TJ and the Personal Best
Posted 10/1/2006 11:33 PM (#211964)
Subject: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Looks like Merckid, aka TJ, had a pretty good day Saturday on Pelican. TJ got his personal best on a Top Raider, a 45X20. Nice fish, gents. Reports have it the Weagle was hot too, AR, keep 'em pinned UP . Wish I could have been in the boat as planned, I'd have been happy to shoot digitals.

Pictures to follow...
Posted 10/2/2006 5:00 AM (#211970 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 556

congrats nice fish
Posted 10/2/2006 7:48 AM (#211985 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
Congratz!!! Now let's see that purty fisch!!!
Posted 10/2/2006 2:53 PM (#212079 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 281

Location: Girdwood, Alaska
Very nice fish TJ, thanks again for taking me out there, hopefully we can do it again before the end of the season. The pics are being developed right now... i'll try to get a pic up as soon as I get them back, then I will send you a bunch of them in the mail.

Steve, would've been nice to get the chance to fish with you, maybe another time though...
Posted 10/2/2006 4:14 PM (#212102 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Way to go TJ, nice PB musky. And they call it the dead sea???
Posted 10/4/2006 10:48 PM (#212746 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 281

Location: Girdwood, Alaska
Here's one pic.... awesome fish TJ

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Posted 10/4/2006 10:52 PM (#212748 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
I have always wanted to fish with Merckid and A-roz. WTG!
Posted 10/5/2006 7:06 AM (#212768 - in reply to #212748)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
Nice Fish TJ (can't even hardly tell where you got it )

Thanks for the assistance on the water that night. It would have been a long troll!!!

Posted 10/5/2006 7:13 AM (#212769 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 1316

Location: Madison, WI
Looks like he pulled that fish out of some slop :P

Congratz on the fish!
Andrew Krueger
Posted 10/5/2006 7:54 AM (#212782 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Nice Fish T.J. !!!!!

That was a super nice looking fish! Congrats!!

Andrew Krueger
Posted 10/5/2006 1:22 PM (#212847 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 201

Location: Stevens Point
nice work.
Posted 10/5/2006 1:32 PM (#212849 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 1168

When I fish with AROZ all I catch are 20 inch largemouth, we get swarmed by little white bugs, and AROZ talks about mouth herpes.
Posted 10/5/2006 7:12 PM (#212918 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
CONGRATS!!!! Nice fish TJ! They aren't eating topwaters yet are they
TJ DeVoe
Posted 10/5/2006 7:23 PM (#212920 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Nwild, glad to be of service on Saturday, anytime. Now maybe we can get out and you can show me a thing or two about sucker fishing for these big girls?

Dave (MuskyDr), yes indeed they are eating topwaters still! A Loon Topraider to be exact, but the Weagle and the Wabull have been getting most of the attention!
Posted 10/5/2006 7:32 PM (#212924 - in reply to #212746)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 56

Location: Appleton, WI
Looked like a great day for fishing musky! Good for you.
That fish is almost as long as I am tall...Whohoo!
Clark A
Posted 10/5/2006 9:46 PM (#212941 - in reply to #211964)
Subject: RE: TJ and the Personal Best

Posts: 629

Location: Bloomington, MN
Congratulations M r. T.J. (MercKid) on your P.B.!!! That is one sweet PeliSki, and unlike Mr. Wild, I haven't a remote clue of the spot. I somewhat believe that I cut you off on the pre-HODAG Friday, but I opperate a transom mount trolling motor that tends to make my boat (Fugly Princeaft Blue) spin in circles like a dog clipped by a Buick (drift with the wind). I thank you for your e-mail congrats. of my freinds pre-HODAG fish, it made his day/week. IF you are thinking about a replica (hopefully Joe Fittante) I will donate $50 to the cause!!! I saw a Biggie the Sunday of the Hodag. I told Mr. W & Mr. W the ballpark location, so send me an e-mail so I can fill you in on a community spot that I saw that bronzey(not a bar, but they apparently change colors) super top raider following Googie at!!!