
Posts: 1243
Location: Musky Tackle Online, MN | Do you fish for muskies and want to see our fisheries continue to improve? If you answer yes to this question here’s how you can have a direct impact on this happening.
When public input is sought as it pertains to anything musky related, speak up! Let your voice be heard. Let the people that need to be in formed know that there is another person in support of their efforts. The more people that speak up and let others know that there is another musky fisherman in the world, the more efforts that will be made to expand and improve musky fishing.
Take away the political boundaries of our states. Take away the US and Canadian borders. Muskies are muskies. As we look at the entire picture we all need to band together in support of improving musky fishing. Improving musky fishing in one state WILL have an effect on every other state. Again, look at the big picture and remove the political boundaries.
Look at the states that didn’t have muskies that now have muskies. Look at the states that had very few musky waters that now have a bunch of them. Would this have happened if not for musky fishing somewhere else? As the musky’s range expand in one area, it will only help to expand the range in other areas. As musky fishing improves in one region, it can most certainly have a positive effect on other regions.
Everyone that’s reading this is likely a part of the musky fishing community. Let’s band together as musky fishermen and help to improve one region so that it can ultimately help to improve the entire state of musky fishing.
What can you do? The first step would be to send Tim Brastrup of the Brainerd, MN fisheries an email at [email protected] and let him know that you support his proposal to stock muskies in Gull Lake. All this takes is a minute or two of your time that will help to improve the state of musky fishing.
If you’re able to make one of the public meetings this Friday, October 6th, please show up. The meetings will be from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Central Lakes College cafeteria, 501 West College Drive in Brainerd and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the DNR’s headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul. The more people that show up in person at one of these two meetings, the better off that we’ll be. But by all means, please send an email.
Maybe this is a stupid question. But why would you NOT take a minute out of your day to help to improve musky fishing?
Thanks for your support and thanks for sending off an email to Tim at [email protected]
Your efforts WILL make a difference! The Gull Lake issue is obviously a very current issue. But don’t stop with this. We need to be supporting all efforts of this nature in the best interest of our musky fisheries.
Aaron | |
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Posts: 7056
Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs | (originally posted by Jeff Young)
A reminder for you all. This Friday, October 6th, is the DNR's public input meeting to stock muskies in Gull Lake here in the Brainerd Lakes area. The meeting is being held in the cafeteria at Central Lakes College from 7pm-9pm.
This proposal needs as much support as it can get! We, the Brainerd Lakes Chapter of MI, have been working hard on drumming up support for this but we will need a ton of help. There WILL be opposition attending so we need your attendance at this meeting to show support. If you can't make it please send an email or a letter of support to the DNR. The contact info is below.
Stocking of Gull is not just for the Brainerd Lakes area fisherman. It's for every muskie fisherman in the state of MN or anyone who has fished or fishes in MN. Getting a ton of support to stock muskies in a high profile lake such as Gull will get the DNR's attention that there is substantial support and need to continue increasing muskie opportunities here in MN.
DNR contact info:
[email protected]
Tim Brastrup
DNR Area Fisheries
1601 Minnesota Drive
Brainerd, MN 56401
Jeff Young
Brainerd Muskies | |
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Posts: 8797
| Your e mails and letters will not go unread...
I got a respnse back the next day
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Posts: 176
Location: Tomahawk, WI | Sent mine, took 1 minute. Everybody needs to do this. Just think another big lake in Minnesota with big fish. Ill be there in 9-10 years. | |
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| I think I sent one in for Gull, and Pokegama. Can't remember. Good idea though, and I got a reply. | |
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Posts: 786
Location: Minnesota | Send you emails boys!!!!
[email protected]
Here is the link to send an email for increasing the minimum length limit for muskies on miltona. Just state that you support the DNR proposal to increase the minimum length limits on muskies on the lakes that they proposed. Type your name and address.
Sorry if this was posted already but it can't hurt to have it in a few posts I guess.
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Posts: 3876
| I offered a very thoughtful and detailed suggestion regarding this topic on Muskie-nut and I was totally ignored. It was in response to a PM I got from Shady on my Yahoo. Seems like I totally wasted my time trying to help.
But maybe not here. Sooo....
Here's the deal. Money talks. Money talks. Money talks.
Fishing people who want laws changed had better frame thier arguments in terms of profits first and biological values second. In the legislative context, any argument that is second to financial benefit is a way way second. Biological arguments, so what? Money talks. Money is the language that hires our legislators and money is what keeps legislators in their jobs. Truth.
So, frame your arguments in terms of the financial benefit to local economies. If you live in MN or WI, are you aware that states such as MI, IN, IL, KY and MO are working VERY HARD to redirect muskie fisherpeople's money away from your states? You bet, and we've (I'm in MI) been hard at work for YEARS. Years. MI's min is now 42" and only one per day. We have a few fertile waters here in MI where the min is 50". I no longer need to leave this state, even leave the southern part of the state, to find a good opportunity to boat a real throphy. What's WI's min, like 32"?! MN's min?!
Anyway, the deal is this: if you want to maximize the results of your efforts to improve muskie fishing than you better play the game. Place pressure on your local county board of commissioners, place pressure on your local chambers of commerce. If the local resorts are not organized to send a consistent message to local representatives of community welfare, then set 'em straight!! Tell you what, a personal call from a local county commissioner to a state legislator means a lot more than 20 reports from nameless fisheries biologists; you can't even compare the two. Money, personal connections, and you dang well better get in the groove if you want change.
WI and MN and CA are surely losing ground in this competitive market. And for the usual reason: arrorgance; failure to recognize and respond to changes in the market.
In MI, we're getting close to whippin' yer WI, MN and CA asses. So is IN, IL, MO and KY.
If I live in OH, why should I travel to MN when I can more likely catch more and bigger fish in IN?
Yer a fool if you think that you can, or should, sidestep the existing processes for making changes in laws. Money first; play the game right or stay on the sidelines, shouting at the umpire.
Edited by Ranger 10/7/2006 7:04 PM
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Posts: 1243
Location: Musky Tackle Online, MN | THANK YOU to everyone that attended the meeting, each one of you made a difference! Thanks especially goes out to those that made the longer drive from St. Cloud and the Cities. Your dedication to helping to improve our fisheries does not go unnoticed.
Thank you to everyone that has sent a letter or an email on this matter as well. But this isn’t over by a long shot, we still need more support. If you haven’t done so already, PLEASE send an email to Tim Brastrup at [email protected] to voice your support. Just a short (or long if you wish) email to voice your support and why you support it is all that’s needed. It could be the difference in getting new water or not getting new water. And all it takes is a minute or two.
As far as the meeting goes, there was a decent showing. We definitely could have and should have had more supporters show up. But as it was it was probably about split between supporters and those opposed. About 100 total people in attendance, maybe a few more. There were definitely some comments made that could have led to some colorful comments by others. But although disagreements were obvious, things remained civil.
They cut the meeting off at 9:00, which is what it was originally scheduled for. However, I have a feeling it could have lasted until midnight if left completely open. Or maybe we’d still be there right now….definitely a lot of strong opinions there on both sides.
There were some legitimate concerns brought up by those against. But I don’t personally believe that any of them were concerns that will be realized if muskies are stocked. Some of the more off the wall arguments….muskies compared to Asian ladybugs and an implication that muskies are part of the problem for our low duck populations.
But again, the most important part is that we sill have a week left to get your support sent in. Please do this TODAY. The deadline is October 16th. But don’t wait until then, take action now, we are at a critical stage. This isn’t a done deal and the DNR needs to hear from YOU before they make their decision. Please send your email to Tim at [email protected]
Aaron | |