Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?
Posted 1/16/2008 9:36 PM (#294480)
Subject: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Posts: 291

Location: Minneapolis
Now that Minnetonka Outdoors is closed, who in the Twin Cities does on-site reel repair? I know Thorne Bros. and other stores used to send their reels to Minnetonka Outdoors. Where do they send them now?

Does anyone know where the reel repair guy, Tom Carroll, ended up? I've been bringing reels to him for years, way back since he was at Tackle Plus in Minneapolis. I'd like to keep bringing him my reels for service if I could find him.

Edited by rpike 1/16/2008 9:37 PM
Posted 1/17/2008 12:11 AM (#294503 - in reply to #294480)
Subject: RE: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Posts: 9

I've had Dick Danz at 'Angler's Paradise' in Fridley clean one of my reels last year. 'Angler's Paradise' is actually inside of 'Trail's End Pro Bass', so you can probably call either place. I'm not sure if he's still there and operating, but I'd give it a shot.

happy hooker
Posted 1/17/2008 4:35 AM (#294513 - in reply to #294503)
Subject: RE: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Posts: 3152

Wayzata bait just off 394 does them too,,Ive only had then do one but they did a good job,,,We all miss Tom from Minnetonka outdoors hopefully he will surface somewhere,,He fishes quite a bit from shore by the landings on maxwell and North arm bays,,maybe we can track him down come open water

Edited by happy hooker 1/17/2008 4:38 AM
Posted 1/18/2008 11:38 PM (#294932 - in reply to #294503)
Subject: RE: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Location: Twin Cities
Bassmandan - 1/16/2008 2:11 PM

I've had Dick Danz at 'Angler's Paradise' in Fridley clean one of my reels last year. 'Angler's Paradise' is actually inside of 'Trail's End Pro Bass', so you can probably call either place. I'm not sure if he's still there and operating, but I'd give it a shot.


I took a couple reels there, VERY fair pricing and tells you exactly what he finds, I'd definetly recommend him again. In fact that reminds me, i've got 2 or 3 to send up there!
Posted 2/4/2008 3:57 PM (#298933 - in reply to #294932)
Subject: RE: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Posts: 291

Location: Minneapolis
Thanks for the tips about Angler's Paradise and Wayzata Bait and Tackle.
Posted 2/7/2008 6:15 PM (#299621 - in reply to #298933)
Subject: RE: Where to get reels repaired in Twin Cities?

Posts: 227

Location: New Brighton, MN
Wayzata Bait and Tackle has done quite well for me.

Edited by Willis 2/7/2008 6:25 PM