2007 WLMC Barbee Chain of Lakes Tournament 9/8/07
Vince Weirick
Posted 9/10/2007 6:38 AM (#274097)
Subject: 2007 WLMC Barbee Chain of Lakes Tournament 9/8/07

Posts: 1060

Location: Palm Coast, FL
The Webster Lake Musky Club held their cash tournament this past Saturday on the Barbee Chain of Lakes.

Water temps held consistent at 77 all day Saturday. We had 19 teams come out and fish the tournament. Per our rules we pay out 3 places for less than 20 teams. There were 4 legal muskies caught and a few others lost. Most anglers saw 1 or 2 fish all day long! Here were the finishing teams:

1st place: Mark Filas and Dave Filas with a 42.5" muskie caught on a suick. $910 (they only saw 1 other muskie all day)
2nd place: Vince Weirick and Brandon Schorle with a 37.75" muskie caught on a jackpot. $600 (we saw 3 other muskies...one of which got off 2 feet from the boat!)
3rd place: Randy Bush and Tom Lang with a 35.25" muskie caught on a crankbait. $200 (they saw 2 other muskies and had one strike but didn't get any hooks in her)

The fish that I lost hit way out on the cast and completely cleared the water with the jackpot in its mouth. I got it all the way back to the boat when it decided to jump up in the air and throw my lure just 2 feet from the boat (winning fish dwn bg bg bg). Randy Bush is the guy that guides with me so for my guide service...we took 2nd and 3rd place! We all had a great time!

We are also hosting a final cash tournament on Webster Lake to be held October 6th. Tournament hours will be from 7:30am-3:30pm. Cost is $200 per team. If you need more information, please contact myself at [email protected] (574-551-0214) or check out our website at www.websterlakemuskyclub.org