Quick Hook Question
Posted 10/10/2006 7:52 AM (#213688)
Subject: Quick Hook Question

Need to replace some replacement hooks that were on the water decisions after cutting hooks:

-10" Jake
-9" weighted suick
-old school med dawg

What do I need for each?
Posted 10/10/2006 7:54 AM (#213689 - in reply to #213688)
Subject: RE: Quick Hook Question

Posts: 2427

Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana
use a 4-O long shank Eagle Claw 774 on all those lures, and you'll be fine.
Posted 10/10/2006 7:57 AM (#213690 - in reply to #213688)
Subject: RE: Quick Hook Question

Thanks Mike, but I'm kind of looking for whatever came with these baits from the factory. Actions with other hooks are a bit "off" from what I had before cutting hooks.
Posted 10/10/2006 8:21 AM (#213697 - in reply to #213688)
Subject: RE: Quick Hook Question

Location: Contrarian Island
I'd agree with Mike on those hooks and the actions of all 3 should be as good as they were with whatever came on them....
Dacron + Dip
Posted 10/10/2006 9:05 AM (#213709 - in reply to #213688)
Subject: RE: Quick Hook Question

...they're your lures and you cut the factory hooks off them and we're supposed to tell ya what kind of hooks to use to replace them lol? The hooks Hulbert recommnded are my personal favorite, and they won't hurt action...BullDawg, Suick and Jake are three pretty tough lures to mess up, action wise. Put a 5/0 under the chin on the Jake, and use 4/0's on the other two hangers. Good luck, hope all 3 still get bit for ya.
Reef Hawg
Posted 10/10/2006 9:16 AM (#213713 - in reply to #213688)
Subject: RE: Quick Hook Question

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
10" jakes came with come with E.C. 774 4/o sized hooks when they first came out. They are my favs as well. VMC is making a hook very similar to the 774 now and they are a bit more widely available. You simply cannot beat the hooking, and durability of the 774. Bullet proof.

Edited by Reef Hawg 10/10/2006 9:18 AM