
Posts: 5
| I'm thinking about fishing a few more tournaments this season, and wanted to ask some of the rabble about their approaches to fishing tournies for muskies.
Basic question: what do you DIFFERENTLY when you fish tournies, regardless of the prize or setting, versus when you just fish for fun?
Crazy P | |
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Posts: 1996
Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain | Regardless of when I am fishing, it could be guiding, a tourney, or just for fun, I am trying my best to put fish in the boat. The only difference between tourneys and any other time is that lunch may have to wait until hours are over. Not a whole lot else changes, any way I look at it, fish in the boat are the ultimate goal.
Edited by nwild 5/17/2007 12:27 PM
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Posts: 723
| My partner and I fished a tourney on local waters last year, we had patterns that were hot, locations, all that jazz, thought we had it in the bag, but, when tourney day came, we were scrambling around cause time was of the essence, not to mention money was involved.
Had we not gotten stir crazy and just stuck to our plan, we would have done probably pretty well, how do I know this? well, my buddy who didn't get in the tournament, fished our primary spot for 5 hours after we had abandoned it, and ended the day with 9 fish. hmmm,
the second day we got our heads on straight, fished like we should have on saturday, and ended in 6th place.
I didn't like the pressure, put us 2 steps behind everyone else.
but, now knowing what that is like, I wouldn't mind doing it again, just have to fish like you are fishing for fun, see where that takes you.
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Posts: 82
| Tourneys provide a great learning opportunity for differnet techniques from watching others and provide some hillarious conversations..
I do not fish tourneys to win, although it is a great reward, rather for the experience of meeting new folks, sharing stories that all my regular fishing buddies have grown tired of listening to and creating memories sure to last a lifetime.
My only advice is to stay consistent with what has provided you success in the past and don't take it to serious...its all about the adventure on the water and during the meetings and banquet. (Petnenwell Challenge!!)
oh yeah, the most entertaining part is waiting for the "did he just ask what I think he asked" during the rules meeting...good times | |
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| Tourneys are so much fun because your always so focused and are always thinking about what to do next, it's a blast! Your always trying to overthink what your doing then you drive yourself crazy and then your partner crazy and then they say well we should try this and then you say nope were doing this and then in the long run you both have fun and hopefully stick something!!
Mr Musky | |
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| We fished a tourney last year. Maybe we didn't have the correct mindset going in. Waiting in line to work a reef hoping that a fish now decides to eat is not my idea of a relaxing time. I like fishing too much to make it "job like". Like I said, it is a mindset and if you are OK with it, then go for it. It's just not for me though. | |
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Posts: 3240
Location: Racine, Wi | It always helps to take a nap during a tourney. I think that's one thing I don't do when I'm normally fishing. Well, I don't do it ever, but KMal is good at taking a good schnoozer and then waking up and scoring a fish.
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Posts: 578
Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI | .
Edited by C_Nelson 6/7/2008 12:22 PM
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Posts: 1636
| Pre fishing can hurt sometimes. Twice we have been able to bounce back after the pattern changed, but one time it just killed us. The only way to adapt to the changes is to just go out and fish like you fish everyday. Don't be afraid to change what your doing, but remember "don't leave fish to find fish."
Just fish  | |
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Posts: 1168
| I echo everything Chuck has said...
It's amusing judging these things because guys will call wanting to know if a fish has been caught, if one has then they put way too much pressure on themselves.
Last tourney I actually fished we had a solid plan that worked out to perfection. Joked that we had to get a fish right away to take the pressure off. My brother's 3rd cast and one is in the net. We were the third boat out and went directly to a spot that we knew would get pounded so to be the first one there was the plan because we knew we'd at least make contact. Less than an hour later and a 2nd fish is in the boat. Word got around from people calling the judgeboat up and alot of those guys were pretty much done for the day thinking there's no way to catch up. From that point on we were swinging for the fences looking for a big fish instead of just points fish. So go out and catch one within 10 casts, when that plan works you are set and it's much easier to relax. | |
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Posts: 2112
Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water | Just fishing or pre fishing), trying to learn the water to the best of my ability, not nescescairily (sp) running a milk run, especially if I got all day. Tourney, run and gun where we saw fish, try a spot or two, and repeat, although every day is different, just fishing, and otherwise. | |
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Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | Tourney fishing IS so much more intense than "regular" fishing.
The pressure is always on to boat fish, definitely a natural high.
Two great thoughts of others here are: "don't leave fish to find fish" and ,
"Fish in the boat is the ultimate goal".
If you want a relaxing weekend on the water ,,,,,Don't fish Tournaments,,,,but.....If you want to expand and grow as a muskie fisherman and more important a (Person) than GO FOR IT!!!!
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Posts: 219
Location: Downers Grove, IL | Grow "more imporant" as a person - fishing tournaments?? please elaborate h20. Come on.. | |
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| Not a more important person, but he believes you grow as a person in general via tournaments... | |
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Posts: 32901
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | That's a pretty common perception with entering any competition, which is why we encourage our sons and daughters to compete in sporting events. | |
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Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | What I should have said is "more importantly"
I've only been fishing for muskies for 8yrs. and have tourney fished the last 3 (about 10 - 12 per year)
Tourney fishing is alot more intense than everyday fishing , and I have become a better person because of it.
I've grown in patience (a whole bunch) I've learned what perseverance is .
I've learned alot about ethics, honesty, sportsmanship, team work and how to politely deal with the "cut off artists" during a tournament
I have met some of the nicest people in my life at tourneys, How could that not make me a better person..........
Anyway that is just a few reasons I enjoy fishing tourneys.... I also like pitting myself up against some of the best muskie sticks on the planet.
Later, Jerome
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Posts: 686
Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin | I don't fish all too many tournaments but in the ones that I do the level of intensity is raised to another level than when I am out just fishing, I do prefish but the tourneys that I enter I am very well aquainted with the water that I am fishing so most of the time the prefishing occurs at least a week prior to the event and a day or two before I just go out and scout conditions such as weed deterioration or growth, water levels, water temps, and game plan a milk run for the event although the weather patterns during the tourney can affect the jumble as well. I know my partner has mucho faith in the mojo and we go out slinging irregardless!! Confidence, confidence, confidence...................... that in a nutshell is the psyche that I take into a tournament. | |
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Posts: 32901
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | I gave up competition because I just don't have the time any more. I did enjoy Muskie tournaments, and tried to just relax and fish the day. | |
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Some of the best fishermen, and people, I know have never fished tournaments, so I won't jump on the bandwagon with them making you a better person or a better fishermen.
In the tournaments I have fished in, I did nothing different, felt nothing different.
I fished just like I would on my own, with the exception being that tournaments dicatate when and how long you fish for.
I can't stand fishing on busy, pressured water, so tournaments are just not my thing unless they are small, and spread over a large area.
I don't fish money tournies either. Looking forward to fishing on the Holcombe Flowage in June, Muskies Inc. Chapter Challunge.
Fargo Moorhead is going to be the 1st team to win it in Canada, MN and WI!
John | |
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| I'm surprised nobody mentioned that in tournaments you will go out of your way to catch and target smaller fish...when I'm not fishing in a tournament, which I don't too many of, I try to go after the biggest fish..If I have a few sub 40 inch fish follow will I go back on them later...not likely.
Do I get too jazzed up if I have a hot follow of a sub 40"..? nope, now in a tournament that 35 incher comes in I'm on my A game ...intensity in a tourney is there for every fish...for fun I don't go back on small fish and I'm looking for bigger ones ...putting numbers in the boat is the way to win tourneys, more times than not...when I'm out there for fun I'm just out there to catch fish, the biggest ones I can and don't care to catch smaller ones all that much anymore...
my 2 cents. | |
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Posts: 8797
| The only thing I would do differently is on a normal day I might leave a small fish to go find a bigger one. During a tournament if I raise a fish that would put us on the board, I'm not moving more than 50 feet until I'm sure she ain't coming back!
A normal day is a day on the water -- you want to catch fish, you have fun, you try to catch fish, but you still are thinking about a big one. Tournament day you're thinking ANY fish. 30" is a lot bigger when you're talking points standings.
Not to sound greedy, but the goal is to WIN, you're put there to put points on the board. I wouldn't go as far as to say you specifically target smaller fish in a tournament, but on a normal day you're never going to say "hmm, that one might have been 30", let's stick around!"
Edited by esoxaddict 5/21/2007 2:39 PM
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