
Location: Des Moines IA | Just got word from RUMBLEFISH that the fish are moving here in Northern Illinois .... He got a 32.5 in the boat, with 3 other rips trolling, that didn't quite make it into the boat ... I'm headed out there right now for some October Full Moon Madness ...... |

Posts: 1764
Location: Ogden, Ut | I got out for a couple of hours this afternoon and got my first fish casting since August. Actually I got a couple, but one was pretty small (but it did eat a DDD). The second one I got was one of the coolest bites I've ever had. I was fishing a Suick, and it was running rather shallow; maybe about a foot or so max, so I was able to watch it come in. This fish materializes out from under this thing like a Polaris missle and launches itself and the lure right out of the water. Luckily, I either had the presence of mind or was so dumbfounded by the event (I truly haven't figured that out yet, so I'm leaning toward the latter...) that I actually waited until splashdown to set the hook. Of course, the fish looked much much bigger from that initial introduction than it actually turned out to be, but I was still very grateful to have it in the net. That said, it's my biggest tiger of the year...so far . Missed a hit on a Perka too.
Oh, and I was the only person on the water. I saw a couple of shore anglers and one guy was putting in as I was leaving.
Edited by sorenson 10/9/2006 10:59 AM
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Posts: 32902
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | That is a beautiful fish, S. |

Location: Northern Wisconsin | nice looking fish
Edited by fish4musky1 10/7/2006 8:21 PM

Posts: 392
Location: KY | I fished Buckhorn Lake KY for the first time this Thursday and Friday. Thanks for the advice Mikie, it was right on. Cave Run and Green River Lakes were both a mess with recent rains. Buckhorn Lake was in good shape at a foot and a half below summer pool and clear. I wish I could report more but the fish did not cooperate. I think they fattened up at night with the full moon. All the spots I fished looked great, but all I could get going was a single follow from a mid thirties fish. On the bright side the fish followed a home made version of a Hawg Teaser I was using for the first time. I will post some pictures in the basement bates section.
Bruce |

Location: Contrarian Island | check this fish out....got it at moonrise on the figure 8...it was 41" and really, I didn't pinch the tail!! what the heck..it has no tail??? Fish would have gone an easy 43"+ with the dammmn tail!! nuts
must be from something biting it off when it was young? fish was VERY healthy and seemed to swim pretty darn fast for not having a tail!
I made one cast after letting this fish go and a 39.5" ate my lure on the figure 8...2 casts..2 fish..nice.
Edited by MSKY HNR 10/7/2006 10:21 PM
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Location: The Yahara Chain | Friday night I caught a very fat Yahara Chain musky. It was caught on one of my homemade bucktails. It was my second largest Yahara Chain fish.
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Posts: 16632
Location: The desert | Got a 35 with ulbian out on Lake Chokegaman. |
Posts: 1168
| Got out with PointerPride for a bit on Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday my brother Greg jumped in the boat with us for the day. Left the launch at 7:58am, make about a 7 minute or so run to our first spot. At 8:18 Greg releases the 32 incher pictured below that hit right at his feet. Continue down our drift and Pointer bombs a cast with the wind that went a really really long way. On about his second crank his bait gets eaten. Get it in the net, do a very quick and rough measurement, and she goes 35. 10 minutes later Pointer has a shot at another fish that chased right up to the boat and probably would have eaten had there been about 10 more feet for that fish to chase that bait but he had to go into a figure 8. A few minutes after that I have a fish come up to the boat. So all in all the first 90 minutes we were out made the day.
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Location: Lake Tomahawk, WI | Joe Rozanski got this one on a film excursion up here on Friday. The fish hit a cowgirl on a rock bar at noon. Nice girth.
Low quality pic due to freeze frame from a video clip.
Edited by J.Sloan 10/8/2006 5:16 PM
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Location: Northern Wisconsin | jsloan was that a wis or min fish? |
Posts: 2361
| The image of the fish doesn't seem to suffer all that much from being a little blurry. That fish really has a gut on it. |

Location: Athens, Ohio | Daggone, Sorry, Bruce that you had the same luck Raze and I did. We hit Salt Fork in Ohio. Burnt up a wheel bearing on the way up on my brand new axle, I was honked. The Gambler did great with the new whale tail fin, planed up better, reduced porpoising, and seemed to handle better trimmed up. Raze as always was great to have in the boat, I let him play with a few of my new toys and that kept him happy. We were great as Larry & Curly, but we got no Moe. m |
Posts: 222
Location: Hartland, WI | good work joey
Edited by muskie_man1 10/9/2006 9:09 AM

Posts: 1316
Location: Madison, WI | Spent a little time with bytor on wauby on saturday night, but had to call it early due to being extremely hung over from the badger game. Fished the semifinals in matchfishing, stuck a 38.5 in the first 15 minutes of fishing on a topraider then didn't see a fish the rest of the day. But in the last 2 weeks, i've doubled my yearly total from 2 to 4. Got my first sucker fish, and my first topwater. Things are looking good the fall. Next stop PRESQUE ISLE!! |
Posts: 6
Location: McFarland, WI | Fished the Greater Wisconsin Musky Tourney, 13 fish from 133 teams. I had a mid 40 fish try to kill my orange tailed Bulldawg at high speed and missed it twice. Great spectacle to watch. I did manage a 38 on an orange slippery sam. Big Arbor Vitae was the lake with the most action. A 42 caught on a bucktail won the event. Most of the action was on bucktails. Water temp was 55-56 with 20 mph winds and 70+ temps so I'm not sure what stage the lake was in. I'm a walleye site cross-over and I thank you all for the great information. |
Posts: 327
| Got the 32.5 on saturday , saw a few rolling around on top on sunday but no takers . I really wanted my son to see a fish in the boat this weekend ( he's never seen 1 in the net ... YET !!!! ) he wanted to go back to the campsite and ride his bike , which is fine . I wont force him to stay out all day . So I took my wife and daughter and another buddy out for a boat ride and we wind up sticking the 32.5 , and like an A$$ I never even thought of letting my wife get her first in the boat !!! She was happy enough to witness the mayhem of sticking a fish with 4 people in the boat !!! What a beautiful weekend to spend camping and fishing with family and friends !!! |
Posts: 327
| No fish for my son but we did get to watch a MONSTER BUCK for about 10 minutes , he got a kick out of that !!!! He says he's not shooting one unless it looks like that one !!! He also got a kick out of the Osprey that were feeding like crazy on saturday , fun to see him so interested in everything outdoors !! |

Posts: 32902
Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin | Here's an LCO fish caught a few days ago by Todd Williamson, this big girl was 50.5"
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Posts: 459
Location: New Baden IL | It may be a skinnnny 41" but with Karen and the kids along it felt WAY cool!!!
Rod LaCaze
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