What is the wildest fish story you got????
Posted 2/19/2008 10:45 PM (#302338)
Subject: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 129

Location: Milwaukee Wi
Mine was the time i was fishing on pewaukee lake i was throwing one of my walleye bucktails for about 4 1/2 hours not a nibble it got to be about dark thoughts of leaving filled my head one last cast i say about a 40 yrd cast just as the lure hits the water a ginormus splash BOOM got one i go to set the hook it felt like it spit the lure so i try to reel it in and the fish ran the boat here im stuck tangled in the motor out of the corner of my eye a 28in musky still on my line.
Posted 2/19/2008 10:54 PM (#302341 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 162

Location: East Troy, WI
my first time muskie fishing in a long time.... prior to that i was like 12-14 years old... never caught a muskie.

2005 chippewa flowage, october... temps were in the 40s just had a big huge rain storm the day prior. 3 days earlier it was 70 and sunny. fishing with a bucktail slow rolling it, my lure stops, i set the hook, felt like a fish for about a split second, then its pure dead weight... like im hooked into a tree stump. so i tell my dad to hit the trolling motor and get closer so i can get my lure undone, the trolling motor's battery was dead, so now my dad had to start the boat to get over there... this took about 2-3 minutes. we get to the stump/tree, and suddenly i feel a fish, and the fish became undone from whatever he was on. dad did the net job, i had my very first muskie 32" wooo.

p.s. if anyone remembers the weather that year october 2005 i think it was the first week of october... i think hayward got like 14" of rain the day before we were fishing. it was crazy
Posted 2/20/2008 2:54 AM (#302346 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
prolly when i caught the beaver ... that was a hoot!
Posted 2/20/2008 8:06 AM (#302371 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 159

Location: Stevens Point, WI
My fav from the past season was when i was taking a kid out for his first time for muskies. I knew there was a decent fish here, so i had him throw a topraider since it was still dark. His first cast he just reeled it straight in and pulled it out of the water ( i didn't tell him to do a figure 8) and a muskie about jumped into the boat after it. He was freaking out and shaking so i told him to calm down and cast back out. when the raider got close i told him to make an 8 on top of the water by dragging the lure on top, just to get the feel for it. When he did that next to the boat that 'ski came back and thrashed the thing. 42", second cast of his life. I love muskies.

Edited by 12gauge 2/20/2008 8:09 AM
Posted 2/20/2008 8:42 AM (#302389 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

While fishing the Madison chain last fall, me and my buddie had 2 suckers out and we were casting spinner baits and dogs, I got a 36"er to hit the spinner boatside, then we continued to fish the area and finally got to another area where I have caught tons of fish before, my buddies clicker went off and I handed him the rod and he now has another fish on, we net the fish which turned out to be a 39"er, at this point we both were very happy, we then proceeded to make another pass in the area where I caught my fish when all of the sudden my clicker when screaming zzzzzzzzzzzzz, so I go for the rod and set the hook as hard as I can, when I set the hook the reel handle broke off and I fumbled with the rod because when the reel handle broke it throw me off balance, the rod and reel dropped out of my hand and started to go into to lake, I did not even think and I drove for the reel and winded up in the lake, I got the rod and I was trying to swim with the rod in one hand while I waved down my buddie to come back and get me, the wind was pushing pretty hard that day so he finally got the motor on and came to get me, I threw the rod and reel on deck and said fish this fish for me...lol he looks at me like im nuts and grabs the rod and notices that there is no handle for him to reel the fish in, so he is trying to get near shore while he is using the start drag to bring in the fish that is still on the line, the fish finally nears the boat and it is now right next to me swimming around, I could have netted the fish but I did not want to get the quick strike hooks into me so I pushed the fish away, I finally got out of the lake, I put on some of my buddies colthes and the dry rain gear I had and we left, it was a real cold swim in the lake, it was mid september when it happened, I did not even think the water temps but everything turned out ok, I even got the reel fixed for no charge, there was some defect in the reel so they fixed it. It was a cold ride back home to Rockford that day.
Posted 2/20/2008 12:49 PM (#302453 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

not to different from 12 gauges post, but my uncle who is getting up in years prefers to fish sitting down and would rather not figure 8 a fish (even if it meant not catching one), yanked his lure out of the water and a 30" fish jumped in the boat.

I was fishing with my cousin (Seabass) and we were a few hundred yards away. It was one of those "still" times on the water when you could talk or hear from a boat from a long ways away. The noise they made could have been heard for miles.

..anyway, by the time my cousin and I buzzed over there (maybe 1 minute) they were doubled over laughing so hard they could even speak. The fish was obviously green and did not want to get handled. Soon afterward they got the fish in the water and it was released, but we drifted along having a few cold ones and relished the moment.
Posted 2/20/2008 2:41 PM (#302509 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 159

Location: Stevens Point, WI
That's pretty sweet! Never heard of one actually making it into the boat before! Good story.
Posted 2/20/2008 3:21 PM (#302533 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 434

Location: searchin for 50
Fishing on Thompson lake near Rhinelander with a friend. We were working some shoreline weeds when I had a hit set the hook played the fish a little bit. As it was getting close to the boat the fish jumped about 4' out of the water threw the bucktail. The fish went back in the water and thenas soon as it was in the water it was in the boat thrashing everything in sight. I looked at my friend and said" Did you see that " and he said Yes but noway did that happen, but it did. It was a 30". That all happened in less than 2 minutes. I do have a witness too
Posted 2/20/2008 6:25 PM (#302580 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 103

About four years ago I was trolling with my mom and I hooked a fish, and when I loosened the drag I loosened it to much where their was no tension, but at the time I was only 12 and didn't know that, so instead of figuring it out I panicked and grabbed the line and started pulling the fish in. I finaly got the fish to the boat and my mom netted a 44 inch muskie.
Posted 2/20/2008 8:02 PM (#302596 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 20212

Location: oswego, il
I have a few wild stories to share.

First one was a 12 fish day my dad and myslef had. We just netted a 37"er and I picked up a planer board rod to retrieve it. I took off the board and brought in the last 20ft of line to have another fish come up, two figure eights with a 3ft leader and she eats. The net was still in the water and the 37 had not swam off yet. A nice 42'er.

My buddies first time on this lake and I told him lets get reay well off the spot we were going to fish. Nothing was out, I rigged a sucker and set it in the water, it went 10ft out and the bobber went bye bye. 2 minutes out and a 38'er in the net and that was the only rod out on deck, the trolling motor not even deployed.

Next year same guy. Started the day rigged a sucker and since we were in shallow I just set the sucker over the side by the outboard. I rigged the other sucker and seen the first rod bouncing. My buddy grabbed it, and caught a 32'er. I rerigged it only to see the sucker on the other side of the outboard get ate! We missed that one unfortunately.

Caught a 40"er this past year that ate and jerked the planer board I was attaching out of my hand.

I caught 3 muskies last year screaming baits back to the boat loaded with weeds.
Posted 2/20/2008 9:24 PM (#302621 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

This past spring while fishing I had a hot follow and brought it into the the figure eight. The muskie was in hot pursuit, but while figure eighting the bait, the muskie stopped dead in the water pointing away from the boat while I kept the bait moving. Before I could react I had ran the bait over the muskies head and one of the trebles grazed his head and snagged him just a little bit. As soon as the fish felt the hook he took off straight out of the water at a 45 degree angle and went airborne while my bait went flying the other way. And I mean airborne! From a dead stop he came out of the water and had clear sailing for at least 20 feet before he went back into the water. It was like watching an olympic muskie long jumping event or something! My brother and I were amazed and a couple of fellow muskie anglers in their boat nearby saw it jump and wanted to know what the heck I did to get it to do that. It was the coolest near miss I have had, and it was awesome to witness the power and speed these fish really have.
Posted 2/21/2008 10:09 AM (#302771 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

First Lesson on Topwater Fishing

Caught a fish late one night, I could tell this was a decent fish (45-50"), the fish was playing around the trolling motor, was spiralling underwater then shot towards the back of the boat, then layed motionless on the surface about ten feet from the boat. Took a deep breath and said "lets see what we got here" and proceeded to shine my healamp light directly on the fish. On cue, the fish missiles out of the water straight at my headlamp-I literally had to duck out of the way to avoid being clobbered by this fish. Fish started spiralling underwater and proceeds to get off. I looked at my lure and she had wrapped line all around my hooks-upon close inspection she had broken my line in four different spots but the line was wrapped so tight I luckily got my lure back. I was using an 18" leader of 0.063 stainless. Other than the obvious lesson of not shining your light directly on these things-everything does happen at night so be prepared...

Same trip, caught a low 40 inch fish, was taking a measurement and rested my hand right beside its face ( about 4 inches away) and the fish purposely bites me. My friend and I start laughing on how you have to love these things and repeated to put my hand back in its original position-and on cue the fish bites me a second time-she got a quick trip back to the water...
Musky Brian
Posted 2/21/2008 11:25 AM (#302784 - in reply to #302771)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 1767

Location: Lake Country, Wisconsin
I was fishing a very small Canadian lake with my cousin. I decided to mess with him and go into "intense figure 8" mode to try and make him think I had a fish coming ( we hadn't seen a fish all day to that point). Well, it was dark water, and I had my rod down to the handle while doing my fake, fish-less figure 8. All of a sudden, I feel a jerk backwards.....I raise the rod up, and I have a 38" Tiger Musky squirming and splashing at the end of my line. Besides being pretty funny, I took it as a lesson to how important it is to figure 8 even when you do not see any fish near your bait
Posted 2/21/2008 12:13 PM (#302791 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 129

Location: Milwaukee Wi
That is ironic every time i try to mess with some one they get the fish !!!
Posted 2/21/2008 2:56 PM (#302834 - in reply to #302791)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 244

Location: Mallard Island Lake Vermilion MN
Went fishen once...got one too..lawdy Mama...light my fuse.

Edited by KidDerringer 2/29/2008 10:30 AM
Posted 2/21/2008 3:17 PM (#302839 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 427

Location: Wausau
While fishing a #*^@ location on the WI river with a launch right there I had two seperate wild experiences.
1. After launching the boat I start to rig the suckers, toss one over about 5 feet from the boat and start to get the other one ready. Within 30 seconds the clicker goes off and soon a musky is in the net - no casts, no motor and still beached on shore.
2. After fishing the #*^@ area I use the trolling motor to reach the landing. I leave the long line sucker out while I back up the trailer, which is parked 10 feet from the landing. As I approach the boat, I noticed the clicker is going off, jump in and again another musky finds the bottom of the net.
The wildest event fishing for me was 101 inches in the net at the same time (article in Musky Hunter). I have a 48.5 on and while clearing his line, fishing partner hooks a 52.5. It was 60 seconds of pure maddness...
Posted 2/25/2008 12:53 PM (#303695 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Fly fishing bluegills off my pier on Okauchee Lake 1995.
Bluegill hits popper.
Bass eats bluegill .
42" musky eats bass.

I was freaked for weeks !!!
Posted 2/25/2008 3:53 PM (#303746 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 457

Going to have to go with the 40+pound flathead cat caught on a weagle. I about crapped with I was fighting the fish, because it felt like a monster, but not quite like a 'ski. THere were headshakes, but there were LONG steady runs. I've never had a mucky take me on that long a run. We had seen a PIG of a fish in the vicinity in the days before, moved her twice, but never really got her to show major interest. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven for a long while.
THEN, when I regained enough line, to see that big brown face, I was half shocked, half PO'd. End result, however, I was laughing my but off, I'd never seen a flathead that big hit any sort of surface bait.
Posted 2/28/2008 4:43 PM (#304499 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Last July me and a friend were at Eagle lake in Ontario. Rainy windy day with little action. We switched from weed edges to a steep rock wall where we had seen a fish the previous day. I was in the front and my partner in the back of the boat making parallel casts along the wall. Neither one of us noticed that we had casted across each others lines. At the point where the two lures came together a musky hit engulfing both lures at the same time. Mine a slider bait and his a bucktail. We each thought we had seperate muskies until it got close enough to see we were fighting the same fish. We got it in the net and it measured 491/4". After some pictures and a good laugh we let her go.
Posted 2/28/2008 5:54 PM (#304525 - in reply to #304499)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????


This is a smallmouth story - the original post was general about the mention of a fish story.

Probably ten years ago or so I was flyfishing for smallmouth on a small stream in central MN. I'm fishing a streamer through a deep hole at a sharp bend in the river. It's hot and my water bottle is already empty and I'm thinking about hiking back because I was getting parched. I hear a noise from upstream that slowly gets louder and nearer and it sounded like a bunch of drunk women. When they rounded the bend I couldn't believe my eyes: it was 12 drunk, TOPLESS women drifting downstream toward me on inner-tubes. WAIT, IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Being drunk and uninhibited, none of them were shy and tried to cover up. NOW HERE'S THE BEST PART. Before they even drifted by, one of them yells down-river to me and asked if I wanted a beer! I mentioned that, coincidentally, I was getting mighty thirsty. Two of the women jumped off their tubes, grabbed two beers EACH from one of the coolers in their flotilla, and started wading toward me. Imagine, on a hot thirsty day, there's TWO top-less women carrying FOUR cold beers and there's TEN other topless women behind them.

I've kept a fishing-journal for over twenty years. I re-read the journal entry for that day from time to time and it still cracks me up.

This story is absolutely true.
Posted 2/28/2008 6:40 PM (#304535 - in reply to #304525)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 8

Vilas Co. WI. I'm walking out to the dock @ 7:00 a.m. and see my neighbor in his boat about 50' away. He says he's got a muskie on, forgot his net and wanted to know if I'd net it for him if he trolled it over to the dock. I'm standing on the dock, net ready, and the fish is slowly swimming along side the boat with a Hawg Wobbler perfectly hooked in the corner if its mouth. As the fish is in range I scoop the net beneath it and it freaks out, jumps straight up into the air and out of the net. I quickly scoop again only this time a bit deeper into the water after the spashdown. The water is absolutely boiling in the net. I lift it up and am stunned to see 2 muskies in the net! One 38" and one 34". To this day I have no clue where it came from. It wasn't hooked and I didn't see it in the water before scooping. Weird, but I'll never forget it!
Posted 2/28/2008 6:53 PM (#304542 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 1663

Location: Kodiak, AK
Not a musky story, but while flyfishing for halibut caught a 6' octopus. FYI-the harder you pull on them trying to get them off the line, the more they fight back and get wrapped around you. Better to just let your line hang in the water boatside, and they'll let themselves off. And watch out for the beak!
matt L
Posted 2/28/2008 7:19 PM (#304548 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 31

Location: Pa.
Two years ago in Febuary I went out for a few hours fishing from shore on a local river in eastern Pa . I just landed and released a fat 37 incher. The water had about a 24 " visability. A few cast later I watched a fish come off the bottom and grab a reef hawg at the shore line right at my feet . As I set the hook the line snapped at the swivel ?
Now I have this fish in 8 " of water thrashing to get away with my reef hawg in its mouth, So I took a step back ,stuck my rod tip in its face to see if I could snag a hook with the rod tip eye ,it actually caught the last treble and I slid the thrashing fish up on the beach . I was able to unhooked a 39"incher from my rod tip and slipped her back in the water .
Missouri Wayne
Posted 2/29/2008 8:36 AM (#304653 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 31

Paul Schlagel
I don't care how much I try, I am going to have problems all day trying to shake that image from my head. That would make a great beer commercial.
Posted 2/29/2008 9:35 AM (#304673 - in reply to #304653)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Believe me, I don't try to get that image from head.

Even though I review that journal entry from time to time, I still couldn't tell you how many smallies were caught that day.

Ya, things like that never happen on Mille Lacs.
Posted 2/29/2008 9:36 AM (#304674 - in reply to #304673)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL

Posted 2/29/2008 11:58 AM (#304711 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 331

Location: Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Schlagel, what kind of beer was it again? LOL

My first 50 hit on a figure 8 and I had the fish snout hooked and the head came out of the water on the hook set. After a couple violent head shakes the buck tail popped out and flew into the air. I re-directed the buck tail back into the water and continued figure 8. Fish hit again! I was fishing alone and I caught this fish with 10min left in the trip to LOTW. I ended up tying by buddy for big fish of the trip. He had caught his first 50 earlier that day.

Posted 2/29/2008 12:21 PM (#304712 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 300

Location: Minocqua, WI
October, 1998 - mine and my dad's annual fall fishing trip - we had an uncle and a friend in the boat with us.

We were fishing a 1,000 acre lake in Oneida co. Anchored the boat on a weed-bed and were having fun with Pike over the side of the boat.

While messing around with the little guys near the boat, dad hooks up a sucker on the musky rod and launches it out many yards away from the boat to let it sit and swim.

Eventually, we get some activity on the sucker rig. Large float was swimming away and going down. Dad patiently makes sure that it's a fish - eventually feels some weight, and then sets the hook. . . . . . . . . . . . REEL EXPLODES!!!!!! I was in like 6th grade by this was the funniest ! Bye-bye fish, as the attached large bobber and sucker with something hooked swam away! Each time we gather for fishing, this story is brought up over and over again.
Posted 2/29/2008 4:39 PM (#304758 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 906

Location: Warroad, Mn

Once when the algae was pretty bad I lifted a suick out of the water without paying much attention and had a 46"-47" muskie jump right in the boat after it. Pretty interesting for a while!

Doug Johnson

Posted 2/29/2008 5:25 PM (#304763 - in reply to #304758)
Subject: RE: What is the wildest fish story you got????

It was Miller Lite... not that I was paying any attention to the cans...
Posted 2/29/2008 9:02 PM (#304802 - in reply to #302338)
Subject: Re: What is the wildest fish story you got????

Posts: 201

Location: Stevens Point
Funny stuff!
The only crazy fish I have is from canada. We were using the trolling motor to move from the shoreline to an island in deep water, we weren't casting as we moved, I was steering, I had a spring dawg about I half foot out of the water. We were over about 30ft when I almost got the rod jerked out of my hand-a fat 36" came up and grabbed it out of nowhere!! not as good as some stories, but it was pretty crazy.