and seen that she inhaled it so i give her steel. she give a few headshakes and came off, when that happened i was pulling so hard that my hand came back and hit me in the face and gave me a deep cut just above my lip. but i just went and got another gill put it back out and she inhaled it again. i got her this time, a 43". it was the seconded time i caught her in 5 days. many more have broke my heart that the will never heal. thats about the worest thing a ski has done to me besides the gill rakes across all my fingers.

Posted 7/11/2009 7:00 PM (#388124 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1316

Location: Lebanon,Mo
Gosh,must of been over ten years ago when I fished a tournament solo and netted a fish and some how ended up with a treble buried into the base of my thumb while I was unhooking the fish due to being over excited that I had already boated two fish the first day of the tournament to put me in third.Blood all over the boat and I could see bone.I learned my lesson after that to never go in without cutters or pliers to remove lure before anything else.Still have the scar.
Posted 7/11/2009 7:01 PM (#388125 - in reply to #388111)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 90

Location: Ohio

Fiedler - 7/11/2009 5:22 PM I had on bite my thumb last week when releasing it. normally I slide my hand out of the gill down there belly to the tail to release but this time I just took my hand straight out and when I did it decided to snap at my hand. it left a nice v shaped cut at the bottum of my thumb, I won't make that mistake agian.


I am new at this game and was always told to never put your hand up through the gill because they have teeth that are curved, so you can slide your hand in but when you try to pull your hand out the curved teeth bury into your hand soooooo

Where are you supposed to grab them at to handle them?

Posted 7/11/2009 7:29 PM (#388128 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 1887

Location: syracuse indiana
more than i care to remember.. but no as bad as some of them i have heard about.. i did have BUKE'S hit me in the head with a weagle and rip my hat off my head..lol.. was funny now but not when it happened.. he is another member her and havent seen him on here for a while...bill
Posted 7/11/2009 7:41 PM (#388129 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 906

Location: Warroad, Mn
Yes! I have a fair number of scars and misshaps. Also happened again today. Taking hooks out of a fish that T-boned a DCG on an 8, and was hooked in both sides of it's mouth. Got one side out, and was working on the other and it flopped, and I ended up with a 7/0 all the way through the tip of my middle finger of my left hand. Little mentholatum and a couple of band-aids and back at em.Doug Johnson
Posted 7/12/2009 9:15 AM (#388178 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

d2bucktail - 3/20/2008 5:56 PM

This poll could bring up some good stories and maybe even a few good pics. I'm wondering how many of you have been injured by a muskie. I have a good scar on the inside bottom part of my thumb that happened when my thumb slipped inside of a muskie's mouth during a release pic. Ouch! How about you -- any good stories to share? :)

As said in the poll, many times wounded pride.
Posted 7/12/2009 10:32 AM (#388188 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 556

It's part of the sport---Mess around with those things long enough and they are going to get you. Had a 30 incher slip out of my hold and the Treble buried in my hand. Quick trip to the emergency room and we were back out in a couple hours. Hurt like heck but 1 st day of the trip so-- some pain meds and we kept casting---Had my partner hit me in the head and again trip to the emergency room to get it out. Had a headache for the rest of the day but no stitches so we were back at it again. I am much more cautious with handling the fish these days though. Not only from my experience's but from listening to stories like these. A strong muscular fish like a Musky and slime don't mix well when removing hooks. Love my HOOK OUT's and Extra long nose pliers--and of course a great set of hook cutters. Be Carefull !!!!!
Posted 7/12/2009 10:58 AM (#388191 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 59

Location: WI
40 incher jolted while taking the picture. got a good size gash in the tender skin between the thumb and index finger. Big bandaid and a glove, and was back fishing. Shouda had stiches. Scar is there. A good reminder of a nice first cast fish.
Posted 7/13/2009 2:55 PM (#388392 - in reply to #388129)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

...a 7/0 all the way through the tip of my middle finger...
...Little mentholatum and a couple of band-aids and back at em...

tough old cuss.

Posted 7/13/2009 8:36 PM (#388467 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: RE: Have you been injured by a muskie?

I've only had minor barb in the forarm and hand wounds but last year i had a close call that i still get the chills when i think about. Fishing with my 6 year old son in the back of the boat when a big fish nailed my Hellhound, set the hook and well most of you know how Hellhounds fly like bullets, This thing came flying back at 100mph and just missed my sons face. Even if it didn't have hooks in it the force of the lure hitting him would have done alot of damage. I thank God for that one.
Posted 7/14/2009 12:09 AM (#388506 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 457

My worst is a set of hooks from a Weagle that buried into my thigh when the 36-ish fish came unpinned and ejected it into my leg. Two of them were clean through, one buried to the bend. That one HURT.
Posted 7/14/2009 1:03 AM (#388510 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 202

I have with an ER visit and a camera man to prove it! Fun times!!
Posted 7/21/2009 9:44 PM (#389824 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 59

my first one got a couple teeth into my thumb trying to get it out of the net
Posted 7/22/2009 6:13 PM (#389947 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Location: Oswego, IL
The trip I was just on in LOTW buddies dad was fishing out off the front, buddy in the middle, and me out the back. 18' Rental LOWE. lets make is quick and simple, You know how a jake has 3 trebles, yup all three hooked the side of his face from the ear to cheek to neck on a cast. Wasnt funny at first but after finding out he was Ok and picking out the trebles for him, couldnt stop laughing for 2 days and penalized the dad for 2 days in back of boat. I told him thank god you didnt get hooked by my baits, you wouldve lost the ear and half your scalp.
Posted 7/22/2009 6:51 PM (#389950 - in reply to #308596)
Subject: Re: Have you been injured by a muskie?

Posts: 256

Haven't gotten hurt by a muskie yet but I fear little pike more than any fish. A little 18 incher put a red-eye wiggler in my wrist this spring.

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