Night Lights?
Posted 10/22/2006 9:03 PM (#216360)
Subject: Night Lights?

Posts: 3877

My goal is to be able to see follows at boatside at night. I've gone through a bunch of different types of lights that attach to your head or cap. Most were either bulky, too dim, or otherwise didn't work. The best so far are "Cat's Eyes" and they work pretty good, light in weight and bright for seeing follows at baotside, but replacing the 4 batteries sure is expensive. BTW, I put electric tape on half of my rear boat light, on the side that faces toward the boat, to eliminate the glare that prevents seeing down in the water next to the boat. Without the tape, I can't see diddly past the light. At night I try to position the boat so the lure comes back under that light so I can see follows.

What lights do you use? How do you see night follows?

Added after reading bnelson's excellent responses: the lake is only 300 acres and pretty much only pontoons putt along after dark.

Edited by Ranger 10/22/2006 9:13 PM
Posted 10/22/2006 9:04 PM (#216361 - in reply to #216360)
Subject: RE: Night Lights?

IMO you are better off with the lights off...not sure if the cat eyes would spook them or not but my guess is it might..just do a good figure 8 and if they are gonna hit from my experience and others they do in the 1st 8..maybe you are missing a few fish but I think you are better off with any lights off...I've caught quite a few fish on 8's I had no clue the fish was there til I felt the weight or head shaking...that is what makes it fun! turn the lights OFF.

Posted 10/22/2006 9:06 PM (#216363 - in reply to #216360)
Subject: RE: Night Lights?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Also I bet that taping the stern light is illegal.

Posted 10/22/2006 9:08 PM (#216364 - in reply to #216363)
Subject: RE: Night Lights?

Posts: 3877

Illegal? I bet you're right, Pride, I didn't think about that at all.
Posted 10/22/2006 9:08 PM (#216365 - in reply to #216360)
Subject: RE: Night Lights?

put a light white athletic sock over the light if it's super bright ...I would only do that on a lake that had very little boat traffic...I go stealth mode on some lakes in northern WI when I'm the only one on the water and just leave my bow light on...yah, it's illegal but I'm not worried about getting a ticket or run over...
Posted 10/22/2006 10:35 PM (#216378 - in reply to #216360)
Subject: RE: Night Lights?

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
old army trick for night vision:
Only keep one eye open at a time. When you lose night vision in one, close it and open up the other. If you can find red light, use it. it does not affect your night vision at all.