| I was wondering how your tactics change when you are smack dab in the middle of a cold front. Should I switch to larger, slower baits; or stick with what I usually would throw during normal weather?
Thanks |
| It seems that during cold fronts the fish suck up tight to cover. They may hover down in the weeds or drop to the bottom of a break line. I like plastic at this time. Bulldawgs or jig and creatures fill the bill. I will also try spinner baits, crawling them through the weeds of float down a break line. You have to get the bait in front of the fish, stick it in her face.
Good luck,Murph |
| You've got options whether you're casting or trolling.
Casting: plastics, a spoon, a spinnerbait (drop and lift), or a jig. (Perhaps a twitch bait over the weeds.)
Trolling: spoon, spinnerbait, small crankbait.
Keep them TIGHT to the weeds and run them SLOW!
Steve Wickens |
| Can you say SLOW!
I prefer to fish many of the same areas... but I work my lures extremly slow.
If its a glide bait like an Undertaker...its side to.............................................side....................................................to...........side...............................................................................to side. and a change up once or twice to trigger the slow following muskie.
Make the fish eat it, if its just too darn easy...he will.
Twitching minnow baits like Slammers in a very slow motion with lots of pauses and rises.
This works for me, |
| I usually throw my normal suick and reef hawg but work them ALOT slower |